ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Senior Lecturer and Theme Lead in AI for Health @University of Sheffield

The Centre for Machine Intelligence (CMI) at The University of Sheffield wish to recruit a Senior Lecturer (Grade 9, equivalent to Associate Professor) in AI for Health.

The CMI is a strategic initiative supported by a £3.64m investment, dedicated to the transformation and acceleration of research, innovation, and teaching on and with AI. This position is one of four academic theme lead appointments. You will work across the CMI and related institutes (the Insigneo Institute and the Healthy Lifespan Institute) for the first three years of the post, after which you will join a School in the Faculty of Health or Faculty of Engineering appropriate to your disciplinary background and expertise.

AI for Health is a key research theme at the University of Sheffield. The recent award of a £4m EPSRC Digital Health Hub offers many opportunities at the interface of AI and health technology, and the University has invested £1.6m in Data Connect, a service to broker access to health data for research. We have strong links with one of the largest NHS trusts in the UK – Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust – and with the Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. World-class research is undertaken on a broad range of areas including in-silico modelling, digital twins, cancer, cardiovascular disease, medical imaging, health economics/decision science, neuroscience, infection/immunity, and public health.

You will have a background in computational research with digital healthcare data, with a track record in machine learning/AI methodology and its application. You will have direct experience of interdisciplinary collaboration using data from across healthcare sectors. You will have the skills to provide leadership in AI and health, and to work with other theme leads and the Centre Director to ensure that the CMI is at the forefront of AI research, innovation, and impact, nationally and internationally.

More information and application:

Lecturer / Assistant Professor in Biomechanics in Sheffield, UK

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield (UK) is looking to expand its academic team in a number of areas. Our priority in this recruitment call is to bring in excellent individuals working in emerging areas within their field who are also able to contribute to our cross-disciplinary efforts in tackling global challenges. This specific post requires an expertise in Biomechanics, but please bear in mind the overall aim of the call when putting together your application.

Biomechanics is one of our main research themes and we are particularly interested in candidates who can benefit from and complement existing expertise, for example by collaborating with colleagues on new research initiatives that extend our capabilities in this area.

You will have expertise in biomechanics. We are particularly interested in extending our capabilities in the areas of gait biomechanics and wearable sensors, experimental tissue biomechanics, multiscale and data-driven computational modelling.

As Lecturer, you will conduct a programme of research, attracting external funding from a range of sources, publishing work in high-quality peer-reviewed journals and attending conferences and seminars. You will also carry out teaching duties including designing, delivering, assessing and reviewing teaching programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Initially you will be allocated a lighter than average teaching load (for example one 10 credit course) and reduced administrative duties to allow focus on establishing a research career and developing as a teacher. We will also provide a generous support package to ensure rapid progress in research activity.

Interested candidates can apply here.

Two Faculty Positions in Mechanical Engineering @EPFL

The Institute of Mechanical Engineering invites applications for two faculty positions at the level of
tenure track Assistant Professors in the fields of Sustainable Manufacturing and Biomechanics.

For the position in Biomechanics, we seek applicants with a mechanics background who will address
research challenges related to the development of theoretical and computational models to investigate,
and potentially control or design, biological materials and systems. Research areas of interest include, but
are not limited to: (i) cell and tissue mechanics; (ii) architected biomaterials; (iii) prosthetic and assistive
mechanical devices; and (iv) pre-operative modeling for surgical interventions.

More information:

Project Leader position in biomedical concept development and research at the AO Research Institute Davos

The Biomedical Development Program at the AO Research Institute Davos (Switzerland) is looking for a highly motivated project leader. The successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining general concept development processes, performing experimental and virtual biomechanical studies, and medical imaging; will handle biological samples and material testing machines, evaluate complex test-data and write scientific publications.

The position is available until the end of 2024.

For further details and application please visit:

For more information, please contact Dr. Peter Varga Note that no applications will be accepted via email.

Profile scientific director MERLN @Maastricht University

The MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine (MERLN) is a research institute at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) of Maastricht University (MU) closely connected to the academic hospital within Maastricht University Medical Centre+ (MUMC+). MERLN operates in the field of regenerative medicine (RM), a biomedical sciences branch that focusses on developing therapies to treat damaged and diseased tissues and organs. The activities are inspired and driven by advancements in technology.

The Scientific Director is responsible for strategic development and implementation of research policy, programs, and organization of the Institute. She/he sets quality standards within MERLN, identifies key developments within the field, translates these to the research areas and facilitates team science within MERLN as well as with other MU/FHML research institutes. The Scientific Director will consolidate and further improve the positioning of MERLN on the (inter)national Regenerative Medicine stage and facilitates that fundamental research will find its way to valorization and (clinical) application and implementation. The scientific director represents MERLN in relevant local and national academic consultation and steering committees. As established scientist, the professor actively extends an own research group and international scientific network and participates in education at Maastricht University.

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Tenure track (junior professorship) in tissue Biomechanics @LMGC, University of Montpellier

As part of the development of research activities in biomechanics and teaching activities in mechanical engineering, the University of Montpellier is recruiting for a non-permanent position of junior research professor in soft tissue biomechanics. Through here/his project, she/he will increase our knowledge and understanding of poro-elastic fibrous tissues (with a focus on cartilages) and of the contact mechanisms between those tissues in joints. Understanding these behaviors, including fluid-structure mechanisms could lead to (i) better understanding of the mechanobiological behavior and growth of cartilage and (ii) better understanding and modeling of contact mechanisms within joints and thus propose strategies for rehabilitation. Robotic solutions, different imaging modalities (US, MRI, microCT, microsopy,…), biosensors and 3D bioprinting may be developed/used in here/his research project, with the help of collaborative research between labs of the University.

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Senior Scientist position human movement biomechanics @TU Wien

Senior Scientist and head of newly built and equipped human movement lab staff position for a biomechanical engineer with mechanical/mechatronics engineering background and interest in Human Movement Biomechanics and development of assistive devices, available at Vienna University of Technology. The position is initially limited to two years, extension to permanent position possible.

More information:

Open position of Associate Professor in data-driven mechanics of living material @Mines Saint-Etienne

Mines Saint-Etienne (MSE), one of the graduate schools of Institut Mines Télécom, the #1 group of graduate schools of engineering and management in France under the supervision of the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology, is assigned missions of education, research and innovation, transfer to industry and scientific, technological and industrial culture.

MSE consists of 2,400 graduate and postgraduate students, 400 staff, a consolidated budget of €46M, three sites on the Saint-Etienne campus (Auvergne Rhone-Alpes region, Lyon Saint-Etienne metropolitan area), a campus in Gardanne (SUD region, Aix Marseille metropolitan area), a site in Lyon within the digital campus of Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Region, six research units, five teaching and research centres and one of the leading French science community centres (La Rotonde €1M budget and +40,000 visitors per year). The Times Higher Education World University Ranking ranked us for 2022 in the 251-300 range for Engineering and Technology.  Our work environment is characterised by high Faculty-to-Student, Staff-to-Faculty and PhD-to-Faculty ratios, as well as comprehensive state-of-the-art experimental and computational facilities for research, teaching and transfer to industry.

The CIS gathers 70 people, including 18 permanent teacher-researchers in industrial/computer engineering, biomechanics and process engineering around health applications: biotechnologies, tissue engineering, e-health, computer-assisted surgery, personalized medicine and patient pathways… Since its creation in 2004, the CIS has been representative of Mines Saint-Etienne’s ability to position itself as a leader in innovative fields such as Soft Tissue Biomechanics, Health Care Systems and Services Engineering, and Biomaterials and Inhaled Particles Engineering. The person recruited will also interact with the other centers of the School (SMS, SPIN, CMP in particular) in order to federate research and transfer actions in the field of biomechanics and bioengineering.

The SAnté INgénierie BIOlogie Saint-Etienne laboratory (SAINBIOSE, INSERM UMR 1059) brings together researchers from the CIS (biomechanics, biomaterials and bioengineering fields), the Jean Monnet University medical school, the Saint-Etienne University Hospital, Inserm and the Etablissement Français du Sang. The overall scientific objective of SAINBIOSE is a better understanding and innovative management of biostress in osteoarticular (LBTO team) and cardiovascular (DVH team) pathologies.

Biomechanics, both experimental and numerical, is a major transverse theme of SAINBIOSE, ranging from the modeling of the mechanical behavior of tissues to clinical and industrial applications, particularly with the textile sector. The dynamism of SAINBIOSE and the CIS in this field makes them world-class players today (ERC and other European funding, numerous international collaborations and industrial contracts). The approach developed is largely based on established skills in numerical simulation and identification of behavior laws. The study, monitoring and prediction of the biomechanical properties of soft tissues, or of their interactions with medical devices, are areas of excellence. An additional dimension, of very high added value, will be obtained by integrating artificial intelligence and data science.

Application deadline: April 15, 2022

More information:

Lecturer in Fluid Biomechanics @UTC Compiegne

The Biological Fluid Structure Interactions team (IFSB) of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering laboratory (BMBI) of UTC Compiegne, specialized in the study of physiological flows and therapeutic techniques associated with the cardiovascular system, is recruiting a Lecturer in fluid biomechanics, whether approached experimentally, numerically or theoretically. In particular, it wishes to strengthen research work related to blood macrocirculation.

The candidate must, if possible, demonstrate solid skills in hemodynamics in large vessels, with multi-scale and/or multi-physical approaches, or in connection with endovascular medical devices.

The team nevertheless remains open to any other proposal for a research topic related to the biomechanics of fluids.

Candidates with skills in the fields of fluid mechanics and/or fluid/structure interactions but with a proven interest in biomedical applications will also be considered.

More information:

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