ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Tenure track (junior professorship) in tissue Biomechanics @LMGC, University of Montpellier

As part of the development of research activities in biomechanics and teaching activities in mechanical engineering, the University of Montpellier is recruiting for a non-permanent position of junior research professor in soft tissue biomechanics. Through here/his project, she/he will increase our knowledge and understanding of poro-elastic fibrous tissues (with a focus on cartilages) and of the contact mechanisms between those tissues in joints. Understanding these behaviors, including fluid-structure mechanisms could lead to (i) better understanding of the mechanobiological behavior and growth of cartilage and (ii) better understanding and modeling of contact mechanisms within joints and thus propose strategies for rehabilitation. Robotic solutions, different imaging modalities (US, MRI, microCT, microsopy,…), biosensors and 3D bioprinting may be developed/used in here/his research project, with the help of collaborative research between labs of the University.

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