ESB Travel Awards

ESB Travel Awards are given to the most worthy applicants, as selected by the ESB Award Committee. The purpose of the Travel Awards is to financially help young researchers to participate at the ESB Congress. The Award consists of a certificate and an amount of €400, which is expected to be used for travel, accommodation and living expenses during the ESB meeting.
Any ESB member younger than 40 who is undertaking a PhD or has not more than 5 years of postdoctoral experience and is submitting a paper to the ESB Congress is eligible to apply. Please check your membership and payment status before applying for this award.
The applicant must be the first author of the abstract. Funds are limited and a priority list is drawn up based on scientific quality. Candidates may only receive a travel award once, which will be awarded at the congress banquet. For consideration, the candidate must submit electronically an abstract through the portal of the yearly Congress, together with the required documents.
We will endeavor to provide notification of the awards in sufficient time for you to apply for any required travel visa, but application for the visa remains your own responsibility, and we recommend to start the visa application process immediately and not wait for the result of the travel award.
For detailed information on eligibility and the selection procedure, please refer to the Awards Regulations. If you need clarifications, you may contact the Awards Committee Chair.
Instructions for 2025 Yearly Congress:
Deadline for receipt of application for ESB Travel award coincides with the closing date for abstract submission for the yearly ESB Congress (January 31st, 2025). In order to enter the competition, applicants must apply in the online Congress submission portal by clicking the ESB Travel Award box and submitting the required files. In addition to the Congress Abstract, the candidates must submit a letter, briefly outlining and justifying why they are requesting a travel grant, and certifying that they have never received an ESB Travel Award in the past. They also must include a short curriculum vitae (max 2 pages). If the abstract is accepted for the Congress, the application will automatically be taken into consideration and abstracts will enter the reviewing phase for the award.
To qualify for the award, the conference management team will need to check your eligibility against the ESB membership database, and may share your information to the ESB Council, in order to do this.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024 winners!
Winners of the 2024 Travel Award
The awards committee is pleased to announce that after scrutinizing the various applications is willing to supply Travel award bursaries and support to the following applicants to attend the 2024 ESB Congress:
Correia Marques, Francisco
Alloisio, Marta
Garzia, Simone
Maioli, Vera
Pasini, Margherita
Moosabeiki, Vahid
Arminio, Mariachiara
Cihan, Ariana
Carbonaro, Dario
Zhou, Sijia
Montanari, Sara
Mastrofini, Alessandro
Sauty, Bastien
Farage-O’Reilly, Saira Mary
Lavaill, Maxence
Jha, Dheeraj
Griffo, Bianca
Mariani, Luca
Crump, Katherine B
Docaj, Anxhela
Saffuri, Eshraq
Yokoyama, Yuka
Bruyer-Monteleone, Francois Claude Thierry
Castoldi, Natalia Muhl
Ashkenazi, Amit