The Stephan M. Perren Research Award

The Stephan M. Perren Research Award was first presented at the 2002 ESB Congress in Wroclaw, Poland, and was previously named the ESB Research Award. This award will be given to the authors of the best scientific paper (specifically submitted for the Award) based on original and previously unpublished research. Papers will be judged on their scientific merit and shall be published in an international peer-reviewed journal as the “Stephan M. Perren Award Paper”. The award is open to all areas of biomechanics and mechanobiology research and to both members and non-members of the ESB. The First Author of the winning paper is required to give an award lecture named in Prof. Stephan M. Perren’s honor during the ESB Congress.

The award includes a honorarium of 4,000 Swiss francs for the First Author, sponsored by the AO Foundation in Davos, Switzerland, and a certificate for all co-Authors, presented after the Stephan M. Perren Award Lecture at the ESB Congress.
Manuscripts in consideration for the Stephan M. Perren Research Award must be submitted to a peer-reviewed and indexed international journal of the choice of the Authors (see ESB Related Publications for recommendations on the journal). In their Letter to the Editor, the Authors must inform the Editorial Board about the nature of the submission, and during the submission, they can recommend the members of the ESB Council, who present no conflicts of interest, as potential reviewers (see Stephan M. Perren Award – Letter to the Editor). After submission, the Authors shall forward (i) the submitted manuscript, (ii) the Letter to the Editor, (iii) the name and contact of the handling Editor to the Chair of the Award Committee, for the independent evaluation of the Award, and follow up with the Handling Editor, by the ESB Council. The next deadline for submission of manuscripts to an affiliated journal will be 1 March 2026. For detailed information on eligibility and the selection procedure, please refer to the Awards Regulations.
Note: Paper submission for the Stephan M. Perren Award is independent of the abstract submission to the Congress. You are allowed to also submit the research presented for the Stephan M. Perren Award, as a regular abstract through the Congress portal, but the abstract cannot mention the submission to the Stephan M. Perren Award.
S.M. Perren Research Award past winning articles:
2022 Michael Dreyer, A Trepczynski, SH Hosseini Nasab, I Kutzner, P Schütz, B Weisse, J Dymke, B Postolka, P Moewis, G Bergmann, GN Duda, WR Taylor, P Damm, CR Smith (ETH Zürich) for the work entitled: “Standardized Tibio-Femoral Implant Loads and Kinematics”
Journal of Biomechanics, 141, 111171, 2022 (Open Access)
2018 Stefaan W Verbruggen, Bernhard Kainz, Susan C Shelmerdine, Owen J Arthurs, Joseph V Hajnal, Mary A Rutherford, Andrew T Phillips, Niamh C Nowlan (Imperial College, London ) for the work entitled: “Altered Biomechanical Stimulation of the Developing Hip Joint in Presence of Hip Dysplasia Risk Factors”
Journal of Biomechanics, 2018
2016 Philippe Zysset, Jakob Schwiedrzik and Uwe Wolfram (University of Bern) for the work entitled: “A statistical damage model for bone tissue based on distinct compressive and tensile cracks”
Journal of Biomechanics, 2016 Volume 49 Issue 15, Pages 3616-25.
2014 Fulvia Taddei, Ilaria Palmadori, William R. Taylor, Markus O. Heller, Barbara Bordini, Aldo Toni, Enrico Schileo (IOR, Bologna) “Safety factor of the proximal femur during gait: a population-based finite element study”
Journal of Biomechanics, 2014 Volume 47 issue 14, Pages 3433-40.
2012 Stephen D. Thorpe, Conor T. Buckley, Andrew J. Steward, Daniel J. Kelly. (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) “The external mechanical environment can override the influence of local substrate in determining stem cell fate”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 45, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 2483-2492
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2010 Foolen, J., van Donkelaar, CC., Soekhradj-Soechit, S., Ito, K. (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) “An adaptation mechanism for fibrous tissue to sustained shortening”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 43, Issue 16, 2010, Pages 3168-3176
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2008 Pauchard, Y., Mattmann, C., Kuhn, A., Gasser, J.A., Boyd, S.K. (Calgary, Canada) “Using temporal trends of 3D bone micro-architecture to predict bone quality”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 41, Issue 14, 2008, Pages 2946-2953
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2006 Bacabac, R.G., Mizuno, D., Vatsa, A., Schmidt, C., MacKintosh, F.,Van Loon, J.J.W.A., Klein-Nulend, J., Smit, T.H.(Amsterdam, The Netherlands) “Round versus flat: Bone cell morphology, elasticity and mechanosensing”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 41, Issue 7, 2008, Pages 1590-1598
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2004 Migliavacca, F., Balossino, R., Pennati, G., Dubini, G., Hsia, T.Y., de Leval, M.R., Bove, E.L. (Milano, Italy) “Multiscale modelling in biofluidynamics: application to reconstructive paediatric cardiac surgery”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 39, Issue 6, 2006, Pages 1010-1020
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2002 Kassi, J.P., Heller, M.O.W., Stoeckle, U., Perka, C., Duda, G.N. (Belin, Germany) “Stair climbing is more critical than walking in pre-clinical assessment of primary stability in cementless THA in vitro”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 38, Issue 5, 2005, Pages 1143-1154
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ESB Research Award
2000 Bergmann, G., Graichen, F., Rohlmann, A., Verdonschot, N., van Lenthe, G.H. (Berlin, Germany) “Frictional heating of total hip implants I/II”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 34, Issue 4, 2001, Pages 421-435
Part 1: Science direct link Journal of Biomechanics link
Part 2: Science direct link Journal of Biomechanics link
1998 Jacobs, C.R, Yellowley, C.E., Davis, B.R., Zhou, Z., Cimbala, J.M., Donahue, H.J. (Pennsylvania, USA) “Differential effects of steady versus oscillating flow on bone cells”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 31, Issue 11, 1998, Pages 969-976
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1996 Prendergast, P.J., Huiskes, R., Søballe, K. (Dublin, Ireland), “Biophysical stimulation of cells during tissue differentiation at implant interfaces”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 20, Issue 6, 1997, Pages 539-548
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1994 Heegaard, J., Leyvraz, P.F., Curnier, A., Rakotomanana, L., Huiskes, R. (Lausanne, Switzerland) “The biomechanics of the human patella during passive knee flexion”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 28, Issue 11, 1995, Pages 1265-1279
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1994 Cowin, S.C., Weinbaum, S., Zeng, Y. (New York, USA) “A case for bone caniculi as the anatomical site of strain generated potentials”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 28, Issue 11, 1995, Pages 1281-1297
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1992 van Rietbergen B., Huiskes, R., Weinans, H., Sumner, D.R., Turner, T.M., Galante, J.O. (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), “The mechanism of bone remodelling and resorption around press-fitted THA stems”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 26, Issue 4/5,1993, Pages 369-383
1990 Adams, M.A., and Dolan, J. (Bristol, U.K.), “A technique for quantifying the bending moment acting on the lumbar spine in vivo”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 24, Issue 2, 1991, Pages 117-126
1988 No award
1986 Rubin, C.T., Prat, G.W., Porter, A.M., Lanyon, L.E. and Poss, R. (Boston, USA). “The use of ultrasound in vivo to determine acute change in the mechanical properties of bone following intense physical activity”
Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 20, Issue 7, 1987, Pages 723-727