ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Endorsed Meetings

The Society endorses related meetings for diffusion to its members and for the possibility for the organizers to use the ESB logo and the phrase “under the patronage of the ESB” in their printed materials.

Organisers of endorsed meetings can ask for support of up to 1000 Euros to be used for ESB initiatives, according to written motivation and reporting the cost plan; they can also ask for support for up to 5 contributions of 400 Euros for participants (ESB members) to participate to the event.

Proposals for endorsements must be submitted to:

Peter Varga, Chair of the External Affairs and Meetings Committee (

LIST of upcoming meetings endorsed by the ESB

International Workshop on Advances in Mechanobiology: From Mechanical Sensing to Cell and Tissue Response.

April 27th – 30th 2025, Napoli, IT

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on the registration fees.

BIOMDLORE 2025, BIOmechanics, Medical Diagnostics, LOcomotion and REhabilitation.

October 20th – 21st 2025, Vilnius, LT

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on the registration fees.

Past meetings endorsed by the ESB

IV Congress of the IDBN, the Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network.

September 26th – 27th 2024, Florence, IT

SIMBIO-M 2024  –  Simulation in Biosciences and Multiphysics, notably in the areas of BioMechanics, BioMaterials, and BioMedicine.

September 24th – 25th 2024, Huntingdon,  Cambridgeshire PE29 6EF, UK

ICMMB 2024 – 23rd International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology.

September 11th -13th 2024, Bruxelles, BE

NL24 Course – Nonlinear Computational Solid & Structural Mechanics.

May 6th – 10th 2024, Pavia, IT

BioPrinting Winter School 2024 – Theoretical and hands-on sessions.

Pavia – February 12-16, 2024. ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

2nd  Advanced International School on Imaging, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
20-24 February 2023
Rome, Italy
ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

6th Virtual Physiological Human Summer School
23-27 May 2022
Barcelona, Spain

ESB members will pay the same reduced registration fees as VPHi members.

2nd Mid Year Symposium of ISBS
2-3 February 2022
Online (Organised by International Society of Biomechanics in Sports)

Free for ESB members

2nd BioprintingWinterSchool: From printing set-up to laboratory analysis
14-17 February 2022

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

Young Researchers Workshop in Mathematical and Numerical Cardiac Modeling
14 December, 2021
Pavia, Italy (Hybrid)

The workshop is free but registration is mandatory.

13th International Conference BIOMDLORE 202
21-23 October, 2021
ilnius/Trakai (exact venue and place TBA), Lithuania

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

Biomechanics 2020

postponed to 8-10 September 2021

Warsaw, Poland

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

5th Virtual Physiological Human Summer School
postponed to 7-11 June 2021
Barcelona, Spain

ESB members will pay the same reduced registration fees as VPHi members (150 euros instead of 250 euros for the whole week).

icSPORTS 2020
5-6 November 2020
Budapest, Hungary

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

National Biomechanics Day 2020
8 April 2020

For more details

Advanced International School on Imaging, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
24-28 February 2020
Rome, Italy

The School will instruct on the importance of a rigorous and multidisciplinary approach for the effective translation of biomechanics models into the clinical practice. Six internationally-outstanding invited lecturers have been selected for covering topics that span from imaging, through theoretical biomechanics, up to computational biomechanics and mechanobiology: Vikram DeshpandeChristian GasserDaniel HurtadoBruno QuessonZohar Yosibash and Roberto Verziccio.

Classes on basic notions in the morning will prepare attendants to lectures on advanced topics in the afternoon on a wide range of applications. One session will be dedicated to talks from participants and one day will propose a series of Advanced seminars.

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

More information are available on the attached flyer and on the web-site

The deadline for submitting a request of participation taking advantage of early registration fees is November, 15th. See also discount options for members of affiliated societies. 

Organisers: Alessio Gizzi, Michele Marino, Giuseppe Vairo

Bone Mechanics and Tissue Engineering Workshop
6-7 February 2020
Zaragoza, Spain


Edificio Paraninfo, University of Zaragoza (Spain)


•    Scott Hollister – Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory
University (USA)
•    Gwendolene Reilly – The University of Sheffield (UK)
•    Bert van Rietbergen – Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
•    Michael Skipper Andersen- Aalborg University (DK)
•    José Manuel García Aznar – University of Zaragoza (ES)

Registration form:

The workshop is free. But you need to register before 15th January 2020.
Limited places.
Lunches are not included, only the workshop materials.

MultiSim/OATech+ Modelathon
13-16 January 2020
Sheffield, UK

A one-day symposium (free of charge) followed by a three-day modelling competition on combining experimental and computational research on multi-scale approaches to patient- specific musculoskeletal and finite element modelling.

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

1st Course on Translational Research and Commercialization of Medical Devices
6-8 November 2019
Leuven, Belgium

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

3rd Lisbon Foot & Ankle Clinical Biomechanics Course
27-28 September 2019
Lisbon, Portugal

This course focuses on neurologic pathologies with implications in lower limb biomechanics. Topics such as Cerebral Palsy in adults and children, adult peripheral and central nervous system injuries, dystonia and spasticity management, cavovarus, planovalgus, Charcot and other conditions will be developed, always considering biomechanical implications. 

ESB members will receive a 50% reduction on registration fees.

ICSPORTS 2019 – 7th international conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
20-21 September 2019
Vienna, Austria

ESB members will be granted a discount over the conference registration fee equal to the one given to INSTICC members.

XXXVIII Italian Summer School on Biomedical Engineering
9-12 September, 2019
Bressanone (Bolzano), Italy

Topic: advanced bioengineering methods, technologies and tools in surgery and therapy

ESB student members from abroad will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

ICCB 2019 – 8th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering
4-6 September, 2019
Belgrade, Serbia

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

CMBBE 2019 – 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering and 4th Conference on Imaging and Visualization
14-16 August 2019
New York City, USA

The two events will run together as a single conference on computational biomechanics, imaging and visualization.

ESB members pay a substantially reduced registration fee.

4th Barcelona VPH Summer School
10-14 June 2019
Barcelona, Spain

The VPH Summer School is co-organised by the UPF and the VPH Institute, and is supported by the CAPESB. It aims to provide junior engineers and medical doctors with a complete overview of state-of-the-art VPH research, following a complete pipeline from basic science and clinical needs, to model application.

ESB members will pay the same registration fee as VPH members, which means a 50% reduction on the registration fees (100 euros instead of 200 euros for the whole week).

National Biomechanics Day
10 April 2019

Engineering the Knee 2018
10-11 December 2018
London, United Kingdom

Engineering has a vital role in developing early interventions to improve the mechanical aspects of repaired tissues, non-surgical interventions, joint realignment and resulting kinematics/loads/strains within the joint, in addition to providing instruments for surgery and measuring functional outcomes. This conference will bring together engineers, clinicians, scientists and industry to address engineering knee replacement and rehabilitation issues which will serve as a platform for the future development of early and late-stage interventions in the knee.

ESB members can register at the same rate as IMechE members (Select ‘Member, Supporting organisation when booking online).

ISTA 2018 – 31st Annual Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty
10-13 October 2018
QEII Centre, London, UK

The theme for this annual congress is “Innovative Solutions for Arthroplasty”. Join delegates from clinical practice, academia and industry in London to discuss new and foundational topics in the field of technology in joint replacement.

ESB members can register at the same rate as ISTA members ($100 USD discount).

VPH 2018 – Conference of the Virtual Physiological Human
5-7 September 2018
Zaragoza, Spain

The theme for this bi-annual conference on the Virtual Physiological Human is “VPH for In Silico Medicine”. The conference will position VPH research in the broader context of In Silico Clinical Trials, contributing to advance in the most relevant challenges, from the development of novel technologies to its clinical application.

ESB members will pay the same registration fee as VPH members, which means a reduction on the registration fee from 75 to 100 euro.

Biomechanics 2018

5-7 September 2018
Zielona Góra, Poland

The main aim of the conference is to provide opportunity for participants coming from all corners of the world to share and exchange ideas and experiences relating to biomechanics.

ESB members will pay a reduced registration fee.

3D Printing and Biomechanics
5-7 September 2018
Pavia, Italy

This symposium is organized by the Italian Chapter of the ESB in conjunction with the Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network. The symposium aims to promote the integration of 3D printing and (bio)mechanical analyses in the biomedical and biomechanical fields: from the design and construction of implants and ortheses, to the mechanical characterization of biomaterials for 3D printing.

ESB members will receive a 25% reduction on registration fees.

5th SIMBIO-M International Conference
18-19 June 2018
Stratford-Upon-Avon, United Kingdom

This conference is organized every other year, aiming at introducing new technologies, advances and tools in the fields of Biomechanics and Biomedical engineering. The focus is on research and in particular introduction of young researchers into the applications world.

ESB members receive a 50 euro (PhD students) to 110 euro (industry) reduction on the registration fee.

Multi-scale hard and soft tissue modelling workshop
18-20 June 2018
Sheffield, United Kingdom

This joint Multisim and Softmech tissue modelling workshop will provide a research forum for modelling specialists and medical experts to discuss and exchange ideas on state-of-the-art developments and challenges in the field of soft and hard tissue modelling; to engage with renowned experts from academia and industry in modelling of hard and soft tissues in keynotes and lectures; to participate in a roundtable with clinicians and industry; and to present your research.

ESB members receive a 30 pound reduction on the registration fee.

3rd VPH Summer School 2018
18-22 June 2018
Barcelona, Spain

Sixteen world-class international researchers who will deliver keynote lectures during the morning sessions. Attendees will be able to handle synchrotron images, perform human body motion captures, run finite element simulations or create agent-based models during the afternoon hands-on sessions.

ESB members will pay the same registration fee as VPH members.

CMBBE 2018 – 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization
26-29 March 2018
Lisbon, Portugal

The two events will run together as a single conference on computational biomechanics, imaging and visualization.

ESB members pay a substantially reduced registration fee.

Biomechanics in Athlete Development Summit
22-23 March 2018
Vienna, Austria

This meeting will provide current, practice-based information to professionals with an interest in strength and conditioning, physiotherapy and physiology. It will feature speakers recognized in the areas of sports performance, training and development, biomechanics, and kinesiology.

ESB members receive a 20% discount when mentioning the code ‘ESB20’.

Mechanics of development
5-7 February 2018
Buckinghamshire, UK

This meeting will discuss the role of mechanobiology in embryonic development providing a platform for leaders in the field, as well as early career scientists see.

Registration for this meeting is free.

icSPORTS 2017 – 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
30-31 October 2017
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

This congress intends to be a meeting point for both academics, sport professionals and practitioners to exchange ideas and develop synergies.

ESB members receive a 60 euro reduction on the registration fee.

3D Printing & Bio-printing in Healthcare
12-13 October 2017
Dusseldorf, Germany

ECCOMAS Thematic Conference “Multiscale Problems in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology”
11-13 September 2017
Vienna, Austria

ICCB 2017 – 7th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering 
6-8 September 2017
Compiègne, France

HRV 2017 – 52nd Human Response to Vibration Conference & Workshop
5-6 September 2017
Shrivenham, UK

2nd Barcelona VPH Summer School 2017
22-26 May 2017
Barcelona, Spain

icSPORTS 2016 – 4th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
7-9 November 2016
Porto, Portugal

3D Printing in Healthcare
20-21 October 2016
Amsterdam, Netherlands

CMBBE 2016 – The 14th International Symposium, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
20-22 September 2016
Tel Aviv, Israel

EORS 2016 – European Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting
14-16 September 2016
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy

MNF 2016 – 5th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows
11-14 September 2016
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

First ESB-ITA Thematic Symposium Frontier Biomechanical Challenges in Cardiovascular Physiopathology
8-9 September 2016
Palermo, Italy

Barcelona VPH Summer School 2016
30 May – 3 June 2016
Barcelona, Spain

icSPORTS 2015 – 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
15-17 November 2015
Lisbon, Portugal

MEIbioeng 15 Conference
7-8 September 2015
Leeds, UK

The International Symposium on Bone Regeneration
11-13 June 2015
Berlin, Germany

3rd SIMBIO-M International Conference
19-20 June 2014
Marseille, France

Shape – Symposium on Statistical Shape Models and Applications
11-13 June 2014
MedTech Lab,
Delémont, Switzerland

IMechE – Knee Surgery and Rehabilitation in 2013: How is engineering driving improved treatment?
11-12 November 2013
Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
1 Birdcage Walk, London, UK

KMM-VIN – Skeletal Tissue Engineering Mechanics, with Links to Biology, Chemestry, and Medecine?
23-27 September, 2013
CISM, Udine, Italy

3rd SIMBIO-M International Conference
16-18 September 2013
Coventry University, UK

NSpine 2013 – The Comprehensive Spine Course
5-8 September 2013
Centre for Spinal Studies and Surgery,
Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK

ESMAC2013 – 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children
2-7 September 2013
University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, Scotland, UK

CMBBE 2013 – 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
3-7 April 2013, Marriott City Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

International Conference of the Polish Society of Biomechanics-2012
16-19 Sept 2012, Bialystok, Poland

World Conference Regenerative Medicine 2011
2-4 Nov, 2011, Leipzig, Germany

SimBio-M 2011: Simulation for Bio-Mechanics, BioMaterial, BioMedicine
20th-22nd June, 2011, Marseilles, France

II International Conference on Tissue Engineering
2-4 June, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal

Workshop on microscale Modeling in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
30 May – 1 June, 2011, Ericeira, Portugal

Materialise Biomedical Summit and Innovation course
23-25 May, 2011, Minneapolis, USA

Virtual human modeling mini symposium
December 18-29, 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia

BIOSPINE 3: 3rd International Congress of Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery
1-4th September 2010 VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (PDF 1.61MB)

Analysis and simulation of human motion
13-15th September, 2010, Leuven, Belgium

EORS 2010
June 30 – July 2 2010, Davos, Switzerland

International Conference on Orthopaedic Surgery, Biomechanics and Clinical Applications
6-9th June 2010, Brunel University, West London

Medical Innovations Conference 2010: Engineering for Health
22-24th April, 2010, Leuven, Belgium

The First Workshop on Bone Tissue: Hierarchical Simulations for Clinical Applications
21-23rd April, 2010 at UCLA, Los Angeles, US

World Conference on Regenerative Medicine (WRM)
29th-31st October 2009, Leipzig, Germany

3rd Munich International Symposium on Biofluid Mechanics
12th-13th September 2009, Munich, Germany
The Satellite Symposium of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, organised by the Institut of Biotechnik e.V.

ESBiomat 2009: 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials
7th-11th September 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland

SimBio-M : Simulation for Bio-Mechanics, Material, Medical, Molecule
1st -3rd July 2009, Juan Les Pins, France.

IMechE Conference: Knee Arthroplasty – From Early Intervention to Revision
30 April – 2 May 2009, The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo