Italian National Chapter
The Italian National Chapter of the ESB was created on 14th March 2011, after approval by the Italian members of the ESB through electronic ballot.
The by-laws of the Italian National Chapter can be found here.
The website of the Italian Chapter of the ESB is here.
The Italian Chapter of the ESB is also on Linkedin and Twitter
Members of the Italian Chapter of the ESB
Any ESB active or student member affiliated to an organization located in Italy is also a rightful member of the Italian National Chapter of the ESB. The same applies to corporate members located in Italy, and to honorary and senior members who are resident in Italy. ESB members of Italian nationality, but working or resident in other countries, can join the Chapter by sending a request to the President of the Chapter.
Executive Board of the Italian Chapter of the ESB
The Executive Board of the Italian Chapter is elected every 2 years by the General Assembly.
Current Executive Board:
- Diana Massai (President), Politecnico di Torino
- Alessio Gizzi, University of Rome Campus Bio-Medico
- Giulia Luraghi, Politecnico di Milano
- Michele Conti, Università di Pavia, ex officio
- Enrico Dall’Ara, University of Sheffield, ex officio
- Bernardo Innocenti, Université Libre de Bruxelles, École Polytechnique de Bruxelles, ex officio
The XIII Annual Meeting will be held in Pescara (Italy) on October 3-4, 2024. The Meeting will be held in the historical building of Aurum (Pescara, Italy) and will comprise both a thematic symposium focused on dental biomechanics (“Challenges in dental biomechanics: innovative and advanced approaches”) and the general meeting. More info here.
Abstracts of the Meetings of the Italian Chapter of the ESB
The abstracts of the past ESB-ITA meetings can be found here.
Meetings of the Italian Chapter of the ESB
-) XII ESB-ITA Annual Meeting: The Annual meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB in 2023 was held in Turin on September 18th-19th. The event has been organized by Claudio Chiastra, Marco A. Deriu, Diego Gallo, Diana Massai and Mara Terzini from the Solid and Fluid Biomechanics Group of Politecnico di Torino. The thematic symposium was on “Integrative biomechanics: advancing knowledge and technology from molecular to organ level” with six international keynote lecturers: Prof. Aristide Dogariu (University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA), Prof. Frank Gijsen (University College London), Prof. Mauro Grigioni (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy), Prof. Gianni Pedrizzetti (Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy), Prof. Manuela Raimondi (Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy), and Prof. Laurence Vico (INSERM; Université Jean Monnet). The meeting has been a great success, with 146 delegates and 106 presentations of high quality (keynote, oral and poster). More info here.
-) XI ESB-ITA Annual Meeting: The Annual meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB in 2022 was held in Massa on October 6th-7th. The event has been organized by Simona Celi, Emanuele Vignali, Katia Capellini, Benigno Marco Fanni and Emenuele Gasparotti from the BioCardioLab group of “Heart Hospital” of Fondazione Toscana G. Monasterio. The thematic symposium was on “Biomechanics in and for clinics”, introduced by two international keynote lecturers: Prof. Stéphane Avril (École des Mines de Saint-Étienne) and Prof. Silvia Schievano (University College London). The meeting has been a great success, with 69 delegates. More info here.
-) The ESB-ITA Chapter organized the X Annual Meeting Italian Chapter European Society of Biomechanics “ESB-ITA live on-air 2021” – 23-24 September 2021. The meeting consisted of 12 invited presentations (abstracts available on the ESB-ITA website) and 3 keynote lecturers on national and international projects in biomechanics. During the meeting, Giulia Cavazzoni was awarded with the ESB-ITA Master Thesis Award 2021 with her thesis “In vitro characterization of the three-dimensional strain pattern in human vertebrae affected by metastases”. The total number of submitted Master Theses was 23.
-) IX ESB-ITA Annual Meeting: The Annual meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB in 2019 was held in Bologna on 30th September and 1st October. The event has been organised by Luca Cristofolini, Rita Stagni, Maria Cristina Bisi and Marco Palanca. The Meeting took place in the monumental context of the rooms and cloister of San Giovanni in Monte monastery, in the historical heart of Bologna and has included a thematic symposium on In Silico Clinical Trials with three invited outstanding international keynotes: Prof Marco Viceconti (University fo Bologna), Prof Blanca Rodriguez (University of Oxford) and Luca Emili (CEO of Insilicotrials Technologies).
The meeting has been a great success, with 99 delegates and 72 presentations of high quality (keynote, oral and poster). Several prizes have been awarded: Emanuele Vignali won the Best Oral Presentation award, Giulia Luraghi won the Young Researcher Award for the best Thematic Presentation, Anna Corti won the best master thesis in biomechanics award, and Katia Capellini and Pierfrancesco Gaziano won the best poster awards. The final programme can be found here: The best studies will be published in a special issue of Medical Engineering and Physics.
-) III Thematic Symposium ESB-ITA: ESB-ITA oganized in collaboration with IDBN – Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network- the Symposium: “3D Printing and Biomechanics”. The Symposium was held on 5th to 7th September 2018 in Pavia and was organized by Ferdinando Auricchio, Michele Conti e Stefania Marconi. The meeting has been an interesting opportunity of exchanging ideas in a multidisciplinary context on a relatively new area with a string clinical impact. The meeting has counted 115 participants and 49 contributions (of which 10 biomodels). Moreover, the event included 4 tutorials (involving lectures from medical, engineering and pharmacological science, as well as an industrial partner), 4 industrial workshops and 1 workshop organized by Fondazione Bassetti, and 7 sponsors.
-) VIII ESB-ITA Annual Meeting: ESB-ITA co-organized the session “Biomechanics and mechanobiology” within the 6th Italian National Congress of Bioengineering, held in Milan on 25-27 June 2018. The event was of major national relevance in the bioengineering community.
-) VII ESB-ITA Annual Meeting: The meeting, held in Rome on 28-29 September 2017 was organized by Giuseppe Vairo (Università di Roma Tor Vergata). The meeting comprised the II Thematic Symposium ESB-ITA on “Ocular Biomechanics” and a General Session “Biomechanics in Italy”. The meeting has been a great success, with moe than 80 presentations (oral and poster), 100 delegates and 30% of foreign authors. The abstracts of the thematic symposium have been published on Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology. Moreover, some contributions from the general session have been selected for a full-length paper to be published on Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (ASME).
More information on past and next meetings of the ESB-ITA can be found here.