ESB Membership
General Member Benefits (*)
- Reduced rate at ESB Annual Congresses & endorsed meetings
(see membership application review timeline to ensure you apply in time to be eligible for reduced rates)
- Free subscription to ESB Newsletter
- Electronic access to a large network of biomechanics specialists through ESB website
- Lab listed on the ESB website
- Job posting through the ESB media (website, LinkedIn, Twitter)
- Eligibility to large pool of ESB Awards
(When no other eligibility criteria is mentioned, see membership application review timeline to ensure you apply in time to be eligible for awards)
- Eligibility to candidate your Institution for organizing the annual ESB congress
Becoming a member with the online tool is easy!
Additional Student Benefits
- Job opportunities in biomechanics (offer, demand and information) in industry & academia
- Student events at the ESB Congress
- Eligibility to ESB Student Award (see membership application review timeline to ensure you are eligible for awards) and Best Doctoral Thesis Award (need to be a member in good standing for at least 6 months)
- Eligibility to the ESB Mobility Award for Young Researchers (need to be a member in good standing for at least 6 months)
- Eligibility to join the ESB Student Committee
Becoming a member with the online tool is easy!
Additional Corporate Benefits
Note: Corporate Membership is designed for industrial parties. It is not intended for University or Research groups.
- Exclusive access to wide community of top EU scientists and researchers (1300+ ESB members)
- Exclusive right for job advertisement through ESB website, official social networks & ESB events
- Participate in all activities organised by the ESB (ESB Congress, Meetings of the ESB National Chapters and affiliated societies, …)
- Corporate logo and company link website on the ESB homepage (
- Submit contents (product news, special offers for ESB members, workshops /webinars, …) for Newsletter, YouTube Channel
- Priority to be a lead sponsor for ESB activities
- 20% discount for ESB Congress exhibition booth
- Opportunity to have a presentation in a dedicated parallel Corporate session at the ESB Congress (only for Corporates having a booth)
- Opportunity to organise a parallel user or award session at the ESB congress
- Contact person gets Regular Member benefits and can punctually transfer these benefits to any other employee of the company
Becoming a member with the online tool is easy!
To have more information about Corporate Benefits, please feel free to contact the ESB Membership Committee.
(*) Low Income Countries
Members from institutions in Low Income or Lower-middle Income Countries can get a 80% fee reduction:
- Only upon explicit request (need to contact both the Membership Committee and the Treasurer)
- Applicants have to provide an affiliation certificate
- Request needs to be renewed every year
- Definition of Low Income Country and or Lower-middle Income Country, according to the World Bank