ESB Poster Award
The ESB Poster Award is given at each ESB Congress with the purpose of raising the quality of poster presentations at the meeting. The selection is made by an ad hoc Poster Award Committee appointed by the ESB Council and chaired by the ESB Awards Committee Chairperson. The award consists of a certificate for the winner and an amount of 300 €.
For consideration, the candidate must submit, electronically, an abstract through the portal of the yearly Congress. Nominations for the ESB Poster Award will be based on abstract scoring. Only ESB member in good standing by the time of abstract submission, who must also be first author of the abstract accepted for a poster presentation, can be nominated. Please check your membership and payment status before submitting your abstract.
For detailed information on eligibility and the selection procedure, please refer to the Awards Regulations. If you need clarifications, you may contact the Awards Committee Chair.
Instructions for 2025 Yearly Congress:
In order to enter the competition, applicants must submit their abstract through the online Congress submission portal and submit the required files. If the abstract is accepted as a poster for the 2025 Congress, the application will automatically be taken into consideration. Abstracts assigned for poster presentation will be selected based on scientific merit, and will enter the reviewing phase for the award.
To qualify for the award, the conference management team will need to check your eligibility against the ESB membership database, and may share your information with the ESB Council, in order to do this.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024 winner!
Best Poster Award 2024:
The award was assigned to the poster by Giulia Cavazzoni (University of Bologna, Italy) “INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DEGENERATION AFFECTS THE VOLUMETRIC STRAINS OF HUMAN METASTATIC VERTEBRAE”
Runner Up Emanuele Gasparotti (Fondazione Monasterio, Italy)
Youngster Poster Award Katherine Crump (University of Bern, Switzerland), Sara Montanari (University of Bologna, Italy)
WINNERS of the past ESB Poster Award
2022 The award was assigned to the poster by Melody W. Young (NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, US) et al “Overcoming a “Forbidden Phenotype”: the parrot’s head supports, propels, and powers tripedal locomotion”
2021 multiple track awards during online ESB Congress: Francesca Berti; Federico Morosato; Malavika Harikrishnan Nambiar; Matteo Zago; Matthias Walle
2020 did not run because of COVID-19
2019 The award was assigned to the poster by Angela Semitela (University of Aveiro, Portugal) et al “Electrosprayed cells proliferative behaviour in a 3d microporous scaffold”
2018 did not run during WCB 2018
2017 Natasha Fell et al., “The role of subchondral bone and its histomorphometry on the dynamic viscoelasticity of osteochondral tissues”
2016 Agathe Alice Ogier, Kélig Pernelle, Laurianne Imbert, Pierre Jurdic, Jean-Charles Aurégan, Thierry Hoc (Lyon) “Mechanical properties of healthy and osteogenesis imperfecta children bones”
2015 Dimasi A, Rasponi M, Consolo F, Valerio F, Fiore GB, Bluestein D, Slepian M, Redaelli A (Politecnico di Milano) “Microfluidic emulators of ventricular assist device shear stress patterns: lab-on-a-chip test benches for platelet activation under dynamic device-like shear flow”
2013 Sophie-Anne Scherrer, M. Begon, C. Coillard, C-H Rivard, P. Allard (Canada) “Three-dimensional vertebral wedging in mild and moderate adolescent idiopathic scoliosis”
2012 Akkus, O., et al. (CWRU, USA) “Mechanical stretch induced calcium efflux from bone matrix stimulates osteoblasts”
2010 Ohayon, J., Le Floc’h, S., Finet, G., Tracqui, P., Cloutier, G., Pettigrew, RI. (CNRS UMR 5525, France) “Young’s modulus reconstruction of coronary vulnerable plaques based on segmentation-driven optimization procedure: influence of the intrinsic compressibility of the medium”
2008 Alonso-Vázquez, A., Ramírez, A., Calvo, B., Doblaré, M. (Zaragoza, Spain) “Towards a 3D finite element model of skeletal muscle concentric and eccentric contraction”
2006 Cioffi, M., Küffer, J., Ströbel, S., Dubini, G., Martin, I., Wendt, D. (Milano, Italy) “CFD model of mass transport with the microarchitecture of engineered cartilage during perfusion culture”
2004 Kettler, A., Fruth, K., Hartwig, E., Claes, L.E., Wilke, H.J. (Ulm, Germany) “Influence of the crash pulse shape on the loading of the neck and the injury risk in in-vitro low-speed side-collisions”
1998 Pietrabissa, R., Contro, R., Quaglini , V., Soncini , M., Gionso , L., Simion, M. (Milano, Italy) “Evaluation of the biomechanical effects of the dimensional mismatches between dental bridges and supporting implants”
1996 Kelly, P.A. (Oxford, Great Britain) “Stress and cracks in a theoretical model of a metal-backed tibial knee replacement component”
1994 Flahill, C.M., Hollis, J.M., Blasier, R.D., (Arkansas, USA) “Biomechanical comparisons of ankle ligament reconstructions”
1994 Wilson, D.R., O’Connor, J.J. (Oxford, UK) “Geometry of joint structures and the instantaneous screw axis”
1992 Kubein-Meesenburg, D., Nägerl, H., Fanghänel, J. (Göttingen, Germany) “Basic mechanical structure of the knee: a biomechanical gear system with force locked stability”
1990 Muller-Gerb, M., Dunkelberg, D., and Ennemoser, O. (Munich, Germany) “Resultant forces of muscles and joint at the hip joint”