ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

ESB Webinars

ESB Webinar Series – No. 20 – Cancer Modeling Strategies: From 3D Cultures to Digital Twins

We are excited to announce the next webinar of the ESB Webinar Series about cancer research!

Cancer research is crucial today, with 19.3 million new cases in 2020, projected to rise to 28.4 million by 2040 due to aging and population growth. Current cancer treatment strategies vary by cancer type, stage and patient. This dynamic field aims to understand the complex biology of cancer, enhance treatments, and discover new methods for prevention and early detection. This webinar will focus on two key areas. First, the tumor microenvironment (TME), which plays a crucial role in cancer progression. Understanding how the TME influences tumor growth and metastasis is essential for developing more effective treatments. By using in-vitro 3D cultures (microfluidics), we can manipulate the TME to study cancer cell behavior and potentially disrupt cancer cell communication. Secondly, we will explore the concept of digital twins to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment, and drug response prediction. This approach enables the creation of patient-specific cancer in-silico simulations, allowing clinicians to test different treatment options virtually and optimize patient care, bringing personalized medicine closer to reality.

During this webinar, attendees will learn:

  • Two complementary strategies for cancer research: in-vitro and in-silico modeling
  • The tumor microenvironment plays a crucial role in cancer progression
  • Digital twins enable the creation of patient-specific cancer simulations

The webinar is conducted by Dr. María Angeles Pérez Ansón. María Angeles is a Professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) and researcher at the Engineering Research Institute of Aragon (I3A). She obtained her PhD in Computational mechanics at the University of Zaragoza in 2004. Afterwards, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and at the Ecole de technologie supérieure Montréal (Canada). Her research focuses on computational biomechanics and mechanobiology, design of prostheses and implants, and experimental and computational tissue engineering. She has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and more than 150 conference contributions. She leads the Multiscale in Mechanical and Biological Engineering at the University of Zaragoza and coordinates the Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering. She has also directed the MSc in Biomedical Engineering and actively contributed to the PhD program in Biomedical Engineering. She has been a member of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) since 2007 and part of the ESB Council for 8 years (2012-2020), including ESB President (2018-2020).

The webinar will last 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A from the audience. You will have the chance to ask questions, which will be addressed by the speaker at the end of the webinar. You can also send your questions in advance to or gianluca.santesarti@uniroma1.itbefore the start of the webinar.

Click here to register for the webinar.

Please, subscribe to our YouTube channel! (

Looking forward to your attendance.

ESB Student Committee

ESB Webinar Series – No. 19 – Physics-based modelling and machine learning synergies in human heart modelling

This webinar highlights how machine learning approaches, coupled with multiscale modeling, hold important opportunities to improve our understanding of cardiac tissue behaviour.

During this webinar attendees will learn about:

  • How to quantify uncertainty in your data using Bayesian Inference and Hierarchical Modelling
  • How to propagate uncertainty through your models using Gaussian Process Regression, Multi-fidelity modelling, and Active learning
  • Discover the use of these tools towards sensitivity analyses, hypothesis testing, and prediction confidence estimations

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Mathias Peirlinck. Mathias Peirlinck is an Assistant Professor of BioMechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology, the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Prior to starting his own lab at TU Delft, he received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Ghent University and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University’s department of Mechanical Engineering. His lab’s research focuses on the integration of multimodal experimental data, physics-based modeling, and machine learning techniques to understand, explore, and predict the multiscale behavior of the human heart, both in health and disease. Mathias received the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Seal of Excellence in 2019, won the AIG Price for best quadrennial PhD at Ghent University’s Faculty of Engineering from 2018 till 2022, and received the prestigious Dutch Science Foundation Veni Talent Award for his research on data-driven and physics-based modeling of multiscale cardiac tissue behaviour in 2023. Mathias co-leads various national and international research consortia, including amongst others the Holland Hybrid Heart consortium, aimed at the development of a soft implantable robotic heart for people with severe heart failure, and VITAL, a Horizon Europe consortium focused on the advancement of multi-organ digital twins towards the improvement of cardiovascular clinical care.

ESB Webinar Series – No. 18 – Blending Your Science: An Introduction to Blender for Upgrading your Figures

Creating good quality figures for your paper and presentations is important: they make your complex data easier to understand for everyone. Plus, they make your work look solid and can boost your chances of getting published in better journals. In this webinar, we will showcase Blender, a tool that can be used to generate figures. Blender ( is an open-source 3D creation program that supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, and motion tracking, as well as video editing and game creation. For scientific figures, Blender is particularly useful due to its ability to create accurate, high-quality visualizations. As scientists, we can use Blender to render 3D models of molecular structures, biological organisms, or simulate processes in a visually engaging manner.

During this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • The interface of Blender and how to use it
  • Main functions to generate 3D renders
  • Overview of other advanced tools for textures and animations

Meaning that you will be able to create basic 3D renders and understand the possibilities of the program so you can keep learning on your own.

The webinar is conducted by Adrián Seijas Gamardo, who is a PhD candidate at the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine. His research focuses on the generation of complex in vitro models, with a special focus on tissue innervation, using different biofabrication technologies, 3D co-culture systems, human iPSCs and organoids. You can find Adrián on Twitter/X ( and Linkedin (

ESB Webinar Series – No. 17 – Python II – Automated execution of python scripts for medical image processing and bone FEA

Computational work in the field of bone biomechanics follows specific workflows – such as image processing, meshing, model creation, FEA solution and post-processing. In each step, a lot of data is read in and output. With large amounts of data, this can become very demanding, time-consuming, and error-prone. Moreover, such analyses should be repeatable and verifiable. So-called workflow and provenance management systems can be very helpful here. These combine customized software scripts with input and output data of any size, avoid manual intervention, and provide an overview of the individual processing steps. In this webinar, the Medtool software tool will be presented (

During this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • Understand the idea behind provenance management systems.
  • Automate such analysis workflows. 
  • Get an idea of the possibilities to make your scientific work more effective with it.

We recommend to people attending the webinar to:

  • Take a look at the website, watch the “Getting Started” webinar and read the introduction in the user manual (see documentation page). 
  • If you like to use Medtool during and after the webinar (free trial till end of 2023), write an email to:

The webinar is conducted by Prof. Dr. Dieter Pahr, full professor at TU-Wien and Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in the field of biomechanics. He is giving an introductory lecture to mechanical engineering students at TU-Wien using Python. During his academic career, he developed the software Medtool.

ESB Webinar Series – No. 16 – Finite element modeling in FreeFEM for computational biomedical engineering

Over the past few years, the open-source finite element solver FreeFEM has been extensively used in the computational biomechanics research unit ( for a wide range of simulations and modeling studies in the field of computational biomedical engineering and in silico medicine. FreeFEM integration with a couple of powerful scientific computing tools and libraries, such as PETSc, Mmg, METIS, etc., allowed us to take advantage of this open-source domain-specific language efficiently in the development of multiple types of computational models. In this presentation, you will see how we used FreeFEM to model the biodegradation behavior of metallic biomaterials, neotissue growth process, bone fracture healing process, pancreatic cell viability, and topology optimization of biodegradable infilled structures.

During this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • Difference between “finite element” in solid (bio)mechanics and mathematics
  • Finite element method for solving partial differential equations
  • FreeFEM as a finite element language for biomedical applications
  • FreeFEM and high-performance computing (HPC)

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Mojtaba Barzegari. Mojtaba Barzegari ( is a post-doctoral researcher in the group of Electrochemical Materials and Systems (EMS) at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His work at EMS is focused on building mathematical and high-performance computational models of electrochemical processes of energy storage systems. Before joining TU/e, he did his PhD at KU Leuven, Belgium, where he was working on computational modeling of tissue engineering processes and biomaterials biodegradation behavior. Mojtaba is a big fan of open-source and is running a YouTube channel ( to talk about open-source scientific computing and finite element modeling.

ESB Webinar Series – No. 15 – ArtiSynth: A Platform for Combined MultiBody and Finite Element Simulation

ArtiSynth ( is a 3D biomechanical simulation platform that supports both multibody and finite element (FE) methods, allowing users to model within a single application both large scale components (e.g., rigid bodies, point-to-point muscles) and small scale components requiring stress/strain analysis.  It provides a Java-based API for model creation, together with a highly interactive graphical interface, and has been used to simulate numerous human biomechanical structures, including the head and neck, spine, lower limb, foot and shoulder. 

During this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • ArtiSynth’s overall capabilities
  • Installing ArtiSynth and running existing models
  • Creating and modifying models
  • Controlling simulations and analyzing the results

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Benedikt Sagl and Dr. John Lloyd. Dr. Sagl is a senior scientist at the University Clinic of Dentistry at the Medical University of Vienna. His research focuses on computational investigations of masticatory system biomechanics. He is a contributor to ArtiSynth, having worked on both model development and the implementation of the system’s inverse dynamics feature for computing muscle activations. Dr. Lloyd is a research engineer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia and is the principal developer of ArtiSynth. 

ESB Webinar Series – No. 14 – Why and how to do open and reproducible research

Open and reproducible research movements have progressively gained attention across scientific disciplines. They aim to provide rigorous tools to support researchers in sharing data and code, collaborating with others, and contributing to greater field advancements. In this webinar, we will talk about (1) why we should work in an open and reproducible manner, and (2) how to make data, code, and publications open and reproducible. By the end of this webinar, you will learn:

– Why open and reproducible research favors rigor and collaboration in science

– How to share data openly

– How to create reproducible computational workflows

– How to include openness and reproducibility in publications

The webinar is conducted by Serena Bonaretti ( She is a senior scientist at Balgrist Campus ( in Zurich (Switzerland). Her main interests are musculoskeletal image acquisition and analysis combined with biomechanics, with applications to bone and joint diseases. In the last years, she has been dedicating time and efforts to do and promote open and reproducible research through community service (ORMIR community –, talks, a YouTube channel (, and a free book entitled “Learn Python with Jupyter” (

ESB Webinar Series – No. 13 – Modeling the glymphatic system using FEniCS

The discovery of the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatics propose an alternative view on the basic metabolism of the brain. Perivascular spaces surround brain vessels and are now considered highways for the cerebrospinal fluid, allowing for entry of nutrients and clearance of neurotoxic solutes from the brain. This webinar discusses some recent findings and some of the recent models proposed for the system. In particular, we will discuss the role of sleep and some recently developed software tools for numerical simulations. 

The webinar is conducted by Kent-Andre Mardal. Kent-Andre Mardal (born 1974) is a mathematician with a strong interest in biomedical applications and has for the last decade established an interdisciplinary collaboration on computational modeling of the physiology of the human brain, with researchers in both numerics, mechanics, and basic and clinical medicine, both nationally and internationally. He has been a core-developer of the internationally recognized software framework FEniCS, which has tens of thousands of users world-wide and the software is crucial in his biomedical application. Central in the application orient research is the development of core methodology for compatible, efficient discretization schemes. 

ESB Webinar Series – No. 12 – TFMLAB: a user-friendly toolbox to calculate cell forces in 3D in vitro models

The mechanical forces that cells exert on the surrounding extracellular matrix are crucial for many physiological and pathological processes. Traction Force Microscopy is the most commonly used methodology to quantify cell forces in vitro. TFMLAB integrates all the computational steps to compute active cellular forces from confocal microscopy images, including image processing, cell segmentation, image alignment, matrix displacement measurement, and force recovery. Moreover, TFMLAB is accessible to non-technical users through interactive graphical user interfaces.  At the end of the webinar, attendees will learn:

  • The basics of computational TFM
  • How to set-up TFMLAB
  • The basic steps to run TFMLAB with a real example
  • Visualizing TFMLAB results with Paraview

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Jorge Barrasa Fano. Jorge is a postdoctoral researcher at the Mechanobiology and Tissue Engineering group at KU Leuven. During his Ph.D., he focused on the development of computational methods to access mechanical information within 3D in vitro models of sprouting angiogenesis. The advanced in silico validation of these methods and the development of a user-friendly toolbox called TFMLAB were the main contributions of his Ph.D., which lead him to win the ESB Student Award in 2020. He recently obtained an FWO fellowship to carry out his postdoc research on the application of computational methods to in vitro experiments to investigate matrix remodeling and cell-ECM mechanics for disease. 

ESB Webinar Series – No. 11 – Research Tools for: Collecting, Writing, Publishing and Disseminating your Research

This webinar provides an overview of the most important tools from searching the literature to disseminating the researcher’s outputs. The e-skills learned from the workshop are useful across various research disciplines and research institutions.

By the end of this webinar, attendees will learn how to:

  • More efficiently use the tools that are available on the Net.
  • Evaluate the types of literature that researchers will encounter.
  • Convert the information of the search for a written document.
  • Search and analyze the right journal to submit.
  • Improve their publication’s visibility and impact

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim who is well-known as the creator of “Research Tools” Box. Dr. Nader holds a PhD in Technology Management from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. Dr. Nader has collected over 700 tools that enable researchers to follow the correct path in research and ultimately produce high-quality research outputs with more accuracy and efficiency. Dr. Nader currently works as a “Research Visibility and Impact” freelancer consultant. Dr. Nader is also an adjunct lecturer at Alzahra University. He was working as a visiting research fellow with the Institute of Management and Research Services (IPPP), the University of Malaya from 2013 to November 2017. His current research interests are University rankings, Open access, Research visibility, Research Tools, and Bibliometrics. Dr. Nader provides assistance and guidance for researchers in disseminating and promoting their research work in order to enhance their research visibility and impact, as well as citations. He believes that the research cycle does not end with publications alone, thus he encourages pro-activeness in the dissemination of research outputs.

ESB Webinar Series – No. 10 – OpenFoam: a brief insight

This webinar aims to:

  • Presenting a summary of OpenFOAM, including advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other softwares.
  • Exploring the possibilities of OpenFOAM and reflecting on some publications that have used OpenFOAM from a biomechanical perspective.

By the end of the webinar, attendees will learn how to:

  • Start using OpenFOAM
  • Use its terminology
  • Setup and run a test case
  • Postprocess the results using Paraview
  • Look at the library of resources

The webinar is conducted by Dr Sangita Swapnasrita. She is a postdoctoral researcher at MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine, Maastricht University after finishing her PhD in 2021. She is a big fan of computational modelling and has worked with a range of software including MATLAB, LAMMPS (molecular dynamics), OpenFOAM (CFD) and COMSOL. Her PhD and Master’s thesis are both purely about computational modelling of physical processes. In her Master’s, she simulated the viscosity of lower alkanes and water using MATLAB and LAMMPS. And because that was so fun, she continued with modelling gas diffusion and reaction in porous structures using OpenFOAM for her PhD degree. Currently, she has migrated to modelling transport processes in the human kidney. She uses COMSOL and Python in conjugation to develop a mathematical microscope of the human kidney.

ESB Webinar Series – No. 9 – How Simpleware processes patient-specific anatomies in orthopedics

Simpleware provides a complete platform for analyzing 3D image data, integrating CAD-designs, and generating high-quality models for FE/CFD simulation. Simpleware benefits from an extensive range of tools to accurately process and analyze even the most complex structures. Offering options to customize and automate workflows, Simpleware is the ideal solution for life sciences, materials, and manufacturing applications.

The webinar will focus on the use of Synopsys Simpleware software in creating image-based models for orthopaedic applications. In particular we will be:

  • Introducing Simpleware Software
  • Reviewing the image to model workflow focusing on the segmentation of images to create 3D models
  • Covering some of the application areas for these models once created.

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Ross Cotton. He is the ‘Applications Engineering Manager’ for the Simpleware software team at Synopsys, where he oversees the software technical support and consultancy projects.  He has over 13 years’ experience working with academic, industry and hospital-based customers, providing solutions and support in image-based modelling workflows including simulation and 3D printing. Ross joined the Simpleware Software team in 2008 after receiving his PhD in Sports Engineering from Loughborough University (UK). The research combined experimental tests and numerical simulations to investigate the surface interactions of a soccer ball impact with the support of sports company Adidas.

ESB Webinar Series – No. 8 – Python – Everything you need for your daily scientific programming work

Python is a freely-available, easy-to-learn, open-source programming language with an incredible variety of free libraries. Currently, many scientific applications in our field like FE packages (e.g. Abaqus), visualization software (e.g. ParaView or VTK) or image processing tools (e.g. SimpleITK or 3D Slicer) use Python as scripting language.

This webinar aims to:

  • Show how to get started
  • Introduce to the main capabilities of Python, including numerical and scientific computing with Numpy/Scipy, plotting with Matplotlib, image processing with scikit-image, and Pandas data structures. 
  • Demonstrate a typical scientific application for data and image processing.

By the end of this tutorial, attendees will learn how to:

  • Use core Python and Python libraries
  • Get an idea about the possibilities with respect to your scientific programming work

We recommend that people who watch the webinar prepare the following:

  1. Install Anaconda Python (
  2. Explore Spyder IDE (comes with Anaconda) – watch the video on this page
  3. Read / try out the basic Python usage with Spyder

The webinar is conducted by Prof. Dr. Dieter Pahr, a full professor at TU-Wien and Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in the field of biomechanics. He is giving an introductory lecture to mechanical engineering students at TU-Wien using Python. During his academic career, he developed the software medtool.

ESB Webinar Series – No.7 – Basics of agent-based computer modeling for clinically-related applications

This webinar is targeted towards individuals interested in agent-based computer modeling approaches to simulate biological processes. In particular, the webinar aims at:

  • Introducing participants to the basics of agent-based modeling
  • Providing examples of their application to investigate clinical-related problems.

By the end of the webinar, attendees will learn the basic principles to build an agent-based model including how to:

  • Simulate individual agents
  • Specify agent properties
  • Define agent behavior and interactions
  • Analyze and visualize model predictions

The webinar will be conducted by Prof. Sara Checa. She is a Junior Professor at the Julius Wolff Institute, Charite-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, where she leads the research group of “Computational Mechanobiology”.

ESB Webinar Series – No.06 – CellProfiler: Making the most of your microscopy images with high-content image analysis

Microscopy images are coming to be recognized as the rich and quantitative data source that they have been since the advent of the digital image; many excellent image analysis tools now exist to help researchers find objects of interest in their data and extract measurements of images and/or objects.

In this webinar you will learn about:

  • Using CellProfiler and/or other open-source tools to reproducibly identify objects and perform meaningful measurements.  
  • How to perform supervised classification and machine learning using CellProfiler Analyst.
  • Identify connections between drugs, genes, and/or patient samples via morphological profiling using unsupervised classifications.

The webinar will be conducted by Dr. Beth Cimini who is the Lead Image Assay Developer for the Imaging Platform at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA and a CZI Imaging Scientist. 

ESB Webinar Series – No.05 – ITK-SNAP: Open-Source Software for Medical Image Segmentation

The objective of this webinar is to introduce ITK-SNAP and provide an overview of its capabilities for medical image navigation and segmentation. In this webinar, attendees will learn some of the core capabilities of ITK-SNAP:

  • Visualization of 3D medical image data
  • Labeling of anatomical structures in 3D images both manually and semi-automatically
  • Loading, editing, and saving segmentation files
  • Rotating and landmarking 3D images
  • Using the ITK-SNAP distributed segmentation service

The webinar will be Led by Dr. Paul Yushkevich (creator of ITK-SNAP) and by Dr. Alison Pouch from the Penn Image Computing and Science


ESB Webinar Series – No.04 – FEBio

FEBio is a freely-available finite element solver designed specifically for solving problems in computational biomechanics and biophysics. This webinar on the FEBio software project is focused mostly on new FEBio users and aims to:

  • Introduce FEBio and provide an overview of its capabilities.
  • Introduce FEBio Studio, a new integrated environment for setting up, running, and analyzing FEBio models.

ESB Webinar Series – No.03 (Co-organised with the student committee of the VPHi) -High-throughput Multicellular Simulation Studies with PHYSICELL by Prof Paul Macklin

Watch it at the VPHi website:

This webinar of the VPHi Keynote Webinar Series took place on 24 January 2020 at 16 CET featuring Prof Paul Macklin from Indiana University, under the moderation of Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh, member of the VPHi Student Committee. The webinar is endorsed and co-organised by the European Society of Biomechanics.

ESB Webinar Series – No.02 -Jumping into Musculoskeletal Modeling with OpenSim by Jennifer Hicks

This webinar is targeted toward individuals interested in learning how OpenSim can be used to explore topics in musculoskeletal simulation. The webinar is conducted by Dr. Jennifer Hicks, the Research and Development Manager of the OpenSim software project.

ESB Webinar Series – No.01 – Learn How to use SimVascular by Gabriel Maher

The video above explores SimVascular, an open source software package to simulate and analyze the cardiovascular system. SimVascular is the only fully open source software package providing a complete pipeline from medical image data segmentation to patient specific blood flow simulation and analysis.

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