ESBiomech24 Congress in Edinburgh

Call for Council Nominations 2018. Deadline 10th May

During the next General Assembly that will be held during our upcoming 8th World Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin, Ireland, we shall have to elect a number of new members to the Council.

Stephen Ferguson completed his two full terms and thus must step down. Hanna Isaksson makes the decision to leave the council for the remaining two years. And finally, Sara Checa, Harry van Lenthe and Markus Heller completed their first term, and intend to stand for reelection.

Hence, five Council seats in total are up for election; the Council thus invites any regular member in good standing to candidate for a seat on the Council of our Society. As our Society considers gender equality as an important aspect in the life of our community, we would particularly encourage women to candidate for these positions. Being an ESB council member is a great opportunity, both socially and professionally, which vastly pays back the effort that such serious commitment requires.

Those who are interested should send their full length CV, complete the application form and attach a small picture, all in electronic format to the Secretary General,,  by 10th May 2018. Candidates will be posted on the Society web site so that all members can consult them; therefore the information on the application form will be made available to all voting members. Voting will be by an on-line electronic process open prior to the GA. We will send all candidates information about the opening of the ballot at the end of June. The ballot will close during the congress in Dublin, so please make every effort to attend the congress. Candidates with the most number of votes will be presented by the President directly at the forthcoming General Assembly, where the vote will be ratified on July 10th, 2018.

The Council of the European Society of Biomechanics

Open Position: Biomechanics and Proteomics at TU Wien

Open Position for a University Assistant in Biomechanics and Proteomics


Description:                            The Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics (ILSB) of TU Wien invites applications for the position of a University Assistant in the area of biomechanics and protein analysis. The mechanics of biological tissue are closely related to their hierarchical structure and composition. For example the absence of certain noncollagenous proteins in bone has been shown to be deleterious for fracture toughness. Similarly, the presence of sugar-mediated cross-links in collagen within bone as well as in musculoskeletal soft tissues such as tendons or ligaments is thought to alter their material properties. The candidate sought for this position will work at the cross-roads of tissue composition and mechanics, whereby the compositional aspects will be investigated via mass-spectrometry methods under supervision of Prof. M. Marchetti-Deschmann of the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics of TU Wien. A special focus will be on the compositional aspects of the enthesis (the tendon-to-bone-junction) as well as on tendon and isolated individual collagen fibrils. Mechanical tests will be conducted mostly with via atomic force microscopy in the Interfacultary Laboratory for Nano- and Micromechanics of Biological and Biomimetical Materials, employing where the ILSB is a major stakeholder. In addition to conducting research towards a PhD degree the post will also entail participation in administrative tasks and teaching activities at the ILSB.

Qualifications:                      We are looking for an individual with a completed MSc in Biomedical Engineering, Physics or a related discipline. Skills and knowledge in biomechanics, biochemistry, chemical analysis will be advantageous. Further, German language skills (native speaker or level B2 according to CEFR) are required.

Further information:              For informal discussions contact Professor Philipp Thurner,

How to apply:                          Send applications to no later than March 9th 2018

Call for Mobility Awards is open! Deadline May 31st 2018

Call for Mobility Awards is open! 

Every year, the ESB Mobility Award grants up to two early career ESB members a cost-of-living allowance of 4.000 € on a competitive basis, to carry out collaborative research in a different country, as part of the PhD or early postdoctoral research of the applicants. The minimum duration of the research is between two and six months. Supervisors from the host laboratory should be ESB members as well.

Please check here the detail of the call and how to apply. Deadline is May 31st 2018; don’t miss the opportunity!

For your information, feel free to check the profiles and projects of past awardees: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

European Calcified Tissue Society Webinar: bone implant interface

ECTS Academy Webinar: Multiscale characterization of the biomechanical properties of the bone-implant

Live Webinar: 29 November 2017, 3-4pm CET

Webinar objectives:

Learn about the cutting-edge science and career paths of the most successful young scientists in Europe
Ask questions to better develop your own career plan
Learn from the questions of peers
Benefit from the knowledge of speakers on how to apply for ERC grants


25 min science presentation
10 min presentation of the career path
25 min Q&A


Dr. Guillaume Haiat

ECTS Academy Webinar

ESBiomech Newsletter Autumn 2017

We are pleased to present our 2017 Autumn Newsletter with the latest ESB news, reports from ESB conference and honouring award winning researchers, and updates from our corporate members.

Please contact us with ideas of items you would like to see on our website and newsletter and these will be considered as the society continues to expand. If you do not wish to receive mailings including the newsletter and other updates from the European Society of Biomechanics you can update your settings in the membership section of the website here:

I hope you find the newsletter useful and informative.

Mark Thompson –


5th SIMBIO-M International Conference

5th SIMBIO-M International Conference
18-19 June 2018
Stratford-Upon-Avon, United Kingdom

This conference is organized every other year, aiming at introducing new technologies, advances and tools in the fields of Biomechanics and Biomedical engineering. The focus is on research and in particular introduction of young researchers into the applications world.

ESB members receive a 50 euro (PhD students) to 110 euro (industry) reduction on the registration fee.

24th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics @ WCB2018


The 24th Congress of ESB joined the 2018 World Congress of Biomechanics from 8 – 12 July 2018 in the Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland’s purpose built international conference and event venue situated in the very heart of Dublin city.

The World Congress of Biomechanics is held once every 4 years and is the premier meeting worldwide in its field. Many of the main international biomechanics societies held their 2018 annual meetings as part of the 2018 World Congress.

For further information including submitted abstracts, please click here.

We look forward to seeing you in Dublin!

Georges Van der Perre 1942 – 2017

The Council of the ESB is sad to record the passing on 14th September 2017 of Prof Georges Van der Perre, former President of our society, and we offer sincere condolences to his wife and children. Please find here a note of Prof Van der Perre’s career written by his colleague at KU Leuven, Prof Jos Vander Sloten.

15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

The European Society of Biomechanics is pleased to endorse the 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and the 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization.

These meetings will be held in the wonderful City of Lisbon, a historical city full of stories to tell.

The two events will run together as a single conference highlighting the strong connection with the Taylor and Francis journals:

• Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (John Middleton and Christopher Jacobs, Eds.)

• Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization (João Manuel R.S. Tavares, Ed.)

The meeting is hosted by the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon and Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and you are cordially invited to participate in what is now the major international meeting on computational biomechanics, imaging and visualization.

The meeting encompasses:
• Plenary Talks by renowned international speakers
• Oral and Poster Sessions by contributing authors
• Special sessions on emerging topics
• Workshops
• Software and medical technology exhibits by leading organizations
• Substantial sponsored prizes for best research prensetation and posters

The meeting has always promoted international collaboration and networking and this is evidenced through the well-known research groups, commercial companies and scientific organizations who continue to present their research and also support and sponsor the CMBBE meeting series.

In memoriam: Steve Cowin, a visionary scientist

by Bert van Rietbergen

Steve Cowin passed away October 19 last year. Several generations of ESB members have been raised with his pioneering theories of bone adaptation and bone structure-properties relationships, and it feels like a great loss his contribution to this field now is closed. Rather than writing a full obituary, which can be found elsewhere (, I wanted to focus this writing on why he was so important for many of the ESB members, and for me in particular.

read more …

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo