ESBiomech24 Congress in Edinburgh

2nd ESB Webinar Announced: OpenSim

Jumping into Musculoskeletal Modeling with OpenSim

We are delighted to announce the second webinar of the ESB Webinar Series which will introduce the OpenSim Software. The webinar will take place on October 16th 2019 at 18:00 CEST.

OpenSim is a freely-available, open-source musculoskeletal simulation software for visualizing and simulating movement. Musculoskeletal modeling and simulation are powerful tools to help understand the complex interactions between the neuromuscular and skeletal systems during movement.

This webinar aims to:

  • Introduce the main capabilities of OpenSim, including new features from the latest release of the software
  • Demonstrate a typical pipeline of creating and visualizing a muscle-driven simulation starting with motion capture data of a subject jumping

By the end of this tutorial, attendees will learn some of the core capabilities of OpenSim, including how to:

  • Load and visualize motion capture data
  • Load and explore a musculoskeletal model
  • Visualize a motion
  • Create a dynamic simulation.

The webinar will be conducted by Dr. Jennifer Hicks. Dr. Hicks is Associate Director the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research, an NIH-funded center at Stanford University that brings state-of-the-art engineering tools to rehabilitation scientists. In addition, she is the Research and Development Manager of the OpenSim software project, guiding the project’s development team and serving as the voice of the software user/researcher.

The seminar will last 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q/A from the audience. You will have the chance to ask your questions which will be addressed by the speaker at the end of the webinar. However, it would be great if you could send your question in advance while filling the registration form or by sending to and/or  before the start of the webinar.

Click here to register for the webinar.

October 16th 2019 18:00 CEST

Live on ESB YouTube Channel – Please Subscribe! ( )

Looking forward to your attendance.

ESB Student Committee


A PhD position is available within the Computational Mechanobiology Group at the Julius Wolff Institute (Charite Medical School in Berlin) on the topic of computational optimization of scaffolds to promote bone regeneration within large bone defects. 


Although bone has the fascinating ability to self-regenerate after injury, large bone defects often lead to delayed or non-unions. The treatment of these conditions remains a clinical challenge for which scaffold-based strategies appear as a promising approach. In this approach, 3D open porous structures are implanted in the bone defect with the aim to support bone regeneration. Although, preliminary pre-and clinical data show encouraging results, there is still a need to optimize these scaffolds to ensure successful healing. The growth of new bone within the scaffold is influenced by many factors, such as the scaffold architecture, material properties, patient health condition, etc. The aim of this project is to investigate the potential optimization of scaffolds to promote bone regeneration within large bone defects.


You will develop computer models to simulate the bone healing process and the interaction between mechanical signals (strains) within the healing region and biological processes (e.g. cellular migration, matrix deposition, etc.) taking place. You will simulate the interaction of the bone regeneration process with scaffold-support structures and develop algorithms for the computer optimization of the scaffold design to promote the bone healing process. You will be able to compare model predictions with experimental data from animal studies (e.g. histology, microCT) and to have access to patient data. The project is part of a research collaboration between several Institutes on the topic of “Personalised Bone Defect Treatment” (Funded by the BMBF).

Your profile

  • A degree in Mechanical Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematical Biology or a related discipline
  • Knowledge of Finite Element Modelling will be advantageous
  • Experience in Programming is required (e.g. C/C++, Matlab)
  • High motivation and strong interest in research

What we provide

This position is available for a period of three years. Salary will be commensurate with experience. You will work in a friendly team and in a unique research environment. As a PhD student you will be associated to the Berlin-Brandenburg School of Regenerative Therapies ( and benefit from the interaction with international students. Starting date: 1st October, 2019.

Interested candidates should send a CV, a cover letter and two references that could be contacted. Please email the application to Prof. Checa via email at:

Two Post-Doc and/or post-graduate Research Assistant positions at Università Campus Biomedico di Roma.

In the context of several National and International Grants, we are seeking two outstanding Post-Doc researchers and/or motivated post-graduate Research Assistants to join us in developing new wearable devices, systems, and data analysis tools for physiological and physical activities monitoring.

The ideal candidate should have the following expertise:
– Relevant publications in international journals and experience in fundraising
– Fluent English is essential
– Excellent interpersonal skills including team working and a collegiate approach. Self-motivation, initiative, and independent thought/working.
– Proficient in MATLAB, Python, C, C++ programming
– Experience in one or more of the following topics:

1. Wearable systems design and development, encompassing electronic design, assembly and testing, microcontroller-based programming.
2. Body Sensor Networks
3. Real-time data acquisition and processing and related algorithms
4. Experimental protocols on human subjects

We will appreciate if you could send your interest to apply by email to E. Schena (e.schena(AT), D. Formica (d.formica(AT) and C. Massaroni (c.massaroni(AT), including a motivation letter detailing how your research profile relate to the project and a CV.

Advanced International School on Imaging, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (Rome, Feb 2020)

Dear Colleague,
This is the first-call-for-participation to the Advanced International School on Imaging, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology that we are organizing in the beautiful city of Rome on February, 24th-28th, 2020 (Italy).

The school has been endorsed by the ESB and members of the Society will receive a reduction on the registration fees.

The School will instruct on the importance of a rigorous and multidisciplinary approach for the effective translation of biomechanics models into the clinical practice. Six internationally-outstanding invited lecturers have been selected for covering topics that span from imaging, through theoretical biomechanics, up to computational biomechanics and mechanobiology: Vikram DeshpandeChristian GasserDaniel HurtadoBruno QuessonZohar Yosibash and Alessandro Veneziani.

Classes on basic notions in the morning will prepare attendants to lectures on advanced topics in the afternoon on a wide range of applications.

One session will be dedicated to talks from participants and one day will propose a series of Advanced seminars.

More information are available on the attached flyer and on the web-site

With our best regards,

Alessio Gizzi, Michele Marino, Giuseppe Vairo

Early Stage Researcher at Materialise (Belgium) and University of Zaragoza (Spain)

The CuraBone Project is looking for a highly motivated Early Stage Researcher ESR (PhD Students) interested in working in an ambitious multidisciplinary project to work at Materialise (Belgium) and University of Zaragoza (Spain). This ESR position is aimed to pursue part of the scientific objectives of CuraBone through the development of its own Individual Research Project (IRP). Take a look at the project description to know more about the project.

Find further information about the offer in Euraxess web page.

The applications may be done at either recruitment institutions: University of Zaragoza and Materialise. Find more information on how to apply below.

The selected candidate will be employed under a local employment contract for a maximum of 14 months, compatible with national and regional legislation and following the guidelines provided by the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, including salaries with adequate and equitable social security benefits.

A career development plan will be prepared for the selected candidate in accordance with his/her supervisor and will include training, planned secondments and outreach activities in partner institutions of the network. For more information please visit the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks website.

To apply for the vacancy, please check the eligibility criteria below. If you fulfil all the requirements, send your application with all the necessary records to assess your candidature.

  • Not be in possession of a doctorate/PhD degree and should have less than 4 years of research experience (starting at the date of obtaining the master’s degree).
  • At the time of selection by the host institution, the candidate may not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment under the project.
  • For Unizar’s Biomedical Engineering PhD, it is required 300 Graduate ECTS (of which at least 60 ECTS must of Master`s degree)

The applications may be addressed at either both recruiting institutions: University of Zaragoza and Materialise. Find more information to apply below. In case you had any doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us:

All applicants will be employed under a local employment contract for a maximum of 3 years, compatible with national and regional legislation and following the guidelines provided by the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, including salaries with adequate and equitable social security benefits.

A career development plan will be prepared for each fellow in accordance with his/her supervisor and will include training, planned secondments and outreach activities in partner institutions of the network. The ESR fellows are supposed to complete their PhD thesis by the end of the 3rd year of their employment. For more information please visit Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks.

More details:

Research Assistant m/f (30 h) Bioresorbable Material Testing @ KL Krems, Austria

The Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL) offers a research position limited to 1 year in the Department of Anatomy and Biomechanics (Division Biomechanics, Head: Univ.-Prof. Dieter Pahr):

Your responsibilities:

  • Participation in the biomechanics research project: „BEST Mg Alloy. Biokompatible Elemente – Simulationen und Tests für Mg-Legierungen“.
  • Usage of microcomputed tomography and mechanical testing on biodegradable metals.
  • Programming of analysis software.
  • Support in teaching activities.

Your profile:

  • Bachelor or master degree in mechanical- or civil engineering, biomedical engineering, mechatronics, technical physics, or similar fields.
  • Basic knowledge in mechanics and programming
  • Self-responsible and reliable working approach
  • Interest on scientific work
  • Friendly and team oriented personality

Your perspective:

You can expect a challenging job at a young university in a highly motivated team. The Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences is dedicated to achieving a balanced mix of male and female academic and non-academic staff. Consequently, applications from female candidates are particularly welcome. The minimum monthly gross salary for this position is € 2.000,- (30h).

Applications should include a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, and credentials and should be sent by e-mail by 31th July 2019 to Ms. Christina Schwaiger of the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems, Austria (

PhD-Position: Non-linear μFE of Bone @ TU-Wien, Austria

The Vienna University of Technology is seeking an exceptional student for a PhD position at the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Structural Biomechanics (Computational Biomechanics Group of Prof. Pahr) from 01.09.2019 for a period of 4 years, salary group B1, with an employment scale of 30 hours per week, to occupy. The minimum monthly salary is currently EUR 2,148.40 (14 times a year). Due to activity-related previous experience or involvement in third-party funded projects, the fee may increase.

PhD Topic

The PhD thesis builds on existing research in the field of non-linear micro FE in bone biomechanics (see This simulation method should be applied in the field of bone biomechanics and orthopedic implants.  Don’t hesitate to contact members of the research group at the ESB 2019 in Vienna.


Applicants must have a Master’s degree (diploma) in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Technical Physics, Medical Informatics or equivalent studies.

Furthermore, very good programming skills, preferably Python and C ++, mechanics, fundamentals of the finite element methods, German language skills (minimum level B2 according to CEFR) are required.

Other desired skills & interests: Biomechanical fundamentals, basic knowledge of medical image processing.  The willingness to cooperate in teaching and at the institute is expected as well as good knowledge of English, interest in scientific work.

Application deadline: until 18.07.2019 (date of postmark)

Applications should be sent to the Personnel Administration, Department of Human Resources of the Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna. Online applications to  Applicants are not entitled to compensation for accrued travel and subsistence expenses incurred as a result of the admission procedure.

Petition, letter to EMA about in silico methods

The European Medicine Agency has recently published a document that describes its strategy until 2025:

The EMA proposed strategy recognizes the importance of emerging technologies in general and modelling and simulation, also known as in silico methods, in particular. However, the document tends to stress the value of in silico methods almost exclusively in connection with the reduction of animal experimentation. While we agree that this is a relevant application for such methods, it is not the only one and likely not the most impactful one for the patient and for the industry. The term In Silico Trials indicates a number of use cases, not only related to pre-clinical evaluation, but also to the reduction, refinement, and in some cases even replacement of clinical trials.

The VPH Institute together with the Avicenna Alliance, the Insigneo Institute for in silico Medicine and the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna has drafted an open letter, which will be sent to Prof Guido Rasi – the Director of EMA to raise our collective voices on this regard.

At this link you can find the full text and SIGN THE PETITION:

We wish to collect signatures on the document by as many experts in academia and industry as possible to make sure our voice is heard. We encourage you all to take a minute of your time to fill up this form and help us raising the awareness of your colleagues on this matter.

Marie Curie PhD position in Optimization of screw constructs for spinal applications

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our mission is to pursue top-quality research and education and to interact constructively with society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has 44.000 students, 7.100 employees and a turnover of SEK 7 billion.

The Department of Engineering Sciences is one of the largest at Uppsala University and conducts research within a number of different technical subjects. The department has approximately 360 employees and has its activities at the Ångström Laboratory and Campus Gotland.

The Marie Curie-PhD position is at the Division of Applied Materials Science, the Ångström Laboratory.

We are pleased to invite applications for a Marie Curie-PhD position in the new four-year EU-funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN programme “Training innovative future leaders in research and development of materials and implants for the spine” (NU-SPINE,, project ID 812 765). This network is led by Prof. Cecilia Persson at Uppsala University and consists of three European universities (Uppsala University, ETH Zürich and University of Leeds) as well as industrial (IHI Ionbond AG, CeramTec GmbH, Key Engineering Solutions, SINTX Technologies and OssDsign AB) and clinical (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) collaborators.

Project description: NU-SPINE aims to deliver novel material compositions with a higher degree of biocompatibility as well as novel implant designs adapted to the local loading situation. Important deliverables for the network are also innovative methods for more accurate evaluation of the demanding tribological and corrosive conditions surrounding the implants. NU-SPINE will train talented researchers with the scientific and entrepreneurial mind required of the next generation of leaders in academia and industry connected to these medical devices. As a Marie Curie-PhD student, you will benefit from a tailored, multidisciplinary, scientific training programme, and be exposed to different environments via planned placements, and contribute to and organise workshops.

This Marie Curie-PhD project will focus on the development of validated numerical models for optimization of screw design and bone augmentation as a function of surrounding bone morphology. The project will (i) increase the understanding of failure mechanisms of a screw/bone and screw/bone/cement constructs, at the microscale, (2) produce 3-dimensional, validated numerical models of screw pull-outs in human bone and (3) develop novel screw and screw augmentation designs and recommendations, better adapted to the microstructure of the surrounding bone. The project will be performed mainly at Uppsala University. Main supervision will be undertaken by Prof Cecilia Persson (Uppsala University), with co-supervision from Prof Per Isaksson (Uppsala University) and Dr Jonas Åberg (OssDsign AB). The position includes secondments at ETH Zürich, Switzerland (5 months) and OssDsign, Sweden (1 month).

Your main duties will include:

  • Conducting world-class research focussed on materials development and implant design for spinal applications and NU-SPINE activities
  • Developing initiative, creativity and judgement in applying appropriate approaches to research activities
  • Actively participate in all relevant activities organised by the network as advised by the Supervisor
  • Attending meetings as required to discuss the project. This will involve occasional EU-wide travel, beyond that associated with secondments
  • Ensuring good day-to-day progress of work, and maintaining good records
  • Writing up results for publication and attending suitable conferences for their dissemination
  • Working both independently and also as part of a larger team of researchers, including interacting with and providing assistance to other staff in the research group and the NU-SPINE network and engaging in knowledge-transfer activities where appropriate and feasible
  • Contributing to joint discussions within the wider research group and network
  • Maintaining your own continuing professional development

These duties provide a framework for the role and should not be regarded as a definitive list. Other reasonable duties may be required consistent with the grade of the post.

We are seeking a candidate with:

  • An MSc or equivalent in engineering, with a focus on biomedical or mechanical engineering. Those with a degree in engineering physics with a relevant specialization may also be considered. Experiences within finite element modelling and/or biomechanics is an advantage.
  • A strong motivation and proven ability to work both independently and in a team
  • Good time management and planning skills, with the ability to meet tight deadlines and work effectively under pressure
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills including presentation skills, in English
  • A strong commitment to your own continuous professional development

The eligibility criteria for this specific project are as follows:

  • The applicant must, at the date of recruitment, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they obtained the undergraduate degree.
  • The applicant must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date. Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays, and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention are not taken into account.

The advertised project will be carried out by a PhD student (“Early-stage Researcher”) at Uppsala University over a period of 42-48 months, in addition departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching) will be expected.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University’s rules and guidelines

For further information, see and

Application: Applications should include a cover letter, including a brief description of experience relevant to the position and the candidate criteria stated above, a CV, copies of diplomas and certificates, preferably a master thesis (or a draft thereof) and other relevant documents. The candidates are encouraged to provide letter(s) of recommendation and contact information to at least two reference persons. All applications should be submitted through the Uppsala University job portal.

Uppsala University strives to be an inclusive workplace that promotes equal opportunities and attracts qualified candidates who can contribute to the University’s excellence and diversity. We welcome applications from all sections of the community and from people of all backgrounds.

Starting date: To be negotiated, but as soon as possible during 2019.

Scope of employment: 100 %

For further information about the position please contact: Cecilia Persson ( or Cecilia Alsmark (

Please submit your application by 28 June 2019, UFV-PA 2019/1970.

Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? If so, you will find a lot of information about working and living in Sweden at You are also welcome to contact International Faculty and Staff Services at

Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services. Applications must be submitted as described in this advertisement.

Placement: Department of Engineering Sciences

Type of employment: Full time , Temporary position longer than 6 months

Pay: Fixed salary

Number of positions: 1

Working hours: 100 %

Town: Uppsala

County: Uppsala län

Country: Sweden

Union representative: Saco-rådet 
Seko Universitetsklubben

Number of reference: UFV-PA 2019/1970

Last application date: 2019-06-28Login and apply

ESB Webinar Series – No.01

Learn How to use SimVascular: the open source pipeline for cardiovascular modeling

We are delighted to announce our first webinar of the ESB Webinar Series. The webinar will take place on June 11th 2019 at 17:00 CET. In this webinar, we are going to explore an open source software package to simulate and analyze the cardiovascular system. SimVascular is the only fully open source software package providing a complete pipeline from medical image data segmentation to patient specific blood flow simulation and analysis.

Presentation will be given by Mr. Gabriel Maher. Gabriel is a PhD Student at the Cardiovascular Biomechanics Computation lab at Stanford University, his research is focused on deep learning for cardiovascular medical imaging and he is one of the core developers of the SimVascular project

During the webinar, we will explore together with the developers the features and abilities of the software and the procedure of building and analyzing a complete cardiovascular model.

More specifically, you will learn how to use SimVascular to:

  • Build 3D patient-specific cardiovascular models
  • Run computational blood flow simulations
  • Visualize and analyze simulation data 

and become familiar with the features of the software such as:

  • Image Analysis: volume rendering, image denoising, edge detection
  • Model Construction: level set segmentation, model repair tools
  • Meshing: radius-based and boundary layer meshing, adaptive mesh refinement
  • Simulation: deformable walls, variable mechanical properties, highly parallelized solver
  • Machine learning to accelerate vascular segmentation
  • Python interface
  • Automated pipeline for 1D simulations
  • Enhanced capabilities for 3D segmentation

You will have the chance to ask your questions which will be addressed by the instructors at the end of the webinar. However, it would be great if you could send your question in advance while filling the registration form or by sending to and/or before the start of the webinar.

Click here to register for the webinar.

June 11th, 2019
17:00 CET
Live on ESB Youtube Channel – Please Subscribe! (

Looking forward to your attendance.

ESB Student Committe

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo