ESBiomech24 Congress in Edinburgh

10 PhD positions in the doctoral school BIOINTERFACE at TU Wien (Austria)

Within BIOINTERFACE – a newly created doctoral training program at TU Wien, Austria – ten PhD positions are available . BIOINTERFACE is a highly interdisciplinary doctoral training porogram, which aims at exploring the interface between inorganic and bio-organic systems towards applications in bio- nanotechnology. Short descriptions of the ten PhD projects are available at the BIOINTERFACE webpage under the following link:

What we offer:

Ten three- year Ph D positions, starting between October 1 st 2016 and March 31 st 2017 , in the fields of chemical synthesis, experimental (bio-)physics/engineering as well as biomechanics, and theory/simulation. The positions are equivalent to a part-time university assistant (25 hours) position (minimum salary is EUR 1.685,30- pre-tax, 14x per year). The salary can be raised according to previous experience in the field. BIOINTERFACE provides highly interdisciplinary research projects and a cutting- edge training program including monthly seminars, lab rotation, retreats, a stay abroad, and – if applicable – industrial cooperation.

Application  Requirements:

A Diploma/Masters/Magister university degree in chemistry, ( bio-)physics, civil engineering, mathematics, biology, electrical engineering,  process  engineering,  biomedical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, or a related discipline is a prerequisite for becoming a BIOINTERFACE PhD student. Additional knowledge related to the specific projects is desirable.

How to apply:

Applications should be submitted in German or English language via email to: Please send a single pdf-file, named “givenname_surname.pdf” The deadline for application is: September 30 2016 .

Applications must include:

  1. curriculum vitae including a list of publications, conference contributions, and other scientific activities (if applicable)
  2. transcripts of records of the Bachelor- and Master-studies
  3. title and a short summary of the diploma/master thesis
  4. two letters of reference, of which one from MSc thesis advisor
  5. cover-letter including the specification of two preferred PhD projects (please indicate 1st and 2nd choice from the list of projects at projects/) and a motivation for your choice.

For informal questions please contact:

Gerhard Kahl, Institute for Theoretical Physics (, Gerhard Schütz, Institute of Applied Physics (, or

Miriam M. Unterlass, Institute of Materials Chemistry (

TU Wien is an equal opportunity employer aiming to increase the proportion of women within scientific and artistic staff and thus strongly encourages qualified women to apply. Female applicants will be considered preferentially, if their abilities, aptitude and professional performance are equal with those of male applicants. Persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.


23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics



ESB 2017 will take place at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, from the 2nd to the 5th of July 2017.

Plenary lectures will be delivered by Prof. Ellen Kuhl (Stanford University), Dr. Walter Herzog (University Of Calgary) and Prof. José Manuel García-Aznar (University Of Zaragoza).

Seville is the scent of orange trees under blue skies, the river, shops and streets, the barrios, the outlying areas, la Vega, el Aljarafe, las Marismas, la Campiña, the Southern and Northern Sierras, and Estepa.

Please find out more information about the congress and scientific programme at


We look forward to welcome you in Seville in 2017!



Call for Council Nominations 2016

During the next General Assembly that will be held during our upcoming 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics in Lyon, we will elect 6 new members to the Council. The Council thus invites any regular member in good standing to candidate for a seat on the Council of our Society. More info here.

ESB Mobility Award for Young Researchers

The ESB Mobility Award for Young Researchers 2016 has been launched!

Two awards to a value of €4000 are available. Encourage your students to take the chance to visit a foreign lab. Submission deadline is 31st of May, and the winners will be presented in Lyon.  More info here

Call for Bids ESB2019

The ESB invites proposals for the organization of its annual congress in 2019. If you would like to host and organize the 2019 ESB congress and wish to prepare and submit a bid, please read the conference rules following the link Conferences-Bid Rules General 2016 in the ESB website.

Interested members can contact or send a proposal/bid to Prof. Paulo Fernandes, Chair of the meetings Committee (

The deadline for bid submission to organize the ESB2019 is 31st March 2016.

ESB2016 upcoming deadlines

The 29th of January is the deadline for abstract submission to the ESB2016.

The deadline for the ESB Perren Award is Friday 26th February 2016.

The deadline for the ESB Clinical Biomechanics Award, the Best Doctoral Thesis Award, the ESB Student Award and the ESB Poster Award is the 29th of January.




European Society of Biomechanics statement on the terrorist attacks in Paris

The European society of Biomechanics wishes to express it’s concern for and sympathy to any members affected by the recent atrocities in Paris. This recent event hits particularly close to the heart of the ESB since we were founded in 1976, with a large contribution from French members and will have the next European Society of Biomechanics congress in Lyon, France this coming July. All such attacks in all our home countries are equally shocking and tragic. However, we feel it important to comment because what seems to be clear about this attack is that it was an assault on international groups of people joining together. Such negative and destructive actions will of course not deter us from gathering together in France in our international community to enjoy science, engineering and cultural exchange and support each other in our endeavors to make a small but positive contribution to the world.

5th Meeting of the Spanish Chapter

The fifth Meeting of the Spanish National Chapter will be held in Madrid during the 19th-20th November 2015 at the School of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid. The meeting will gather the Spanish members of the ESB who will have the opportunity to present their research.
During the 19th November two courses devoted to the opensource programs Slicer3d ( and Febio ( will be held and, the meeting will be the 20th, where prizes and the renovation of the Council will take place.
More information about the Fifth Meeting of the ESB Spanish National Chapter is available at this web page:

22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics


ESB 2016 will take place at the Cité des Congrès of Lyon, France, from the 10th to 13th of July 2016 and is jointly organized by the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) and the Société de Biomécanique (SB).

Two anniversaries will be celebrated at the occasion of ESB 2016. The ESB is a European society founded in 1976 and will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2016. The SB is an international society which organizes a congress every year gathering delegates mostly from French speaking countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland…). The first conference was organized in Lyon in 1976. So the SB will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its annual conference in 2016.

The congress will take place in Lyon which is a very attractive city. Among numerous examples, Lyon is the place where Auguste and Louis Lumière invented the “Cinématographe” in 1895. Cité des Congrès is a modern and recently built venue offering the latest state-of–the-art equipment.

Please find out more information about the congress and scientific programme at


We look forward to welcome you in Lyon in 2016!



Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo