Within BIOINTERFACE – a newly created doctoral training program at TU Wien, Austria – ten PhD positions are available . BIOINTERFACE is a highly interdisciplinary doctoral training porogram, which aims at exploring the interface between inorganic and bio-organic systems towards applications in bio- nanotechnology. Short descriptions of the ten PhD projects are available at the BIOINTERFACE webpage under the following link:
What we offer:
Ten three- year Ph D positions, starting between October 1 st 2016 and March 31 st 2017 , in the fields of chemical synthesis, experimental (bio-)physics/engineering as well as biomechanics, and theory/simulation. The positions are equivalent to a part-time university assistant (25 hours) position (minimum salary is EUR 1.685,30- pre-tax, 14x per year). The salary can be raised according to previous experience in the field. BIOINTERFACE provides highly interdisciplinary research projects and a cutting- edge training program including monthly seminars, lab rotation, retreats, a stay abroad, and – if applicable – industrial cooperation.
Application Requirements:
A Diploma/Masters/Magister university degree in chemistry, ( bio-)physics, civil engineering, mathematics, biology, electrical engineering, process engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, or a related discipline is a prerequisite for becoming a BIOINTERFACE PhD student. Additional knowledge related to the specific projects is desirable.
How to apply:
Applications should be submitted in German or English language via email to: pi.biointerface@tuwien.ac.at. Please send a single pdf-file, named “givenname_surname.pdf” The deadline for application is: September 30 2016 .
Applications must include:
- curriculum vitae including a list of publications, conference contributions, and other scientific activities (if applicable)
- transcripts of records of the Bachelor- and Master-studies
- title and a short summary of the diploma/master thesis
- two letters of reference, of which one from MSc thesis advisor
- cover-letter including the specification of two preferred PhD projects (please indicate 1st and 2nd choice from the list of projects at http://biointerface.tuwien.ac.at/doctoral-training-program/phd- projects/) and a motivation for your choice.
For informal questions please contact:
Gerhard Kahl, Institute for Theoretical Physics (gerhard.kahl@tuwien.ac.at), Gerhard Schütz, Institute of Applied Physics (gerhard.schuetz@tuwien.ac.at), or
Miriam M. Unterlass, Institute of Materials Chemistry (miriam.unterlass@tuwien.ac.at).
TU Wien is an equal opportunity employer aiming to increase the proportion of women within scientific and artistic staff and thus strongly encourages qualified women to apply. Female applicants will be considered preferentially, if their abilities, aptitude and professional performance are equal with those of male applicants. Persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.