ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Winners ESB Awards 2008

At the last Biennial Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics in early July 2008, the winners of the various ESB Awards were announced.

The meeting, which was held in Lucerne, Switzerland, drew again a large crowd and with that a record in Award applications. The quality of the applications was exceptionally high which made it hard for the Award Committee to define the winners.

On another note, please mark your calendars already now: the deadline for the submission of papers in competition of the 2010 S.M. Perren Award will be December 1, 2009. The S.M. Perren Award is the most prestigious Award of the Society and comes with a prize of 10’000 Swiss Francs sponsored by the AO Foundation. All the 2010 awards will be announced at the Biennial Meeting which will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Congratulations to all the winners!!!

For the Awards Committee:

Prof. Ralph Müller, Chairman
ESB President


Yves Pauchard, C. Mattmann, A. Kuhn, J.A. Gasser and S.K. Boyd (Calgary, Canada) “Using temporal trends of 3D bone micro-architecture to predict bone quality”
Laudation: “The award winning paper by Pauchard and coworkers presents a precisely written summary of a combined computational and experimental approach aimed at improving our ability to predict changes in the bone architecture based on time-lapsed microstructural imaging. The authors present truly novel methodology using cutting edge technology to describe in vivo bone dynamics. Furthermore, they provide proof of concept that their predictive routines can be used to estimate the development of bone trabecular architecture over time in an in vivo animal model. The work of Pauchard and coworkers provides one of the first investigations for better monitoring of the development of bone diseases such as osteoporosis and to better describe the response to therapy clearly worthy of the S.M. Perren Award, the most prestigious award of the European Society of Biomechanics.”


B. Heinlein, I. Kutzner, F. Graichen, A. Rohlmann, A. Bender, G. Bergmann (Winterthur, Switzerland; Berlin, Germany) “Normative data of TKR loading for level walking and stair climbing measured in vivo”


P. Schneider, R. Voide, L.R. Donahue, M. Stampanoni, R. Müller (Zürich, Switzerland) “The influence of the cortical canal network on murine bone mechanics”
M. Robinson, G. Barton, A. Lees, P. Sett (Liverpool, UK) Reaching ability of tetraplegics in their 3D workspace after tendon transfer surgery”
L. McCann, I. Udofia, E. Ingham, Z. Jin, J. Fisher (Leeds, UK) “The importance of contact stress in knee hemiarthroplasty design: a tribological simulation”
A.A. Nikooyan, H.E.J. Veeger, F.C.T. van der Helm, P. Westerhoff, F. Graichen, G.Bergmann (Delft, the Netherlands) “Comparing model-predicted GH-joint contact forces by in-vivo measured forces”


A. Alonso-Vázquez, A. Ramírez, B. Calvo, M. Doblaré (Zaragoza, Spain) “Towards a 3D finite element model of skeletal muscle concentric and eccentric contraction”

Simona Celi, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Dan Rafiroiu, Cluj-Napoca Technical University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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