Second meeting of the Spanish National Chapter
The second Meeting of the Spanish National Chapter will be held in Seville on 25th October 2012 at the ETS Ingenieros. The meeting will gather the Spanish members of the ESB who will have the opportunity to present their research. Moreover, two special sessions will be held: – A special session about technology transfer in biomechanics, in which companies and centers of technology are invited to present their work. – A round table involving clinicians and engineers/researchers in Biomechanics Both sessions aim at supporting technology transfer activities as a response to previous discussions at General Assembly of the Chapter in Zaragoza. More information about the second Meeting of the ESB Spanish National Chapter is available
16th-19th September 2012, Bialystok, Poland
The main objective of the 30th Anniversary Meeting of the Polish Biomechanics is to create an opportunity for researchers and practitioners engaged in the fields of biomechanics and biomedical engineering to meet, present the latest scientific achievements and discuss the actual problems. Taking into account the specific localization of Bialystok, situated close to the eastern boundary of the European Union, we hope that BIOMECHANICS 2012 will be a special occasion for promoting collaboration between researchers from eastern and western European countries.
Lectures presented by invited speakers, oral and poster sessions, exhibition of laboratory and clinical equipment, as well as a special workshop will be good opportunities for presenting the participants’ research, as well as for providing new stimuli for further activity. It is worth mentioning that the best papers presented during the conference will be published in the Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics (Indexed in: Current Contents, Medline, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Copernicus, Thomson Reuters: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Journal Citation Reports).
Conference website:
7th – 11th May 2012, Barcelona, Spain
The third VPH NoE study group (SG3) will be held in Barcelona in May 2012. The event, organised by the University of Sheffield, Super Computing Solutions, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, will take place at UPF premises the week after the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2012).
Following the success of previous study groups organised by the VPH NoE Consortium, the format of SG3 will be quite similar to that of SG1 and SG21. The organisers invited three groups of world-recognised experts, typically leading large VPH Projects, to submit a proposal for a grand challenge in the area of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and oncology research. The organisers requested that these grand challenges would identify each a challenging modelling workflow, a minimum list of “essential” tools known to be necessary, and a list of European research groups that are known to be active in research topics that could benefit from the complete realisation of such workflow.
Norbert Graf, USAAR – University Hospital of Saarland, coordinator of the P-medicine project, and Georgios Stamatakos, ICCS – National Technical University of Athens, coordinator of the Oncosimulator Project proposed “Multiscale cancer models and oncosimulators for clinical use”;
Fulvia Taddei, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, co-coordinator of the VPHOP project, and Damien Lacroix, IBEC Barcelona, coordinator of the MYSPINE project proposed “Multiscale models of the skeleton for clinical use”;
Blanca Rodriguez, University of Oxford, Pras Pathmanathan, University of Oxford, Pablo Lamata, Kings College London/University of Oxford and Mariano Vazquez, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre proposed “Multiscale multiphysics modelling and simulation of the cardiovascular system”.
Please note: Registration for this event is now closed.
Study group website:
During the next General Assembly that will be held during our upcoming 18th Conference of the ESB in Lisbon, we shall have to elect a number of new members to the Council.
Gabriele Dubini, Dominique Pioletti, Gwendolen Reilly and William R. Taylor completed their first term. Gwendolen Reilly and William R. Taylor intend to stand for re-election. José Manuel Garcia-Aznar and I have served two full terms, and thus must step down.
Hence, six Council seats in total are up for election. The Council thus invites any regular member in good standing to present himself or herself as a candidate to serve on the Council of our Society.
Our Society considers gender equality as an important aspect in the life of our community; we would particularly encourage female candidates for this position.
Those who are interested should send their full length CV, a 200-word CV, and a small picture all in electronic format to the Secretary General before 1 May 2012. All candidates will be posted on the Society web site so that all members can consult them. Candidates will also be presented by the President right before the election ballot at the forthcoming General Assembly held in Lisbon on July 2, 2012.
The President of the European Society of Biomechanics
Damien Lacroix
As it is usual in this time, the ESB Council announces the Awards Programme for the next ESB Congress in Lisbon.
Please, remember the dealines are very close.
All the current ESB Awards are:
The 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics
will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 1st to 4th July 2012.
Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is a beautiful, historic city on the Atlantic Ocean. Lisbon has been a point of cultural interchange and encounter for many centuries for visitors and people coming from all over the world. It is a safe and pleasant city where delegates and their companions will feel at ease and will be very well received. Lisbon has a very good weather, in July is mostly sunny and dry, with mildly hot temperatures between 16°C to 30°C. Lisbon location and airport infrastructures make it easily accessible to visitors from all parts of the world. The conference will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), the Engineering School of the Technical University of Lisbon, and organized by an experienced team from IST chaired by Paulo Fernandes, João Folgado and Miguel Silva.
All up-to-date information can be obtained at the congress website:
The international foot and ankle biomechanics community (i-FAB) is an international collaborative community of all people related to foot and ankle biomechanics.
i-FAB aims
Any ESB member interested in i-FAB can get more information at
Special issue of Interface Focus – The Virtual Physiological Human
Royal Society Publishing has just published an issue of Interface Focus – The Virtual Physiological Human organised by Peter Coveney, Marco Viceconti, Vanessa Diaz, Peter Hunter and Peter Kohl.
Straight to the issue…
See RSFS Publishing for further details or you can go straight to the issue contents. The print issue is available priced £49.00. You can order this online via the above web page or, alternatively, you can contact
Thank you to all members who took part in our recent membership survey the report on the survey findings can be found here: