Title: From Virtual Pre-Operative Planning to Surgical Reality – THR Planning with Corin OPS and Simpleware Software
Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
This webinar will explore the Corin OPS™ Total Hip Replacement (THR) system through a patient’s journey. This involves performing pre-operative patient-specific analysis to improve surgical outcomes. We will demonstrate how medical imaging is used to create a personalized plan for the surgical procedure, including patient-specific 3D printed guides. In addition, tools are provided for post-operative assessment.
We will show how Synopsys’ Simpleware™ software has been used to streamline the OPS process, capitalizing on flexible scripting capabilities to enable the development of custom tools and a bespoke robust workflow, reducing the time per surgical case required and increasing consistency and traceability.
In this webinar you will:
- Recognize the benefits of virtual pre-surgical planning
- Understand Corin’s OPS™ system for transforming medical images into personalized surgical plans
- See the value of integrating Simpleware software to automate pre-surgical planning workflows
See http://bit.ly/2OMr7Nc for more details