ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Two PhD Positions at The City College of New York

The Laboratory of Dr. Alessandra Carriero in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at The City College of New York, is offering two PhD Positions in the field of Bone Multiscale Mechanics and Mechanobiology, and Hearing Biomechanics.

Dr. Carriero’s research focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding of bone mechanics and adaptation in healthy, aging and disease so to aid in the development of new treatment strategies for bone frailty and deformities, and hearing loss.  Dr. Carriero’s lab uses mechanical engineering methods, material science approaches, high-resolution imaging, clinical data and biological analysis to reveal how mechanical forces influence bone growth, maintenance and function. Bone fragility is very common but yet not well understood. Understanding the mechanisms of bone failure and hearing loss in frailty has potential to make a significant positive impact on the quality of life of people worldwide, while delivering economic benefits to our society.

Position 1: This research will reveal the contribution of bone composition and structure to mechanical properties of bone along its multiscale hierarchy and specifically on its fracture toughness. The specific aims of this PhD project are to 1) investigate the fracture toughness properties of bone using high-resolution imaging acquisition and analysis for bone composition and structure while simultaneously fracturing bone in healthy, disease and treated bone; (2) assess local bone measurements with biomarkers and compare these to the structure/composition and mechanics of bone; (3) develop new multiscale modeling approaches to evaluate fracture resistance in brittle bones and treatments.

Position 2: This research will contribute to understanding of hearing loss in osteogenesis imperfecta (or brittle bone disease). The specific aims of this PhD project are to 1) develop novel high-resolution imaging acquisition analysis for cochlea micromechanics; (2) assess bone and soft tissue structure, composition and mechanics in mouse ears; (3) develop modeling approaches to evaluate cochlea mechanics in healthy, disease and treated conditions.

Both positions will be based at The City College of New York, where the students will be enrolled in the Doctorate Program in Biomedical Engineering, and research will be conducted in collaboration with other institutions in US and UK, particularly Hospital for Special Surgery, Northwestern University, Imperial College and the Diamond Light Source.

The successful candidate holds or will soon receive a Master’s or an equivalent Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science or Mathematics. A high motivation to work in a pioneering research environment at the interface between engineering, science and medicine is essential as well as the enthusiasm to work in an international and multidisciplinary team. Availability to travel internationally and work with animals is required. Good knowledge of English (oral and written) is essential. Experience in one or more of the following is desirable: biomedical research, mechanical testing, experimental testing of bone, imaging acquisition, imaging processing, computational modeling techniques.

We look forward to receiving your application including a motivation letter, CV, university transcripts and names and contact details of three references. Applications must be submitted to Dr. Carriero at The positions are available immediately and will last until filled.

For further information about the positions, please contact Dr. Alessandra Carriero at

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