ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Postdoc: In vitro replication of bone pathologies @TU Eindhoven

Job description

Bone is a living tissue that is remodeled throughout life. In healthy human bone homeostasis, bone formation and resorption are in balance. In contrast, many bone diseases are caused by an imbalance in the interaction between bone cells, resulting in a significant change in the 3D morphology and functionality of bone. In an effort to stick to the 3Rs in animal experimentation (i.e. reduction, refinement and replacement), this project aims at implementing bone pathologies (for example osteoporosis). You will be part of the engaging Bioengineering Bone team and be familiarized with the use of our existing 3D in vitro co-culture model which is part of a larger project (NWO Vidi Project MiniBones). Within this project, you are expected to take the current healthy homeostatic state further to simulating bone diseases. This model will allow to simulate not only the interaction of the three main bone cells with each other, it will also take their native 3D environment into account (simulating bone morphology) and aims at providing a conceptual understanding of the bone disease and potential intervention targets.

Job requirements

  • PhD in molecular/cellular biology, biomedical engineering/science or a comparable domain.
  • Ability to conduct high quality academic research, demonstrated for instance by a relevant PhD thesis and/or publication(s).
  • Experience in in vitro tissue models, ideally co-cultures, is preferred.
  • Ability to teach, shown by experience or assistance in teaching and positive evaluations of these teaching efforts.
  • Excellent mastering of the English language, good communication and leadership skills. Note that there is no Dutch language requirement.
  • You can effectively communicate scientific ideas, excel at teamwork and have a capability for independent thinking.
  • Be a team player and able to work in a dynamic, interdisciplinary context.

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