Academic Context: The post-doctoral fellow will join the STBio team, from the Centre Ingénierie et
Santé (Mines Saint-Etienne) and the SaInBioSE laboratory (INSERM U1059), whose research activities
are focused on soft tissue biomechanics. For several years, STBio has been working on the interactions
between medical textile devices and the skin, in order to better understand their mechanisms of action
and/or to prevent certain complications.
Background: The device under study is a very innovative system developed for the treatment of
lymphedema. It consists of a compressive envelope with a structured inner face. Although several
clinical investigations have shown its efficiency, its mechanism of action remains poorly understood. It
is based on the interface pressure, but also on its spatial and temporal variation, that is exerted on the
surface of the skin. The geometrical structure of the inner face determines these pressure variations.
Application deadline: 13 july 2022