The Institute of Bioengineering (IoB) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) has a fully-funded EPSRC PhD studentship on understanding the biomechanics of cutaneous fibrosis. Fibrotic scarring affects >100 million people every year, and targeted therapies do not currently exist. Fibrotic progression is critically influenced by the nanoscale mechanics of the fibrillar collagen network, but these mechanisms and their link to the cellular response are unclear. This project will uncover the nanoscale tissue-matrix biophysics and link to the fibroblast repair response, by combining micromechanics, in situ synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering and correlative functional imaging on an animal model. It is a collaborative project between experts in i) nanoscale tissue mechanics (IoB-QMUL) and ii) the biology of fibrosis (at the William Harvey Research Institute, QMUL).
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