We invite applications for a PhD position at University of Poitiers, France, entitled “Characterization of anticipatory neuromuscular coordination during explosive movements“.
Summary: The objective of this PhD thesis is to characterize anticipatory muscular coordination during iexplosive movements performed by trained female and male athletes. The Ph.D. student will conceive experimental protocols where human participants have to perform explosive dynamic movements. Data will be collected using both human motion analysis (infrared cameras & force sensors) and muscular physiology (electromyography & superfast ultrasound echograph) equipment. Anticipatory neuromuscular coordination recorded during explosive movements will then be analysed using multi-scale and multi-physic models. Joint torques and muscular lengths and activation patterns will be estimated from a personalised musculoskeletal model. Data collected with echographs will help refine the characterization of interactions between muscular and tendinous fibers.
Keywords: Human movement, Biomechanics, Neuromuscular coordination, Motion Analysis, Musculoskeletal Modelling, Experimental studies, Sport.
Supervisors: Dr. Floren COLLOUD & Dr Romain TISSERAND
Applications must be sent by email before April, 20th 2021.
Interview: from May 17th to May 21st 2021.
Project and funding will start October 1st 2021.
Further information: https://www.u-ldevinci.fr/simme/en/2021/03/04/characterisation-of-anticipatory-neuromuscular-coordination-during-explosive-movements/
For informal discussion please contact Floren Colloud (floren.colloud@univ-poitiers.fr)