ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

PhD Position in Experimental Micro- and Nanobiomechanics

We invite applications for a of a PhD position (University Assistant) in experimental micro- and nanobiomechanics. The position is set within a vibrant research group with a main focus on mechanics of individual collagen fibrils and micromechanics of collagen-rich tissues. The research project to be addressed is two-fold:

1) Further development of experimental testing devices for micro- and nanomechanical characterization of individual collagen fibrils and microscopic tissue samples. This is based on a unique mechanical testing device for nanoscale fibres.

2) Conducting scientific research on the mechanics of individual collagen-fibrils as well as micro-mechanics of tissue sections as a function of age, pathology or chemical modification. We have a number of ongoing research projects in this context such that this part will be shaped according to the interests of the applicant.

Further information and link to apply for this position (deadline March 4th 2021):

For informal discussion please contact Philipp Thurner (

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