ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

ESBiomech Newsletter Spring 2019


We are pleased to present the Spring 2019 news updates from the European Society of Biomechanics. The council has tried to summarize the most important information of our society in this newsletter. Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any information worth knowing about this newsletter.

Dieter H. Pahr, Publication Chair


Message from the President

It is spring already! Winter went by really fast, our courses and lectures are close to finish, and our next ESB conference is approaching (already the 25th!). The first meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics was held in Brussels (Belgium) in 1978. After that very first meeting, the Society has been traveling around Europe (and USA – Boston 2014): Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Spain and now we arrive for the first time to Austria. In that first meeting, 107 researchers were registered, and now, we can expect more and more attendees. Our community is also growing quite fast!

Our Vienna team (Philipp Thurner, Christian Hellmich and Dieter Pahr) are preparing everything. The scientific program will be available in a few days. A preview of the program is promising an interesting and diverse conference, and we will also have time to enjoy Vienna. The local organisers have committed to enable as much discussion time as possible at ESB 2019 so we look forward to interesting debates in a beautiful surrounding.

EAMBES so far…

The ESB council has decided not to renew the EAMBES (European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Sciences) membership due to lack of activity from the EAMBES…

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Contribute to ESB YouTube channel and send us your news

The ESB has a YouTube Channel! We invite you to subscribe to it for updates and to contribute to its content …

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Finally, I invite you to read this Newsletter so that you can find out that the ESB community is vibrant and that this Council is really active. We hope you find this newsletter interesting and informative. As usual we welcome feedback!

I am looking forward to meeting many of you again in July in Vienna.

Maria Angeles Pérez Ansón, ESB president

Remembering John D Currey 1932-2018

Just before Christmas, we received the sad news that John Curry left us. John’s commitment to getting the science right, he was a brilliant and charismatic teacher, excellent at personal communication and always willing to consult on research and act as a mentor. He helped to shape many careers with his boundless enthusiasm and helpful advice. He was an art and poetry enthusiast and a life-long hill walker. He combined his love of maps and running in the sport of orienteering and represented his country a few times in international competitions. John died peacefully in his sleep on 18th December 2018. He leaves a wife Jillian, daughter Louise, sons Guy and Nicholas and three grandchildren.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claudia Fleck

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Meeting News

25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 7 – 10 July 2019, Vienna, Austria – Registration for Participation

The 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2019) will take place in Vienna, Austria on July 7-10, 2019.

Early registration fees are applicable if payment is received not later than May 3, 2019. Please register here.

Next ESB conferences, save the dates!

26th Congress of the ESB (ESBiomech2020)

In 2020 the 26th Congress of ESB will be held in Milan, Italy. The congress will take place at the Politecnico di Milano from 12 – 15 July 2020.

27th Congress of the ESB (ESBiomech2021)

In 2021 the 27th Congress of ESB will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The congress will take place at the MECC Convention Center, situated just outside the city center. ESBiomech2021 will be jointly organized by three renowned universities in close proximity to each other: Eindhoven University of Technology, KU Leuven, and the University of Liege.

Endorsed meetings

The meetings endorsed by ESB do not only cover a research area of interest to biomechanicians, they also provide reduced registration fees for ESB members!

David Mitton, Chair of the Meetings Committee

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ESB awards

Prizes and Honors that will be Awarded during ESB 2019 in Vienna

The European Society of Biomechanics uses between 55% and 65% of the yearly turnover for the different grants and awards. This is a very important part of our action, to recognize excellence of established scientists, to support younger ones in their growth, and help the youngest to start attending our congresses and join our Society. Managing these awards requires great voluntary effort from a number of reviewers, whose contribution we all gratefully acknowledge.
We received a high number of nominations and applications for each of the ESB awards that will be assigned during our yearly congress in Vienna. Some have already been assigned, while for others the selection is in progress.

Luca Cristofolini , Vice President of the ESB and Chair of the Awards Committee

Huiskes Medal for Biomechanics 2019

The Huiskes Medal for Biomechanics is an Award to honour the lifetime of service that Rik Huiskes gave to biomechanics as a whole, and to the ESB in particular. This award is given to senior but active researchers who have contributed significantly to biomechanics throughout their careers. Also for this edition, we received a number of outstanding nominations, and the Award Committee had the difficult task of selecting the most deserving nominee. The ESB is pleased to announce that Professor Ralph Müller has been awarded the Huiskes Medal for Biomechanics 2019.

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Based on his unique contribution to the field of bone mechanics, micro-scale bioimaging and structure- function relationships, the ESB is glad to award Prof. Müller the Huiskes Medal for Biomechanics this year. Professor Müller will present his work in an award keynote lecture at the upcoming ESB Congress in Vienna.

For more information visit the Huiskes Medal page.

Best Doctoral Thesis 2019

We received over 20 excellent applications for the Best Doctoral Thesis award. The selection is still in progress and the winner and runner-ups will be contacted as soon as the award Committee has completed the work. The winner will be invited to present his/her work in a plenary award lecture at the ESB in Vienna.
For more information, please see the best doctoral thesis award webpage.

Student Award 2019

We received a great number of applications for the Student Award this year, as part of the abstract submission process for the Congress in Vienna. Evaluation is currently in progress. Four finalists will be selected to present and compete about the Award in a dedicated session during the yearly ESB Congress in Vienna, where the winner will be selected.
For more information, please see the student award webpage.

Best Poster Award 2019

The poster award will be assigned during the ESB congress in Vienna. Prepare your nicest poster to win this exciting challenge!
For more information, please see the poster award page.

Travel Awards

The purpose of the Travel Awards is to financially help young researchers to participate at the ESB Congress. The Award consists of a certificate and an amount of 400 €, which is meant to help cover the travel, registration and living expenses during the meeting. The winners of the Travel Awards to attend the 2019 Congress in Vienna will be contacted shortly.
For more information, please see the travel award webpage.

ESB Education and Student Committee

As every year, the Student Committee calls for ESB Mobility Award applications, and the deadline for the 2019 edition is May 31st. The award consists in a cost-of-living allowance of 4.000 € that gives ESB students and early researchers (up to one year after the PhD defence) the opportunity to spend from two to six months abroad under the supervision of an ESB member research. It is a unique opportunity, don’t miss it!

Check the details here:

The 2019 winners will be announced at the ESB 2019 in Vienna, at the end of the Student Awards Session. We hope to see you there!

Also, don’t forget to check the

ESB Facebook (,

LinkedIn ( and

Twitter (

for the latest news and job offers.

Contact us ( if you have any job to be advertised.

In this newsletter we report also the update of our 2018 winners of the Mobility Award. Follow the link to know more about their experience!

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Enrico Dall’Ara, Chair of Education and Student Committee


Membership news

New members

Since July 2018 membership has continued to grow substantially and we have been able to welcome a total of 91 new members since then, of which 61 are student members. Overall there were slightly more males (52) than females (39) among our new members.
New members reside in 27 different countries, from Europe to Middle East, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America, with the largest proportion of new ESB members (22) residing in the United Kingdom. A quick look at the names and countries of affiliation of the applicants reflects the great international mobility of the ESB members, both within and beyond Europe. We look very much forward to welcoming all our new members at the next ESB conference in Vienna in July 2019.

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Update of the membership area

With the progress of the initiatives of the ESB Council for improved services to our members, we have updated the list of membership benefits in the membership area ( The updated/additional features are the following:

  • For General Members: Job posting through the ESB media (website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
  • For Corporate Members:
    • Recruiting opportunities, e.g. exclusive right of advertising job on the ESB website, through the ESB official social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), and through congress events
    • Submit content (e.g. product news) for Newsletter and Youtube Channel
    • Opportunity to organize a parallel user or award session at the ESB congress

Jérôme Noailly, Chair of the Membership Committee

Treasurer’s report

At the time of this newsletter, over 60% of our society members are in good standing, having paid their membership dues for 2019. Thank you to all who have paid. For those who have not yet paid, please consider this a gentle reminder to log onto the webpage to pay your dues. PayPal is the preferred method of payment as this is quick and easy (Payment via PayPal updates your membership status instantaneously). Alternatively, it is possible to pay by bank transfer (please do not forget to include your surname and payment ID to ensure your payment is not lost). Remember that only members in good standing qualify for a reduction in the registration fee for the ESB2019 conference in Vienna, among other benefits.

Several members have requested a receipt for their payment. This is possible directly from your own individual member page. After logging onto and navigating to your member page, you will find a list of all payments that you have made and a link beside each to produce a printable receipt. If you require a specific address on the invoice for reimbursement (i.e. your business address), then you are encouraged to update your personal details to include the correct address as your primary contact. You may also include an alternative address with your profile and choose at any time to which address your correspondence will be sent.

Harry van Lenthe, Leuven, Belgium

News from the ESB National Chapters and affiliated Societies

ESB National Chapters

Italian Chapter (ESB-ITA)

Upcoming Meeting

IX ESB-ITA Annual Meeting: The Annual meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB in 2019 will take place in Bologna on 30th September and 1st October. The event will be organised by Luca Cristofolini, Rita Stagni, Maria Cristina Bisi and Marco Palanca. The Meeting will include a thematic symposium on In Silico Clinical Trials with three invited outstanding international keynotes. More info at:

Last Meeting

III Thematic Symposium ESB-ITA: ESB-ITA oganized in collaboration with IDBN – Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network- the Symposium: 3D Printing and Biomechanics (5-7 September, Pavia). The Symposium was organized by Ferdinando Auricchio, Michele Conti and Stefania Marconi. The meeting has been an interesting opportunity of exchanging ideas in a multidisciplinary context on a relatively new area with a strong clinical impact. The meeting has counted 115 participants, 49 contributions (of which 10 biomodels) and 7 sponsors. Moreover, the event included 4 tutorials, 4 industrial workshops and 1 workshop organized by Fondazione Bassetti.

Austrian Chapter

  • During the world congress of biomechanics in Dublin 2018 a session entitled “ESB-ANC multiscale biomechanics for orthopedics – from molecules to patients” was organized and well attended.
  • The next general assembly will be held during the 2019 annual ESB meeting in Vienna, Austria.

Spanish Chapter (CAP-ESB)

  • Cooperation agreement with the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering. Signed in the XXII National Conference of Mechanical Engineering, the past September.

  • National grant (DPI2017-90572-REDT) has been obtained from the Spanish Government to carry out the CAP-ESB activities.
  • CAP-ESB meeting, held in Castellón, Spain, last Autumn.

  • Development of an open access journal. The publication is called Biomechanics & Mechanobiology Community Bulletin (BMCB) and has an on-line ISSN: 2462-6643. The aim of BMCB is to disseminate integrative studies that focus on mechanical concepts applied to: basic explorations of biological systems, the development and/or treatment of specific diseases; novel developments or improvements of medical technologies, normal and pathological motion analysis, clinical studies; any other relevant investigation in experimental or theoretical biomechanics and mechanobiology. BMCB is a Gold Open Access Journal, supported by public entities (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya, Biblioteca de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya) and non-profit scientific societies (CAP-ESB). One of the main characteristics is that no publication or distribution fees shall apply. Currently, the editorial platform is in construction.
  • Organization of the next CAP-ESB meeting to be held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Autumn 2019.

ESB Affiliated Societies

Swedish Society for Biomechanics

The Swedish Society for Biomechanics just held its one year anniversy and second annual meeting in March 2019. The meeting was hosted by KTH BioMEX in Skåvsjöholm, Stockholm and gathered an impressive 90+ delegates, including 5 corporate representatives. The council was reelected for another two years. More information can be found on: 

Société de Biomécanique

  • The board of the Société de Biomécanique met on March 11th, 2019.
  • CMBBE 2019. The Société de Biomécanique will organize “Joint imaging and musculosketal modelling” a session at CMBBE in New-York.
    Chair: Raphaël Dumas, Université de Lyon – IFSTTAR, France
    Subject-specific data are used more and more frequently in musculoskeletal models to increase their bio-fidelity and their relevance for clinical applications. Muscle and bone geometries are derived from medical imaging, but joint range of motion, degrees of freedom, alignment, and contact locations mostly remain generic. This session will focus on joint imaging (e.g. CT-scan, MRI, EOS, and fluoroscopy) and its use for developing and/or validating subject-specific musculoskeletal models.
    • Wafa Skalli, École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, ParisTEch, (ENSAM), Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak, Paris (“invited talk”, 25 min).  “Imaging data fusion and subject specific spine modelling”.
    • Ehsan Sarshari, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lauzanne (EPFL), Laboratory of Biomechanical orthopedics, Switzerland. “CT-scan based patient-specific shoulder musculo-skelettal model”
    • Raphaël Dumas, Université de Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, Laboratoire de Biomécanique et Mécanique des Chocs, (LBMC), Lyon. “Personnalised musculo-skelettal model of knee OA patients”
  • Twitter. Already 400 subscribers!!! Do not hesitate to create your professional account and get fast access to the latest news of the Société de Biomécanique: @SBiomecanique.
  • NATIONAL BIOMECHANICS DAY at Palais de la Découverte (Paris, France). Stent placement, orthopaedic surgery or sport performances need biomechanics. That discipline, largely spread in our laboratories, is poorly understand by the public. In the context of the National Biomechanics Day ( researchers will host workshops focusing on vertical jump, cardiovascular biomechanics or muscle mechanics. Come, experiment and talk with them in Paris at the Palais de la Découverte on April 10, 2019.
  • Conference of the Société de Biomécanique (Poitiers, France). The conference of the Société de Biomécanique in Poitiers (France – October 28-30, 2019) will host several English sessions: « Sport Biomechanics » & « Cellular and Tissular Biomechanics ». Do not forget to submit your abstract before April 1, 2019. Please find more details here and join us! 
  • Awards of the Société de Biomécanique. The council of the Société de Biomécanique wants to help the researchers of the Société de Biomécanique. Several awards are available for you :
    • Poster award in collaboration with JPK instruments
    • PhD award in collaboration with Biometrics
    • Young investigator award in collaboration with Optitrack
    • Jean Vivès award
    • Société de Biomécanique award « Christian Oddou »

Jérôme Noailly, Chair of the External Affairs Committee

Corporate News

Beta CAE Systems

8th BEFORE REALITY Conference. Join the event that brings the simulation community together!

Over the past 14 years, the BEFORE REALITY Conference has become a premium gathering for Engineering Simulation professionals, owning its success to the contributors, the participants, and the simulation community.
Every two years, this event brings the simulation community together and promotes an international exchange of the latest concepts, knowledge, and development requirements on BETA CAE Systems’ software products.
The conference will be of interest to decision makers, strategy & methodology planners, simulation experts, applications users and researchers at the forefront of the CAE simulation for various disciplines, coming from OEMs and suppliers from a wide spectrum of industrial sectors, especially from, yet not limited to the: automotive, motorsports, railway vehicles, aerospace, shipbuilding / offshore, power tools, defense, energy, heavy machinery, biomechanics, chemical processes, electronics, etc.
Find out more about the 8th BEFORE REALITY Conference here.

Taylor & Francis

International Biomechanics is a fully Open Access biomechanics journal, indexed in Scopus and the DOAJ, that aims to foster innovation, debate and collaboration across the full spectrum of biomechanics, including, but not limited to: Bio-fluid mechanics, Cellular Biomechanics, Comparative Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy, Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Sport and Exercise Biomechanics and Quantitative Ergonomics, Human Factors engineering, Occupational Biomechanics.
ESB members wishing to publish their research in International Biomechanics are entitled to a 50% reduction on the APC charges – contact us to find out more.

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo