ESBiomech24 Congress in Edinburgh

Postdoc position on Optimized Surgical Techniques and Materials through Multi-Physics Organ Modelling @TU Delft

The candidate will be involved in a multi-disciplinary cardiovascular biomechanics research project at TU Delft, focusing on the development of soft organ multi-physics models of the cardiovascular system. The developed framework aims at providing engineering insights in soft tissue behavior and treatment strategies of congenital heart defects. The long-term goal is to improve patient-specific treatment strategies and to design enhanced surgical materials and equipment. This project will be run in close collaboration with clinical partners at Erasmus MC Hospital in Rotterdam.

More information:

2 PhD positions in Biomedical Engineering with focus on mechanobiological modeling @Lund University

Mechanobiological modeling of regeneration and degeneration of soft musculoskeletal tissues

General description: The research in the biomechanics group is focused on understanding the link between mechanics and biology in the musculoskeletal system, including related pathologies and repair of skeletal tissues. Experimental studies, tissue characterisation, imaging and computational simulation techniques are used. The research is applied to problems in orthopaedics to develop better methods to understand and improve repair of musculoskeletal tissues.

Soft musculoskeletal tissues (knee joint tissues and tendons) all connect or transmit forces during movement in the body. Despite having specialized mechanical functions and tailored microstructures, they present with a similar gross composition based on a collagen network, small amounts of proteoglycans, and an extensive amount of water. In these projects we are looking to develop adaptive computational models of how the tissues respond and adapt to mechanical loading over time, and specifically how mechanical stimulation affects the tissue’s regenerative capacity after damage and the degenerative degradation in response to injury. We are looking for 2 PhD students to be dedicated to the following projects:

Project 1:  Tendons connect muscles to bones and enable energy-efficient locomotion. The Achilles tendon is the largest and the most injured tendon in the human body. Ruptures often occur during recreational sport activities but can also be a result of ageing. Mechanical loading is a prerequisite for tendon healing. Controversial and often unsuccessful treatments of tendon ruptures could be improved by elucidating how loading affects the mechanobiological aspects of tendon healing. This position is within a larger project with the scope to elucidate how mechanical loading affects tendon regeneration.

The aim for PhD student 1 is to investigate how mechanical loading influences healing tendon function, structure and composition. The project includes to further develop and validate an existing adaptive mechanoregulatory model for tendon repair. This will be conducted based on collected experimental data from ongoing studies. The developed computational mechanobiological scheme will be key in the project to elucidate the mechanobiological mechanisms at play.

PhD student 1 would be actively working within the group and with collaborators within the TENDON_MECHBIO project funded by the European Research Council.

Project 2: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease affecting over 40 million Europeans. The number of patients with OA will increase by over 70% in developed countries during the next 20 years, while direct and indirect costs are estimated to increase by over 300%. The most cost-effective and helpful treatment for the disease would simply be prevention. Since the progression of OA is highly subject-specific, prevention of the disease can only be possible when the progression can be predicted for an individual patient. The position is within a project with the overall aim to develop a tool to predict the onset and progression of osteoarthritis in the knee joint tissues due to daily loading conditions. The consortium will combine patient-specific motion analysis and computational modelling approaches for OA diagnostics, personalized prediction, and optimal treatment.  

The goal for PhD student 2 is to develop and implement constitutive material models and mechanobiological adaptive models of knee joint tissues in a finite element based mechanobiological framework of the knee. The framework will be validated against tissue specific experimental and clinical data available within the collaborative network and overall prediction of tissue degeneration during OA. 

PhD student 2 would be actively working with international collaborators within the MathKOA project funded by NovoNordisk Foundation.

Approach: Both projects include designing and developing numerical framework, followed by simulations and data analysis. Understanding and utilizing experimentally available data is important.

The full advertisement together with the link for applications is available on:

Postdoc: In vitro replication of bone pathologies @TU Eindhoven

Job description

Bone is a living tissue that is remodeled throughout life. In healthy human bone homeostasis, bone formation and resorption are in balance. In contrast, many bone diseases are caused by an imbalance in the interaction between bone cells, resulting in a significant change in the 3D morphology and functionality of bone. In an effort to stick to the 3Rs in animal experimentation (i.e. reduction, refinement and replacement), this project aims at implementing bone pathologies (for example osteoporosis). You will be part of the engaging Bioengineering Bone team and be familiarized with the use of our existing 3D in vitro co-culture model which is part of a larger project (NWO Vidi Project MiniBones). Within this project, you are expected to take the current healthy homeostatic state further to simulating bone diseases. This model will allow to simulate not only the interaction of the three main bone cells with each other, it will also take their native 3D environment into account (simulating bone morphology) and aims at providing a conceptual understanding of the bone disease and potential intervention targets.

Job requirements

  • PhD in molecular/cellular biology, biomedical engineering/science or a comparable domain.
  • Ability to conduct high quality academic research, demonstrated for instance by a relevant PhD thesis and/or publication(s).
  • Experience in in vitro tissue models, ideally co-cultures, is preferred.
  • Ability to teach, shown by experience or assistance in teaching and positive evaluations of these teaching efforts.
  • Excellent mastering of the English language, good communication and leadership skills. Note that there is no Dutch language requirement.
  • You can effectively communicate scientific ideas, excel at teamwork and have a capability for independent thinking.
  • Be a team player and able to work in a dynamic, interdisciplinary context.

More information:

Postdoc position in stochastic finite-element modelling @Sheffield University

Does a highly interdisciplinary research role within a world top 100 university excite you? Are you keen to make a world-leading impact by advancing the state-of-the-art in computational modelling? Then this post-doctoral research opportunity at the INSIGNEO Institute for in silico Medicine could be for you.

This research associate position is funded by the UK EPSRC as part of the project titled “A stochastic finite element modelling framework to predict effect sizes on bone mechanics in preclinical studies” (PI: Dr Pinaki Bhattacharya). The aim of this project is to develop efficient numerical methods to accurately predict the stochasticity in mouse bone mechanics.

More information:

PhD position on computer mechanobiology of spinal surgery @Charité

A PhD position is available within the Computational Mechanobiology Group at the Julius Wolff Institute (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin). This position is funded through a research grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) to investigate the mechanobiology of tissue regeneration following different spinal surgical interventions. The work will be carry out in the framework of a national consortium (DFG funded Research Unit) where clinicians, engineers, material scientists, mathematicians and biologists will be investigating the dynamics of the spine in healthy and pathological conditions and its relation to low back pain. Research goals will be addressed using computer modeling approaches coupled to in vivo and in vitro experimental data that will be provided by consortium partners.

The successful candidate will have a strong background in one or more of the following areas: mechanics, computational biology and/or computational mechanics. Strong programming and computer modelling skills are required. The position is available for three years.

The work will be conducted in a highly interdisciplinary research environment. As a PhD student, you will be associated to the Berlin-Brandenburg School of Regenerative Therapies ( and benefit from the interaction with international scientists.

Interested candidates should submit their application including two references by October 1st, 2021. Applications should be sent to: Prof. Sara Checa (

Postdoc Position in vascular Biomechanics @University of Pavia

Within the frame of NECESSARY project, we are looking for a candidate with a strong background in computational mechanics willing to join our multidisciplinary team for a two year period (1+1).

Activities and position:
• Carry out medical image processing, solid mechanics simulations of endovascular implants, and CFD/FSI analyses for
coronary/vascular biomechanics
• Full time position at the University of Pavia, with regular visits to San Donato Hospital (clinical partners of the project)

• PhD in biomedical engineering/mechanical engineering, or applied mathematics
• Research experience and interest in the field of vascular biomechanics
• Proved experience in team working and project management
• C(++)/Python/MATLAB knowledge
• Knowledge of simulation software (e g Abaqus, ANSYS, open

Send your CV with a cover letter to Prof. M. Conti (

PhD position on Computational model of guided growth in immature skeleton for custom-made correction of deformities @Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Limb deformities in children motivate frequently pediatric orthopedic consultations, because of angular (genus valgus / varus), torsional (internal / external torsion) or longitudinal (leg length discrepancy) bone growth disorder, or combinations thereof. We currently apply guided growth techniques with implants that temporarily block the physis. These techniques correctly solve genu valgus but are not as effective for genu varus or leg length discrepancy and are not effective for torsional or combined deformities. In addition, these techniques often lead to complications such as the emergence of deformities in other planes or the change of epiphyseal joint shape.

The objective of the present PhD project is to create a computational model of physical growth that allows to customize the treatment of a specific deformity through individualized designs of implant and the ability of the devices to correct the deformity with the greatest efficiency and the shortest time. It is part of a larger scale project that combines the physeal surgery in experimental animal (pig) and computer developments for the simulation model of physial growth, in collaboration with the children Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (SJDD), Barcelona.

The computational model development stands for the core of the proposed PhD thesis at BCN MedTech. It will combine image analysis and mechanobiological theories of epiphyseal bone growth, through finite element modelling, to simulate different growth guidance systems made of plates or screws. The model will be uniquely calibrated and validated against it ability to recreate and correct deformities against the experimental animal model. Eventually, it will be transferred to the physiological characteristics of the human bone, leading to a pipeline of models and simulations to properly plan the surgical correction of growth deformities in patients.

More information can be found here:

Application: Please send: · Full CV · motivation letter · two reference letters · Academic transcripts to by August 31th, at the latest.

Happy Feet – Multi-scale models of the ankle-foot complex – postdoc position @KULeuven

Come join our team at KU Leuven! We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc candidate to work on our exciting in-vivo and in-vitro modelling of the ankle-foot complex using a combination of imaging-based MSK and FE modelling.

Full posting and application can be found at

and here:

PhD position in sports biomechanics @University of Rostock

The University of Rostock offers you a diverse, varied and challenging job in a tradition-conscious, innovative, modern and family-friendly university in a lively city by the sea. At the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Sports Sciences, Chair of Biomechanics we are offering the following position, subject to allocation of funds, as of 01.09.2021, for a limited period until 01.09.2024:

Field of activity

– Research on biomechanics and control of the human leg e.g. in rotational movements, lateral movements or also locomotion under perturbations with the aim of scientific qualification.

– Conduct experiments, modeling, and simulations as part of guided and independent research activities.

– Development of study designs and experimental setups in a new laboratory to be established.

– Optional construction of simple bouncing and walking robots to demonstrate theoretical concepts

– Publication of research results – Contribution to third-party funding research proposals

– Scientific teaching in an amount of 3 semester hours in theoretical and/or practical courses with a focus on research-based transfer of knowledge and skills in order to teach students to conduct independent scientific research

– Involvement in academic self-government


– Completed (or soon to be completed) academic studies (state examination, diploma, master’s degree or comparable degree) e.g. sports or exercise science, engineering, physics, mathematics or comparable studies with at least good results

– Experience with mathematical modeling and simulations

– Strong interest in the study of how the musculoskeletal system generates movement

– Confident knowledge of the German and English languages, both written and spoken

– Ability to work in a team, communication skills and interest in working in interdisciplinary work groups

– Personal relation to the field of sports

– Willingness to work seriously and with commitment on a project of one’s own scientific qualification.

More information:

Herr Prof. Dr. Christian Rode,

Application deadline: 30 June 2021

MSCA postdoctoral fellowship on mechano-immunotherapy @University of Zaragoza

A research proposal in the field of Mechano-Immunotherapy is offered under the Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship programme at University of Zaragoza – Spain, within the Laboratory of Mechanical and Biological Engineering:

The topic for the proposed research is “Effectivity of cell-based immunotherapies under different mechanical microenvironments”.


The M2BE research group mainly focuses its activity on the development of new methodologies and technologies in the field of cell mechanobiology.

In this context, we work on the combination of different methodologies (computer simulation models, in-vitro experimentation and clinical validation), which result in the following lines of research: Computational design of prostheses and implants for personalized treatments, tissue engineering and mechanobiology, mechano-immunotherapy, mechanobiology of tumor growht and metastasis.


Candidates will be pre-selected based on their expression of interest, CV and motivation.

They must have a demonstrated track in Cell-Based Immunotherapies with expertise engineering CAR-Ts, NKs and TILs.

There are 3 main requirements of eligibility:

Applicants must have a PhD and no more than 8 years of full time research experience*

Applicants can be of any nationality but must not have lived or worked in Spain for more than 12 months during the 3 years up to the closing date of the call 15 September 2021 (mobility rule)

The applicants must choose the University of Zaragoza as their Host Institution

Motivated postdoctoral candidates are encouraged to submit their application to by June 15, 2021.

Selection process

Applicants should check that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria and then send an expression of interest consisting of: CV and letter of interest (max. 2 pages)

Expressions of interest must be submitted by email ( by June 15, 2021. The title of the e-mail must be “MSCA application – MECHANO-IMMUNOTHERAPY– your name and surname“.

Proposals will be preselected on the basis of internal evaluation.

* The researcher must be, at the date of the PF call deadline (15.9.2021) in possession of a doctoral degree. At the call deadline, supported researchers must have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research, measured from the date that the researcher was in a possession of a doctoral degree. Years of experience outside research and career breaks (e.g. due to parental leave), will not be taken into account.

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