ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics

ESB Congress in Patras 2013

On behalf of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), we are pleased to announce that the 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2013) will be held at the Conference and Cultural Centre of the University of Patras, Greece, between 25-28 August 2013. The main objective of the congress is to bring together researchers and practitioners in biomechanics to stimulate and promote research on all core topics of biomechanics, including emerging research areas. Based on the previous Congresses, we believe that ESB2013 will have a strong impact on the development of biomechanics research work, identifying emerging areas of research and promoting the collaboration between its participants.

We would like to invite you to attend the congress in Patras and participate in its scientific activities. We look forward to welcome you at the ESB2013.

Yours Sincerely, Prof. Yannis Missirlis, Conference Chairman

All up-to-date information can be obtained at the congress website:


Organizing Committee:

Yannis Missirlis (chairman) (UPAT-BEL)

George Athanassiou (UPAT-BEL)

Despina Deligianni (UPAT-BEL)

Dimosthenis Mavrilas (UPAT-BEL)

Georgios Michanetzis (UPAT-BEL)

Elissavet Rousanoglou (HSB representative)

Peter Zioupos (ESB Council representative)


5th Congress of the Hellenic (Greek) Society of Biomechanics

The Hellenic (Greek) Society of Biomechanics will have its 5th Congress at 28-29 September 2012, in Thessaloniki. The invited plenary speakers at our 5th Congress are:

Professor Thomas Buchanan, Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, USA

Lecture title: “Neuromusculoskeletal models to estimate knee joint contact forces” and

Professor Nick Stergiou, Biomechanics – Health, Physical Education & Recreation, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA

Lecture title: “A perspective on human movement variability: Implications for health and pathology

The Congress website is at

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the HSB Council, I invite you to present your work at our Congress. The official language is Greek but English presentations are also welcomed.

The deadline for submitting your abstract has been extended to July 6, 2012. 

My best regards

Elissavet Rousanoglou – HSB president


European Society of Biomechanics General Assembly 2012

The European Society of Biomechanics General Assembly will be held at 17:00 on Tuesday 3rd July at the 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics in Lisbon. Members in good standing should have received the Agenda for the GA by e-mail if you did not receive the agenda and would like a copy please contact us. You may wish to check that the option to allow e-mails from us has been clicked in the ‘Receive newsletters and other communications’ section in your personal account overview. Council election will be held during the GA, see the Spring newsletter for a short cv of all the candidates.

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo