ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Postdoc position at TUEindhoven: Computational and experimental remodeling of heart valves

This vacancy is posted as part of RegMedXB, which stands for “Regenerative Medicine Crossing Borders”. RegMedXB is a virtual institute composed of universities, health foundations, governments and private companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. The partners work together to tackle some of the greatest challenges in regenerative medicine, while building a community of researchers and companies to realize health and economic benefits. The RegMedXB Cardiac Moonshot program aims at developing innovative strategies to regenerate the tissues of the heart, including the myocardium, heart valves and blood vessels.

The current project concentrates on preserving and regenerating heart valve function under non-physiological loading conditions. For this you will investigate the structural and biological remodeling of heart valves using a combination of experimental and computational research.
The experimental research will focus on establishing an ex vivo platform to investigate the remodeling and functionality of heart valves under various hemodynamic conditions.
The computational part focuses on simulating valve remodeling, with the aim of understanding and predicting experimental outcomes, and extrapolating findings to relevant in vivo situations.

If you are fascinated by the engineering aspects of regenerative medicine and eager to develop innovate models and strategies that will advance cardiovascular regeneration, we invite you to join us in this challenge. You will collaborate intensively with our partners in the RegMed-XB Cardiac Moonshot consortium, in particular with the University Medical Centers in Leiden and Utrecht on ex vivo tissue remodeling, and with other TU/e groups on computational modeling and tissue engineering.

More information can be found here:

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