Context: In the framework of the ANR project QUSToFood (ANR-17-CE21-0004), a postdoctoral position is open at UMR SayFood. QUSToFood proposes to use Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) methods for the study of texture perceptions resulting from the mechanical interactions between the tongue and the palate during the oral processing of food. These interactions induce the stimulation of tongue mechanoreceptors and enable the continuous evaluation of the mechanical status of food all along oral processing (from introduction into the mouth to the triggering of swallowing in safe and comfortable conditions). QUS are non-destructive, non-invasive and provide real-time measurement which can be employed both in vitro and in vivo, directly on the individual. The method developed in QUSToFood could thus help to characterize potential losses of sensory quality induced by food and agro ecological transitions, or to meet pleasure and health criteria for specific populations such as infants with sensory processing disorders or seniors suffering from swallowing disorders.
Keywords: Quantitative ultrasound; Biomechanics; Rheology; Tribology; Food; Tongue; Oral processing; Texture
Candidate: The ideal candidate must have completed a PhD in the field of physics, mechanics, biomedical or food engineering. Experience and interest in signal and image processing, and in the in-house design of experimental systems would be an advantage. In all cases, the candidate must have a strong interest and aptitude for multidisciplinary approaches, as this project combines biomechanics, acoustics, rheology, tribology, instrumentation, signal and image processing, food science and sensory analysis.
Contract and location: This contract is for 24 months and the start date is flexible, but shall not be later than January 1, 2021. The gross salary will be from 2500€, depending on the number of years after PhD. The project will be carried out in the labs of UMR SayFood located in the AgroParisTech center of Thiverval-Grignon (a short bus ride from the “Plaisir Grignon” train station, which serves the center of Paris in 25 min). The relocation of the laboratories to a new site in Palaiseau is planned for the second half of the year 2022. The work schedule will be adapted accordingly.
Application: The selection process will start immediately and go on until the position is filled. To apply or inquire further, please contact Vincent Mathieu at Please include a C.V. and a letter of motivation, along with relevant publications and the name of references.
More information can be found here: