ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Post-doctoral position on “Bone behavior around a self-tapping dental implant during its insertion, analysed through synchrotron radiation-based fast computed tomography” @INSA Lyon

INSA Lyon is inviting applications for a postoctoral position on the analyses of dental implant insertion into bone based on microcomputed tomography.

The candidate mission will be to analyze this data set of Sr-μCT scans in order to better
understand the influence of the implant geometry on bone biomechanical behavior during
insertion. Bone morphological characterizations will be held to follow the formation of debris
and the bone volume fraction around the implant. Digital Volume Correlation will also be
applied to follow peri-implant bone strain development during the insertion.

Requested skills:
The post-doctorate candidate must have a strong experience in the manipulation and
processing of volumetric data. Skills in computer languages such as Python or Matlab will be
needed for the further treatment of the data. Some knowledge in biomechanics are preferable
as a digital volume correlation algorithm will be use to investigate bone strain/stress behavior
during implant insertion.

More information:

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