ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Open Position for a Senior Scientist in Biomechanics at TUWien


Description: The Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics of TU Wien invites applications for the permanent position of a Senior Scientist in the research group for Biomechanics. One of the main tasks of this post will be acting as a laboratory manager for the Interfacultary Laboratory for Micro- and Nanomechanics of Biological and Biomimetical Materials (

Qualifications: We are looking for a scientist with a completed Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Material Science, Biomedical Engineering or Physics who has

  • experience in atomic force microscopy – imaging and mechanical modes (micro- and nanoindentation, tensile tests) as well as data analysis and interpretation of indentation and other mechanical tests,
  • experience in imaging methods such as light microscopy (polarization and fluorescence microscopy, second harmonic generation) and micro computed tomography,
  • experience in teaching Tissue Biomechanics in theory (nonlinear continuum mechanics) and application (experimental biomechanics),
  • additional knowledge in the fields of biomechanics, bone and mechanical testing.
  • Further requested skills: English as native language or proof of at least level B2, CEFR

Further information: For informal discussions please contact Professor Philipp Thurner,         

How to apply: please send applications to no later than February 8th 2017

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