Dear Subscriber,
usually this would be a time when many of you travel to the ESB congress or have arrived already and start enjoying the local atmosphere and meeting your friends and colleagues.
Whilst we cannot offer that face-to-face experience in 2020, you know well that the ESB award sessions consistently showcase fantastic work. The ESB 2020 sessions (13th and 14th of July) bring these highlights online, and through registering for these you can engage in the discussions and enjoy at least some sense of (online) community from anywhere in the world!
If you want to learn more about the ESB2021 and hear about key developments in the society don’t miss the important announcement session on Tuesday afternoon. Whilst we do not have a formal General Assembly this year, in that final online session you will find out who was voted into the new council. And if you have not yet used your vote, there is still time to do so until Monday night. This is the final call!
More details on registering for the ESB2020 online sessions and instructions on how to vote are provided below.
We are looking very much forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
Markus Heller
Secretary General to the European Society of Biomechanics
Session details for the ESB Online Sessions 2020 on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th July can be found by following this link
Do not forget to register!
If you want to attend both Monday and Tuesday sessions, you have to register by following both links below!
Monday 13th ESB Online Sessions 2020 [1]:
Student Award and Clinical Biomechanics Award
REGISTER for this 1st set of sessions by following this link
Tuesday 14th ESB Online Sessions 2020 [2]:
Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics Award and Important Announcements
REGISTER for this 2nd set of sessions by following this link
ESB 2020 Council Elections
In 2020 six council seats are up for election.
Three members of the current council are standing for re-election:
• David Mitton, Jérôme Noailly, and Mark Thompson
A further six of our society members are also standing for election:
• Aurélie Carlier, Michele Conti, Pushpdant Jain, Ilse Jonkers, Stefan Scheiner, and Ted Vaughan
Voting is easy:
1. login as a member:
2. go to:
3. carefully follow the voting instructions
After logging in to your ESB account, information about each of the candidates can be found at the following (member-only) page.
The voting system will be open until the 13th July 2020 (23.55h).
The new council members will be announced during the concluding slot of the ESB 2020 online sessions on Tuesday the 14th July 2020 (15.00-16.00).
Good luck to all candidates!