13th July (session 14:00-16:00, CEST)
- Student Award 14:00-15:00 (for details see text below)
- Clinical Biomechanics Award 15:00-16:00 (for details see text below)
14th July (session 14:00-16:00, CEST)
- Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics Award 14:00-15:00 (for details, see text below)
- Important Announcements (including award winners and Council election results) 15:00-16:00
In order to participate to all sessions on both days you have to register to the two online sessions below:
1) ESB Online Sessions 2020 [1]: Student Award and Clinical Biomechanics Award
REGISTER AT: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/293320423415193103
Monday 13th July, 14:00-15:00pm (CEST time): ESB Student Award
- Luca Cristofolini (ESB Vicepresident and Awards committee chair)
- Enrico Dall’Ara (ESB Student committee chair)
Presenters (alphabetical order):
- Pouyan Asgharzadeh (University of Stuttgart)
- Jorge Barrasa-Fano (KU Leuven)
- Sophie Kate Rapagna (Flinders University)
- Ehsan Soodmand (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Monday 13th July, 15:00-16:00pm (CEST time): Clinical Biomechanics Award
- Luca Cristofolini (ESB Vicepresident and Awards committee chair)
- Dieter Pahr (ESB Publications committee chair)
Presenters (alphabetical order):
- Ingmar Fleps (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Hans Kainz (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Luigi La Barbera (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
- Marzieh Ovesy (ARTORG Center for Biomedical Research, University of Bern, Switzerland)
2) ESB Online Sessions 2020 [2]: Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics Award and Important Announcements
REGISTER AT: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1365340961962733327
Tuesday 14th July, 14:00-15:00pm (CEST time): ESB Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics
- MªAngeles Pérez Ansón (ESB president)
- Sara Checa (ESB Scientific Communications chair)
Presenter: Alberto Sensini (University of Bologna)
Tuesday 14th July, 15:00-16:00pm (CEST time): ESB Council Special Announcements
- MªAngeles Pérez Ansón (ESB president)
- Markus Heller (ESB Secretary General Communications)
The ESB Student Awards were instituted in the 1998 Congress, with the purpose to honour the excellence of early career researchers in biomechanics. Every year, one Best Student Award and three runner up Awards are given to four students. This year, we received 62 applications, all of very high scientific quality. The decision was based on a short list from the peer-review scores, and on an additional round of evaluations by the ESB Award Committee (10 independent reviewers, covering different areas of biomechanics). The following four were selected as finalists (listed in alphabetic order):
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan (University of Stuttgart) “Deep learning analysis of bone structure in osteogenesis imperfecta using HR-PQCT images”
- Barrasa-Fano, Jorge (KU Leuven) “Novel and accessible 3D Traction Force Microscopy applied to an in vitro vascular disease model”
- Rapagna, Sophie Kate (Flinders University) “Cartilage thickness is correlated with in vivo knee joint loading indices in osteoarthritic tibia”
- Soodmand, Ehsan (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin) “Mechanically driven cellular self-organization as a mechanism driving large bone defect healing”
TThe finalists will present their work in a Student Award webinar, on 13 July, 2020. Following their four presentations, the Student Award Committee will indicate the winner.
The ‘ESB Clinical Biomechanics Award’ was established with the purpose to foster clinical applications of Biomechanics , and it is assigned every even year. Eleven submissions were received. The Clinical Biomechanics Award committee (10 members from different fields and with wide geographical coverage) assessed the papers and the reviewers’ scores. Both clinical relevance and scientific quality were considered. The four finalists are (in alphabetic order):
- Ingmar Fleps (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), “FEM-derived femoral strength is a better predictor of hip fracture risk than BMD in the Ages RS cohort”
- Hans Kainz (University of Vienna, Austria): “Botulinum toxin injections do not alter musculoskeletal loading and bone growth in children with cerebral palsy”
- Luigi La Barbera (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada) “In silico patient-specific optimization of correction strategies for thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis”
- Marzieh Ovesy (ARTORG Center for Biomedical Research, University of Bern, Switzerland), “Explicit finite element simulation of uncemented total hip arthroplasty: implant insertion and loading”
The finalists will present their work during the Clinical Biomechanics Award webinar, on 13 July, 2020. The Clinical Biomechanics Award Committee will attend the webinars, and select the final winner.
This year, we received 10 excellent applications for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics award, all of very high scientific quality. All applications were reviewed by six independent reviewers, and a winner and two runner-ups were selected.
The 2020 winner is: Alberto Sensini (University of Bologna) with the thesis entitled “Electrospun biomaterials and structures for the regeneration of tendons and ligaments: development and biomechanical validation”.
The two runner-ups are:
- Mirko Bonfanti (University College London)
- Antoine Falisse (KU Leuven)
The winner will present his work during the Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics webinar, on 14 July, 2020. The two runner-ups will record a video for the ESB YouTube channel.