ESBiomech24 Congress in Edinburgh

Participate in our survey on electronic voting!

We are conduting a short survey to know your opinion on electronic voting; that is whether the election of council members, and other questions on which the membership votes, should take place electronically (voting from your own personal computer) instead of during a general assembly.

Electronic voting has been implemented in many other professional organisations and societies, including professional engineering societies.  After an extensive discussion at the last council meeting we feel there are a number of pros and cons to such a change. If we were to implement this change we would have to do so by changing the society by-laws during a general assembly and therefore the meeting in Prague 2015 offers a good opportunity to do this as there will be no council elections in 2015. The new system could then be made available for the 2016 council elections. However there is no sense in us proposing a by-law change if most of the membership is against electronic voting. Therefore I ask you to complete this very short survey about your opinion on electronic voting and if more members are in favour than not we will propose the change at the General Assembly (GA). Please understand that the change will still only go through IF there is a quorum number of members at the GA and there is a majority vote for the change.

The suggestion would be that information about the candidates would be released and voting would take place over a time period of about two weeks before the start of the congress and the polls would close 12 hours before the GA. The results would be announced at the following GA. The pros and cons of electronic voting are as follows (in no particular priority order).

More members can take part in the voting process.

Less time will be needed at the GA for voting and vote-counting.

There will be less risk of ‘human error’ in the vote count.

Members who wish to stand for council but cannot attend that particular meeting of the ESB at which voting takes place will not be disadvantaged.

The GA may be less well attended if elections are not taking place.

If there is less incentive for the members standing for council to be present at ESB congresses there may be less opportunity for voters to interact with candidates and it will be more difficult to assign and handover council roles.

There may be potential for hacking and voter fraud.
With these benefits and drawbacks in mind please complete this short survey (only 4 questions) via this link to indicate your opinion on electronic voting.

Call for “Perspective talks” at the ESB2015

Senior researchers are invited to submit abstracts for perspective talks in their area of research to the ESB2015 in Prague. Perspective talks will open the parallel session with a 25 minutes presentation and should provide an overview of and cover the group’s latest research in a specific area. ‘This is a new venture for the ESB and we are looking forward to high quality submissions from our members! The deadline is 30th January 2015.

Prizes and Honors Awards for ESB2015

The next major conference event for the ESB is 21st Congress in Prague 2015. The awards and honours that can be contested in this event are: the Huiskes medal, Mobility award, Student award, best PhD thesis award, best Poster award, and the Travel awards (the number of which will depend on the demand and the budget).

The terms and conditions of these awards, the regulations and the deadlines are all uploaded (and information is refreshed as required) in the ESB web page.

21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics

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21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics

5 – 8 JULY 2015

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague****, Prague 9 – Vysočany, Czech Republic


The 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics is held at Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic, from 5 to 8 July 2015. The location of the venue is just 10 minutes by metro from the historical center. Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, lies in the heart of Europe and ranks amongst the most impressive historical cities in the world.

The congress programme consists of a precourse on the first day, followed by 3 days of scientific sessions.

The precourses are: Short Course on Tissue Engineering, Combined experimental and modelling approach to clinical applications, Evaluation of implant stability, Custom made implants design and clinical application .

Plenary lectures will be delivered by Jacob Klein (Weizmann Institute of Science), Jeffrey A. Weiss (University of Utah) and Richard M Hall (University of Leeds).

The scientific programme is accompanied by a social programme, which cannot be missed. The most remarkable will be the “Night in town”, aimed at young colleagues, and the Congress Dinner, which will allow you to enjoy the Prague’s picturesque atmosphere.

Please find out more information about the congress and scientific programme at

We are looking forward to meeting you in Prague next year!




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ESB Council Elections 2014: Candidates

Dear European Society of Biomechanics member,

We have received fourteen nominations for the four ESB council positions that will become vacant in July 2014.

A short biography of each candidate is now available to view here.

Voting will take place at the European Society of Biomechanics General Assembly at the World Congress of Biomechanics in Boston on Tuesday 8th July at 12:30, the event is listed in your programme as: 12:30 – 02:30 (Lunch and Posters; Society Committee Meetings)…..’

If you can not attend the GA it will also be possible to vote by proxy by prior arrangement with the secretary general. Please contact Gwen Reilly at to arrange this ASAP, at the latest three weeks before the GA.

We look forward to seeing you at the GA,

The Council of the European Society of Biomechanics

ESB call for Bids 2017

The ESB invites proposals for the organization of its annual congress in 2017.

The European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) holds an Annual international scientific congress to provide the most up to date research in biomechanics and to provide a forum of discussion. (ESB congresses).

If you would like to host and organize the 2017 main ESB congress and wish to prepare and submit a bid, please read the conference rules following the link Conferences-Bid Rules General 2013 in the ESB website.

Interested members can contact or send a proposal/bid to Prof. Paulo Fernandes, Chair of the meetings Committee (

The deadline for bid submission to organize the ESB2017 is 31st March 2014.

7th World Congress on Biomechanics

7th World Congress of Biomechanics7th World Congress on Biomechanics
July 6 – 11, 2014, Boston, USA

The World Congress of Biomechanics is an international meeting held once every four years, rotating among Europe, Asia and the Americas.  This, the 7th WCB, will once again bring together engineers, scientists from various disciplines including biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and various clinical specialties. Applications range from basic biology to medical devices to the latest technologies.  Researchers, engineers from industry, medical doctors, academics, and students are all welcome.  Vendor exhibitions will highlight the latest technologies, publications, and medical devices.

The ESB strongly supports the WCB, by its representation on the organising committee, and the ESB community is strongly integrated, with European scientists participating as keynote lecturers,  track and session chairs for the conference. The WCB aims to offer nearly 400 individual scientific sessions, therefore the congress provides a unique opportunity to experience the full breadth and depth of global biomechanics research. Traditional ESB activities will be given a specific focus at the congress, with plenary sessions dedicated to our awards program and our bi-annual General Assembly. Boston is convenient to reach from all major European airports and offers a unique venue for the WCB. We hope to see a strong support from the European biomechanics community and look forward to a stimulating 5 days of in-depth discussions and presentations.

For more information consult the congress website ( contact or

WCB REGISTRATION: When you register for WCB remember to state that you are a member of the European Society of Biomechanics. Select European Society of Biomechanics from the dropdown menu on the section of the form that asks ‘Primary Professional Society Affiliation’.  WCB only has one registration fee for all participants, regardless of any membership. For that reason, ESB is not able to offer any discount on the registration fee. The good news is that for ESB members who participate to the congress and who are in good standing (i.e. they have already paid their membership for 2014, either by having participated to ESB2013 in Patras, or by paying the membership fee by the end of this year), the membership fee up to the end of 2015 will be included in the congress registration fee.

Important dates:

November 15, 2013 – January 29, 2014 (Extended!)
Online abstract submission is open. Podium Presentations will be limited, so please submit early to the continuous review process.

February 15, 2014 – March 15, 2014
Review period for all podium papers and posters.

April 1, 2014
Last date for notification of acceptance for Podium or Poster  Presentation.


Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo