Best wishes from ESB! Enjoy our new website and do not miss the following news!
We are pleased to present the New-year 2023 newsletter from the European Society of Biomechanics.
In this newsletter, you will find:
- Happy 2023 from the president;
- Meeting News;
- ESB Survey;
- ESB Awards;
- Scientific Communication;
- Journal Club;
- Call for contributions to Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology;
- ESB Education and Student Committee;
- ESB Webinar Series;
- Social Networks;
- ESB national chapters.
Bernardo Innocenti, Chair of the Publication Committee
Happy 2023 from the President!
In 2022 we held our first in-person conference since 2019. This event in Porto was very much appreciated by the participants.
After the ESB 2022, the new Council has started to work on the various actions needed for the preparation of the ESB 2023 in relation with the local organizers (perspective talks,…) and on new actions (a new award for early career researcher, a new template for the newsletters, a new design for the ESB website,…).
We are happy to announce that the new website design is online! This is the result of the tremendous work of Barry Kaye the ESB webmaster, in relation with the Council.
Please visit it here.
We hope to see you in Maastricht for ESB 2023 (see last information below). In the meantime, you can contribute to the Journal Club and the research topic related to the ESB2022 conference in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (see below).
On behalf of the Council, I wish you all the best in your professional activities and personal life.
David Mitton, ESB President
Meeting News
- The abstract template use is mandatory;
- The abstracts must not exceed one page (a word count of approximately 500 words), abstracts should be uploaded as PDF document through the conference website;
- If the abstract submitted for a podium presentation is not deemed suitable, it will automatically be considered for a poster presentation;
- Maximum 2 submissions per main author are allowed.
The abstracts then can be submitted through Conftool
Congress website:
Michele Conti, Chair of the Meetings and External Affairs Committee;
Peter Varga, Chair of the Meetings WebPortal Committee
ESB Survey
TELL US YOUR VIEWS! There is still time to complete the Survey of the ESB!
Please follow this LINK, it takes less than 5 minutes and it helps the Council to improve the management of the society!
It is very important for us to get your view on the ESB congress and what support the society can provide to our members!
There are also important questions to understand your interest in chairing/participating in Working Groups and participating in a new Mentoring scheme. So please complete it and ask your team members and colleagues to do the same.
It is a great opportunity to tell us what you think so that we can improve the management of the ESB!
Enrico Dall’Ara, ESB Secretary General
ESB Awards
The calls for the awards linked to abstract submission to the 2023 ESB Congress in Maastricht are also open:
For detailed information (documents, eligibility, evaluation), about each of these awards, please see the Award Regulations ( on the ESB webpage.
Jérôme Noailly, Vice President of the ESB and Chair of the Awards Committee
Scientific communication
Unfortunately, we did not receive any contributions for the journal club. We will postpone the journal club for now and announce a new edition later this year.
Given the corporate membership of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, we will be able to accommodate ESB-endorsed research topics in which ESB members will benefit a 10% reduction on the publication fees. More info: Highlights from the 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2022
Contact the Scientific Communication Committee.
Ilse Jonkers, Chair of the Scientific Communications Committee
ESB Education and Student Committee
ESB webinar series
On 15 November 2022, we hosted an ESB webinar on “Modeling the glymphatic system using FEniCS” by Prof. Kent-Andre Mardal from the University of Oslo.
More information:
Mark in your calendar!
Next ESB webinar is on 9 February 2023 17-18 CET on “Why and how to do open and reproducible research” by dr. Serena Bonaretti from the Balgrist Campus, Zürich, Switzerland.
The recordings of all webinars can be seen by subscribing to the ESB YouTube channel:
Social networks
Don’t forget to check our social networks where we post the latest news and job offers:
-Facebook (
-Facebook students (,
-LinkedIn (
-Twitter ( and
-Instagram (
Do you know of a repository, software or conference interesting for the ESB community? Let us know!
Contact us ( if you have any job to be advertised.
Aurélie Carlier, Chair of ESB Education and Student Committee
News from ESB National Chapters
The ESB 2022 congress in Porto was attended by more than 80 ESB-ITA members and two ESB-ITA members were awarded: Monika Colombo from Politecnico di Milano was awarded with the Best Doctoral Thesis Award and Zimi Sawacha from University of Padova. Moreover, during the ESB Council election, Enrico Dall’Ara was confirmed and Bernardo Innocenti was elected and, together with Michele Conti, enforcing thus the contribution of the Italian chapter to the ESB community.
The XI Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics “ESB-ITA 2022”, organized by Fondazione Monasterio, was held in Massa on 6-7 October 2022 ( ).
Collection of pictures of the XI Annual Meeting of ESB-ITA held in Massa.
More info about the ESB-ITA activities here (website)
Michele Conti, Chair of the Meetings and External Affairs Committee