Dear Subscriber,
We are pleased to present our new on-line European Society of Biomechanics newsletter within our new website. We continue increasing the Newsletter functionality and the ability to do more adventurous things so please contact us with ideas of items you would like to see on our website and newsletter and these will be considered as the society continues to expand. If you do not wish to receive mailings including the newsletter and other updates from the European Society of Biomechanics you can update your settings in the membership section of the website here:
I hope you find the newsletter useful and informative.
MªAngeles Pérez –
Message from the President
The ESB congress is the heart of the ESB community. This has been the case for more than thirty years now – thirty-four to be precise – and it is clear that we want to keep it this way.
19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics 25-28th August, Patras Greece
The European Society of Biomechanics cordially invites you to attend the 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) which will be held in Patras, a beautiful commercial hub located in northern Peloponnese.The deadline for the abstract submission is January 31st, 2013.
Award Announcements
One way in which ESB promotes excellence in Biomechanics is by recognition of outstanding members with prestigious awards given at the ESB Congress: Huiskes Medal for Biomechanics, ESB Clinical Biomechanics Award, Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics, ESB Student Awards, ESB Poster Award, ESB Travel Awards,…
Meeting Announcements:
2nd Meeting of the Spanish National Chapter
The second Meeting of the Spanish National Chapter will be held in Seville on 25th October 2012 at the ETS Ingenieros.
11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
April 3-7, 2013, Marriott City Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USAWe are pleased to invite both new and previous participants of the CMBBE Symposia series to submit abstracts to CMBBE2013.
There will be a discount of 10% on the registration fee for students and regular ESB members.
Report on the 18th Congress of the ESB
The 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics was held in Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, from 1st to 4th July 2012, organized by Paulo Fernandes, João Folgado, Miguel Silva, Helder Rodrigues, Jorge Ambrósio, Eduardo Borges Pires, Fernando Simões e Jorge Martins, all from IST.
Prizes and Honors Awarded at the 18th Congress of the ESB
A summary of the Prizes and Honors Awarded at the last Congress can be found here…
New Council Members for the ESB
Four new council members were elected at the European Society of Biomechanics Annual General Meeting 2012 and two members were re-elected.
Historical Perspective Article: Richard Scherb (Orthopaedic Surgeon and Muscle Physiologist) by Hilaire Jacob et al.
We are pleased to introduce a new section in the newsletter where our eminent senior members contribute review or historical perspectives article. We are conscious that some of the key early events and advances in Biomechanics are no longer discussed and the next generation of biomechanicians may miss out on this wealth of knowledge and expertise. We will ask Huiskes Medal winners for their contributions from our Honorary and senior members.
On March 27th, 2012, the European Parliament hosted an Expert Policy Workshop on Biomedical Engineering in collaboration with EAMBES. The clear outcome of the workshop was that Biomedical Engineering needs a formal recognition at the EU level.
Student’s corner
A student’s tale of the ESB 2012 conference in Lisbon
The 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics was held at the Technical University of Lisbon in Portugal and was a great meeting of biomechanical minds.
Membership news
The membership of the European Society of Biomechanics is steadily increasing. Total membership is now 855. This includes 580 active members, 227 student members, 36 senior members, 7 honorary members, 5 corporate members.
Treasurer’s Report
As incoming treasurer, I am asked a great number of questions that are not easy to answer, but the one overriding issue that is currently causing concern with the ESB is how exactly the payment of membership should work now that we have annual congresses.
Society News
Summary of the 2nd Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB
The Second Meeting of the Italian Chapter took place in Rome on 29 June as an event of the Bioengineering week, which included also BioRob, CARS, CMBS.
Special Book Offer exclusive to ESB members
We are pleased to have secured this special offer for our members from Garland Science – Introduction to Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology by Christopher R. Jacobs, Hayden Huang and Ronald Y. Kwon. To obtain the book at a promotional 20% discount please input code AGL83 at the checkout on Valid until 31st March 2013.