Dear Subscriber,
we would like to get your attention about two important events for our Community: the elections of the ESB Council and the ESBiomech congress in Porto.
We have received ten applications for the five ESB Council positions that will become vacant in June 2022.
Two current council members stand for re-election:
- Enrico Dall’Ara
- Dieter Pahr
The height other ESB member candidates are:
- André Castro
- Dario Cazzola
- Bernado Innocenti
- Pushpdant Jain
- Marlène Mengoni
- Mehran Moazen
- Peter Varga
- Claudio Vergari
For each candidate, a short biography, information about their past and proposed future engagement with the ESB, as well as links to detailed CV are available here (“Member login” is required to view the CVs).
Voting will take place online, and the voting system will be open between Monday June 13th and Monday June 27th (until 23:55 CET), 2022.
Please remember also that early registration deadline of ESBiomech22 is 16 May 2022!
More info here