To: All Members of the European Society of Biomechanics
Dear Subscriber,
During the next General Assembly that will be held during our upcoming 18th Conference of the ESB in Lisbon, we shall have to elect a number of new members to the Council.
Gabriele Dubini, Dominique Pioletti, Gwendolen Reilly and William R. Taylor completed their first term. Gwendolen Reilly and William R. Taylor intend to stand for re-election. José Manuel Garcia-Aznar and I have served two full terms, and thus must step down.
Hence, six Council seats in total are up for election. The Council thus invites any regular member in good standing to present himself or herself as a candidate to serve on the Council of our Society.
Our Society considers gender equality as an important aspect in the life of our community; we would particularly encourage female candidates for this position.
Those who are interested should send their full length CV, a 200-word CV, and a small picture all in electronic format to the Secretary General <> before 1 May 2012. All candidates will be posted on the Society web site so that all members can consult them. Candidates will also be presented by the President right before the election ballot at the forthcoming General Assembly held in Lisbon on July 2, 2012.
The President of the European Society of Biomechanics
Damien Lacroix