ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Four 12-months PDRA positions at the University of Sheffield

There are 4 exciting PDRA positions at the University of Sheffield starting from September 2017.

The candidates will work in a multidisciplinary environment within two projects funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).


Job Title: Post Doctoral Research Associate in Bone Biomechanics

Project Title: A 3D realistic FE model of the growing mouse knee joint

Related Project: MULTISIM (PI: Prof Damien Lacroix;


The goal of this project is to generate a 3D realistic finite element (FE) model of the growing mouse knee joint through in vivo and ex vivo micro-Computed Tomography (μCT) imaging.

The post holder will use a combination of contrast enhanced µCT, well-established staining methods, novel elastic registration algorithms, and adaptive biomechanical simulations to explore the relation between mechanics and biology on the process of knee joint growth in mice. In addition, a novel mechanoregulation algorithm for bone and cartilage growth will be explored by means of constrained optimisation techniques.

Supervisors: Dr Mario Giorgi, Dr Enrico Dall’Ara


Start position: Sep 2017

Duration: 12 months

Closing application: 26 May 2017

Link Application:…BC%2fUR%2fuos#

Salary: Grade 7, £30.175 to £38.183 per annum


Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Cell and Tissue Multiscale Modelling

Project Title: A Multiscale Bone Remodelling Predictor for Discovering Innovative Therapies to Osteoporosis

Related Project: MULTISIM (PI: Prof Damien Lacroix;


The goal is to expand an in-house agent-based model (ABM) simulating cellular activity during osteogenesis, and to couple this model with a finite element (FE) model of bone tissue.

The post holder will work towards developing dynamic multi-scale bone remodelling units in the tibia responding to biomechanical stimulations under physiological and pathological conditions. A combined agent-based model (ABM) and finite element (FE) framework will be utilised to simulate signalling networks, including that of the parathyroid hormone (PTH), and monitor their influence on cell-cell interaction and emergent behaviour. The models will be integrated into a hypermodelling framework that consists of several sub-models at various scales (cell, tissue, organ, body) so that an overall musculoskeletal model can be generated

Supervisors: Dr Aban Shuaib and Dr Enrico Dall’Ara


Start position: Sep 2017

Duration: 12 months

Closing application: 26 May 2017

Link Application:


Grade 7 £30,175 to £38,183 per annum


Job Title: Post-doctoral Research Associate in Multiscale Model Sensitivity Analysis

Project Title: A cost-weighted network analysis to discover clinically feasible and accurate multiscale hypermodels

Related Project: MULTISIM (PI: Prof Damien Lacroix;

Description: The aim of the project is to systematically analyse and develop the use of Bayesian inference in a multiscale hypermodel that predicts ageing-related loss of bone strength.

The post-holder will create a cost-weighted network representation of the multiscale model design space applied to osteoporotic loss of bone strength. Surrogate data sources will be identified and linked to the network within Bayesian inference context. Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation analysis of the enriched network will be performed to discover the lowest cost hypermodel.

Supervisors: Dr Pinaki Bhattacharya, Prof Marco Viceconti


Start position: Sep 2017

Duration: 12 months

Closing application: 26 May 2017

Link Application:

Salary: (Grade 7) £30,175 to £38,183 per annum


Job Title: Post Doctoral Research Associate (Biomechanics of OA)

Project Title: Novel Assessment of the Osteoarthritic Hip Subchondral Bone: a Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation

Related Project: OABONE (PI Dr Enrico Dall’Ara;

Description: The goal of this project is to use state of the art experimental, imaging and computational techniques to measure how the subchondral bone of the femoral head of osteoarthritic hips deforms under loading.

The post holder will design in situ mechanical testing for testing human femoral heads, use micro computed tomography (microCT) for acquiring the bone microstructure, perform digital volume correlation (DVC) analyses to measure the three dimensional deformation of the bones and generate micro-finite element models to estimate the deformation of the same bones under different loading scenarios.

Supervisors: Dr Enrico Dall’Ara


Start position: Sep 2017

Duration: 12 months

Closing application: 05/06/17

Link Application:

Salary: £30,175 – £38,183 per annum.

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