Secretary General: Michele Conti
University of Pavia

Since 2019, Michele Conti is Associate Professor of Industrial Bio-engineering at University of Pavia, being also member of the PhD program in ‘Health technologies, bioengineering and bioinformatics’.
His research activities cover: (1) in vitro and in silico simulations for vascular biomechanics; (2) 3D (bio)printing for biomedical applications; (3) medical image analysis for computational mechanics; (4) cardiovascular constitutive modelling.
He is the PI of ERC CoG 2023 project (EPEIUS 101125466). He has close collaborations with national and international clinical Institutions, acting as unit leader of several ‘Ricerca Finalizzata’ projects funded of Italian Ministry of Health and also affiliated as research bioeng. unit leader in a research hospital (IRCCS PSD-Milan). Moreover, he was recipient of ESC Research Grant in 2016 and Livanova Donations&Grants in 2019. In 2010, his PhD thesis was selected as the Italian candidate for the ECCOMAS Award for the Best PhD Theses. In 2014, he received the Kiefer Prize at 6th International Congress Aortic Surgery. He is reviewer for several journals in the field of biomechanics.
According to Scopus, he published 100 papers in indexed international journals (h-index 26).
Currently Segretary-general of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), he is treasurer of the Italian Society for Bioengineering (GNB), member of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (AIMETA), and Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network (IDBN).
He has supervised 30 master thesis students and 13 PhD students working in the field of biomechanics.
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