ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Endorsed meetings

HRV2017 – 52nd Human Response to Vibration Conference & Workshop

5-6 September 2017
Shrivenham, UK

HRV2017 aims to cover all aspects of sound, shock and vibration effects on the human body.  It would be of particular interest to Engineers, Scientists, Industry experts, Armed Forces personnel and Vibration specialists who work on human body vibration effects, on their incidence and on mitigation measures to alleviate these effects.  Methodology will stretch from Epidemiological to Demographic; from Experimental to Modelling and Simulation; from Lab Measurements of exposure levels and their Preventative measures; from current Legal issues to Guidelines and industry Standards.  Topics will cover Safety limits and thresholds; Discomfort, motion sickness and annoyance; Performance and physiological responses; Biodynamic and Pathological effects.  All these are in the context of Building vibration and environmental noise; Road, off-road, or rail vehicles; Aircraft and marine crafts; Power tools and Simulators.


7th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB2017)

6-8 September 2017
Compiègne, France

The Seventh International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB2017) will be hosted at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne from 6 to 8 September 2017. The conference aims to share, promote, stimulate emerging interdisciplinary works focusing on advanced modelling techniques and ICT systems for physiological systems at different scales from molecular level to the population.


ECCOMAS Thematic Conference “Multiscale Problems in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology”

11-13 September 2017
Vienna, Austria

The MultiBioMe 2017 is the inaugural edition of a new, biennial series of scientific gatherings, offering a platform for presenting and discussing the latest advances and developments in the thriving fields of biomechanics and mechanobiology. In particular, the focus of this conference lies on reconciliation of the distinct spatial and time scales at which related processes and mechanisms occur, considering for that purpose the whole range of available techniques, including experimentation, imaging and visualization, mathematical modelling, as well as numerical simulation. For more details, also concerning abstract submission (deadline: June 15, 2017) and registration, please see the conference webpage:


3D Printing & Bio-printing in Healthcare

12 – 13 October 2017
Dusseldorf, Germany

3D printing and bio-printing are rapidly expanding methods of manufacturing that found numerous applications in healthcare. They would become a part of mainstream medical practice to treat a wide range of people. As manufacturing prices go down, 3D printing makes customizations more possible and consequently, formerly impossible treatments easier. The applications of the technologies in medicine are revolutionizing the way surgeries, disrupting prosthesis and implant markets as well as dentistry are been carried out. The second 3D printing & Bio-printing in Healthcare Conference will present case studies and sessions that will reveal the potential application of 3D printing and Bio-printing technologies for the biomedical area. Special emphasis on the challenges and innovations of the area with focus on biomaterial analysis, surgical planning and generation of implants.

icSPORTS 2017 – 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support

30-31 October 2017
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

Most human activities, including sports, are becoming more and more technological. Engineering in general and Information Technology in particular are important in the support for many activities directly or indirectly related to sport sciences, including improvement of physical activities, sports medicine, biotechnology and nutrition, sports management, and all other application areas in sports. This congress intends to be a meeting point for both academics, sport professionals and practitioners to exchange ideas and develop synergies.

Other meetings


6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics

9-13 July 2017, Paris, France


2017 International Workshop on Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions

6-8 October 2017
Montreal, Canada


Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo