Treasurer’s news
The previous year 2017 has been very positive for the finances of the ESB, with a balance of nearly +47 000 Euro (this exceptionally high positive balance is partly due to amounts from 2016 being cashed in 2017). The 2017 Financial Report has already been approved by the Financial Auditors, Monique Donkerwolcke and Paulo Fernandes. The Treasurer and the ESB are extremely grateful for the careful and detailed revision they have carried out. Projections for 2018 are for a stable financial situation this year.
Similar to last year, 68% of our society members are in good standing, having paid their membership dues for 2018 at this time. Thank you to all who have paid. For those who have not yet paid, please consider this as a gentle reminder to log onto the webpage to pay your dues. PayPal is the preferred method of payment as this is quick and easy (Payment via PayPal updates your membership status instantaneously). Alternatively, it is possible to pay by bank transfer (please do not forget to include your surname and payment ID to ensure your payment is not lost). Remember that only members in good standing qualify for a reduction in the registration fee for the WCB 2018 conference in Dublin. Also, only members in good standing are eligible for the many ESB awards.
We have tried to make the payment process as straightforward as possible, but are open to any suggestions for improvement.
Luca Cristofolini