ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Treasurer’s report

At the time of this newsletter, approximately 60% of our society members are in good standing, having paid their membership dues for 2016.  Thank you to all who have paid, and for those who have not yet paid, please consider this a gentle reminder to log onto the webpage to pay your dues. Remember that only members in good standing qualify for a reduction in the registration fee for the ESB2016 conference in Lyon, among other benefits. While this payment rate lies within the range of what we have experienced historically, the question remains how we can better encourage the remaining 30 – 40% to keep their membership status intact. It should be noted that the payment rate for our student and regular members is the same, so we cannot ascribe the non-payment only to the normal fluctuation of student members entering and exiting the ESB as their young careers develop in varying directions.  We have tried to simplify the payment process, but are open to any suggestions for further improvement.


Several members have requested a receipt for their payment. This is possible directly from your own individual member page. After logging onto and navigating to your member page, you will find a list of all payments that you have made and a link beside each to produce a printable receipt.  If you require a specific address on the invoice for reimbursement (i.e. your business address), then you are encouraged to update your personal details to include the correct address as your primary contact. You may also include an alternative address with your profile and choose at any time to which address your correspondence will be sent.

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo