ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Membership news

With our “spring cleaning”, those members who were in arrears with their membership fee were switched to “resigned” status (but they are still in time to redeem and rejoin the ESB!) Despite this cleaning, total membership is well over 1000 (1037 members in total).

A very warm welcome to the 90 new members who have joined us since Autumn 2015:

  • 23 new active members: Hai-Chao Han, Zhixiu Hao, Ana Vercher-Martínez, Muhammad Shakeel, José Heredia-Jimenez, Thanapong Chaichana, Philippe Dixon, Arti Ahluwalia, Julien Clément, Alessandro Borghi, Hassan Mehboob, Alessio Gizzi, Sang-Hoon Yeo, Francisco Romero, Juan Melchor, Marco D de Tullio, Abdelwahed Barkaoui, Alexey Kamenskiy, Nicola Francesco Lopomo, Silvia Fantozzi, David Rusaw, Amanda Piaia Silvatti, Tito Bassani
  • 65 new student members:  Filuta Ionescu, Maurizio Bordone, Behrouz Hajiloo, Gregory Walsh, Christopher Woods, Eva Orantes-González, Hamid Naghibi Beidokhti, Robert Cooper, Luke Boldock, Fazil Emre Uslu, Mustafa Unal, Behnam Esfandiar Jahromi, Christian Heinricks, Justin Catania, Jad Fayad, Soran Aminiaghdan, Celia Amabile, Liam Boyle, Carlo Massaroni, Anthony Roux, Mathieu Menard, Alexis Nez, Gerardo Kenny Rumindo, Marien Couvertier, Agathe Nérot, Dana Solav, Kanta Sezako, Maria Costa, Anna Birzle, Rok Kocen, Chloe Lerebours, Frank Halfwerk, Zhao Ying Cui, Rukmani Sridharan, Andris Piebalgs, Dries De Kegel, Chee Hau Leow, Duncan Betts, Mohammed Al-Fadhli, Verónica Gracia-Ibañez, Ingmar Fleps, Néstor J Jarque-Bou, Sara Oliviero, Mauricio Nunez, Ludovica Cacopardo, Javier Escuer Gracia, Aliakbar Khadem, Alireza Kazemi, Rodrigo Romarowski, José Manuel Charneco Martín, Rosaria del Toro, Ivan Benemerito, Guiliano Lamberto, Julien Vastmans, Enrico De Pieri, Jonathan Wei, Fabio D’Isidoro, Affef Dridi, Steffen Hacker, Alessandro Melis, Mauro Pistis, Imke Astrid Kristina Fiedler, Sara Duffett Carlson, Emiel van Disseldorp, Mohammad Amin Askari

The high number of young members joining (over 70% of the new applications comes from students) probably depends on the different ways the ESB is supporting young scientists.  It is a sign of how important the ESB is for early-stage researchers.  Although probably not all the current student members will spend their entire professional career within the ESB, having a large base of young applicants means having a strong society also in the long term.

In addition, a few Active Members this year are becoming Senior Members of the ESB due to retirement or to their long-standing participation in the society.  We are glad to see them still actively attending our Congresses, and giving their contribution to the ESB.

During the yearly congress in Lyon, a new Honorary member will be presented to the General Assembly.


Corporate Members

We have two new Corporate member:

  • Ansys, which has a European unit based in Villeurbanne (near Lyon, France). Ansys is a large software company focusing on numerical simulations.  Ansys has a large division operating in the field of healthcare, which has been involved in collaborations with several European and non-European research institutions.
  • Delsys, which is one of the world leaders in the design, manufacture, and marketing of electromyography instruments, and of a range of physiological and biomechanical wearable sensors and software, used in virtually all types of movement measurement studies in research and education.

Companies joining the ESB as Corporate members are giving a valuable financial support.  This for instance enables the ESB to provide more travel grants for students to attend the yearly meeting, allowed creating the Mobility Awards, and new Corporate-sponsored best paper awards.


How to pay the ESB yearly membership fee

In order to avoid any confusion regarding the payment of the ESB membership fee, we remind you of the following:

  • If you attended the ESB Congress in Prague, membership fees for 2016 were already included within the price of congress registration (if you properly selected “ESB member” in the registration form).
  • If you attend the ESB Congress in Lyon in July, your registration for the yearly Congress will automatically cover ESB membership for year 2017.
  • If you do not attend the annual ESB congress, your membership will elapse at the end of the following year, and you will be required to pay your annual membership fee online.
  • Members who allow their membership to lapse by not paying their membership fee for 2 consecutive years (i.e. neither paying online, nor by attending the annual ESB congress) will be maintained within the membership database for a period of 2 years, under the status of “resigned”.

For more details about membership payment rules, please visit the dedicated page.

To update/check your membership profile and fee payments, you just need to login in the ESB website and follow the link to the online payment page, on the right.  The ESB website has been redesigned recently, but you can still login with your email address (the one you used to register for the ESB) and old password.

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo