ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

7th World Congress of Biomechanics from July 6-11, 2014, Boston (USA)

The 7th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB) is quickly approaching. In two months, ESB members will have again the unique opportunity to meet with their peers from around the globe as the biomechanics communities from around the world come together in Boston from July 6th – 11th. With over 4,000 podium and poster presentations, the WCB again promises to present the most comprehensive view of the current state of biomechanics research.

The full list of accepted submissions is now available on the conference website ( As you scan through the program, you will recognise that the European Society for Biomechanics has a very strong representation at this year’s WCB. Recognising that the support that you, the ESB members, gave to the WCB represents also some additional effort and expense on your part, the ESB Council has been working behind the scenes to ensure that the key elements of our society’s own meeting is integrated into the WCB program.

Therefore, you will find plenary sessions dedicated to the S.M. Perren Research Award and the Best Doctoral Thesis award, as well as a dedicated session for the competitive ESB Student Award and the ESB Clinical Biomechanics award. The ESB General Assembly will take place during the WCB, and we remind you that there will be an election at this year’s GA to form the future ESB Council. All ESB members are encouraged to attend and actively support our society’s specific sessions.

As a final reminder, we would encourage you to make your travel plans as soon as possible, with 5’000+ attendees descending on Boston for the week immediately after the USA’s July 4th celebrations. Details for nomination can be found on the ESB webpage. We look forward to seeing many of you at the WCB and are working hard to also offer some additional ESB-related activities at this year’s congress.


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Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo