ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

ESBiomech Newsletter Spring 2014


We are pleased to present our Spring Newsletter with the latest ESB news, including the latest updates on the World Congress of Biomechanics, our Council elections (deadline 16th May!), this year Mobility Award (deadline 31st May!) and the latest news from our Corporate members. Additionally we are looking for our 1000th member!

We continue increasing the Newsletter functionality and the ability to do more adventurous things so please contact us with ideas of items you would like to see on our website and newsletter and these will be considered as the society continues to expand. If you do not wish to receive mailings including the newsletter and other updates from the European Society of Biomechanics you can update your settings in the membership section of the website here:

I hope you find the newsletter useful and informative.

MªAngeles Pérez –



Message from the President


7th World Congress of Biomechanics from July 6-11, 2014, Boston (USA)

ESB Council Elections

Save the date ESB2015: Prague

Other Meeting Announcements: Endorsed meetings


Student’s corner


Membership news

Society news


Corporate members’ news


Message from the President

This will be the last time I have the opportunity to write a ‘presidential address’ in an ESB Newsletter, as my term will end at the World Congress of Biomechanics in Boston this July. I know this is a cliché, but these (by now almost) two years have passed very quickly. I will not bother you with an overview of all tasks that have been completed or are currently being tackled by the various Council members – in fact, I already did that at least partially in the previous Newsletter and for a complete overview I invite you to the General Assembly in Boston – so instead, I want to look at the near and somewhat farther future.

As to the near future, our attention obviously goes to WCB2014 in Boston, where we hope to meet many of you, and which promises to be an exciting and at the same time massive biomechanics event – with 11 plenary talks, about 1900 podium presentations and 2300 poster presentations you better be prepared for a very intense week. I want to draw your attention to the ESB-related activities that take place at WCB, which are listed below for your convenience:

Notice that there are still a couple of days left (until 16 May) to candidate for the Council elections, so if you are interested, please hurry and have a look here on the formalities. If for one reason or the other you cannot make it to Boston, it is also good to know that our By-Laws allow ESB members in good standing to vote by proxy, more information will follow by email. For our younger members (up to one year of postdoc experience), you can still apply for the Mobility award until 31 May.

Last but not least, I want to highlight the plenary lecture of Marco Viceconti on Tuesday at 9.45h – okay, not a truly ESB-related activity, but given the fact that Marco is a past ESB president and that (at least as suggested by the title of his lecture) he will take us “To Infinity and Beyond…” I am sure you don’t want to miss that!


After WCB, it is time to already start thinking about the next ESB congress in Prague on 5-8 July, 2015. Last January, the Council visited the congress venue and was very pleased about its quality as well as the professionalism of the local organisers, meaning that we are confident this will be a successful event in a beautiful city. For the Council, ESB2015 will be the occasion to introduce a new format of podium presentations. Apart from the plenary lectures and the ‘traditional’ oral and poster presentations that are selected from submitted abstracts, we will introduce ‘Perspectives’ talks that will typically be given by more established and leading scientists (independent researchers who have completed their postdoctoral training and who are leading their own research groups) and that give a broader view on the progress and challenges in a specific (biomechanics-related) research field. Based on the feedback from some of our members and after discussion within the Council, we felt such talks could be very inspiring and complementary to the (shorter) oral and poster presentations (that typically only deal with research results from a single PhD or postdoc project, thereby failing to cover the broader perspective), in this way adding to the scientific quality of our congress. The implementation is currently being discussed with the local organisers and more information will follow after WCB2014.

In 2016, we will move to Lyon for the 22nd ESB congress, the year in which ESB celebrates its 40th anniversary! No idea yet what is going to happen on that occasion – I leave that to the next ESB Council and the local organisers. I can already tell you that ESB2016 will be the congress at which our new and own congress web portal will be introduced that among others will facilitate the integration with the membership database, standardise certain procedures such as abstract management and that will add to the visibility of ESB. Needless to say, this is a serious endeavour, which needs to be prepared well in advance. At this very moment, these preparations are ongoing and being implemented by our web manager Barry Kaye. Again, you will hear more about this in the future.


With this, I wish you all a very fruitful and enjoyable Spring and I look forward to meeting you in Boston!


Hans Van Oosterwyck

ESB president


7th World Congress of Biomechanics from July 6-11, 2014, Boston (USA)

The 7th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB) is quickly approaching. In two months, ESB members will have again the unique opportunity to meet with their peers from around the globe as the biomechanics communities from around the world come together in Boston from July 6th – 11th. With over 4,000 podium and poster presentations, the WCB again promises to present the most comprehensive view of the current state of biomechanics research.

The full list of accepted submissions is now available on the conference website ( As you scan through the program, you will recognise that the European Society for Biomechanics has a very strong representation at this year’s WCB. Recognising that the support that you, the ESB members, gave to the WCB represents also some additional effort and expense on your part, the ESB Council has been working behind the scenes to ensure that the key elements of our society’s own meeting is integrated into the WCB program.

Therefore, you will find plenary sessions dedicated to the S.M. Perren Research Award and the Best Doctoral Thesis award, as well as a dedicated session for the competitive ESB Student Award and the ESB Clinical Biomechanics award. The ESB General Assembly will take place during the WCB, and we remind you that there will be an election at this year’s GA to form the future ESB Council. All ESB members are encouraged to attend and actively support our society’s specific sessions.

As a final reminder, we would encourage you to make your travel plans as soon as possible, with 5’000+ attendees descending on Boston for the week immediately after the USA’s July 4th celebrations. Details for nomination can be found on the ESB webpage. We look forward to seeing many of you at the WCB and are working hard to also offer some additional ESB-related activities at this year’s congress.

ESB Council Elections

During the next General Assembly that will be held during our upcoming 7th World Congress on Biomechanics July 6 – 11, 2014, Boston (USA), we shall have to elect a number of new members to the Council.

Hans Van Oosterwyck and Peter Zioupos completed their two full terms, and thus must step down. Stephen J. Ferguson completes his first term, and intends to stand for reelection. Anita Ignatius also completes her first term, but intends not to stand for reelection.

Hence, four Council seats in total are up for election; the Council thus invites any regular member in good standing to candidate for a seat on the Council of our Society. As our Society considers gender equality as an important aspect in the life of our community, we would particularly encourage women to candidate for these positions. Being an ESB council member is a great opportunity, both socially and professionally, which vastly pays back the effort that such serious commitment requires.

Those who are interested should send their full length CV, a 200-word biography, and a small picture, all in electronic format to the Secretary General by 16th May 2014. Candidates will be posted on the Society web site so that all members can consult them. Candidates will also be presented by the President directly before the election ballot at the forthcoming General Assembly to be held in Boston on July 8th, 2014.

Gwendolen Reilly

Secretary- General of the European Society of Biomechanics

Save the date ESB2015: Prague

21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics

5 – 8 JULY 2015

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague****, Prague 9 – Vysočany, Czech Republic


The 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics is held at Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic, from 5 to 8 July 2015. The location of the venue is just 10 minutes by metro from the historical center. Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, lies in the heart of Europe and ranks amongst the most impressive historical cities in the world.

The congress programme consists of a precourse on the first day, followed by 3 days of scientific sessions.

The precourses are: Short Course on Tissue Engineering, Combined experimental and modelling approach to clinical applications, Evaluation of implant stability, Custom made implants design and clinical application .

Plenary lectures will be delivered by Jacob Klein (Weizmann Institute of Science), Jeffrey A. Weiss (University of Utah) and Richard M Hall (University of Leeds).

The scientific programme is accompanied by a social programme, which cannot be missed. The most remarkable will be the “Night in town”, aimed at young colleagues, and the Congress Dinner, which will allow you to enjoy the Prague’s picturesque atmosphere.

Please find out more information about the congress and scientific programme at

We are looking forward to meeting you in Prague next year!


Other Meeting Announcements: Endorsed meetings

3rd SIMBIO-M International Conference
19-20 June 2014
Marseille, France

Shape – Symposium on Statistical Shape Models and Applications
11-13 June 2014
MedTech Lab,
Delémont, Switzerland


Student’s corner

ESB mobility award for young researchers

Last year the ESB launched annually Mobility grants for Young Researchers! This is a great initiative to allow young researchers to do a part of their PhD or postdoctoral research abroad. A research stay abroad does not only broaden your scientific horizon by learning new techniques and creating a network of international contacts, it also allows you to submerge yourself in the local culture and customs – truly a once in a life-time experience! The second round, to award two ESB Mobility grants with a value of up to €4000 each, has started now. So if you are excited about research and you want to extend your expertise abroad, take the next step and visit the web page to apply for the Mobility Grant. More information about the eligibility and application process is available ‘here’. The submission deadline is 31st of May 2014.

Student Committee

Student committee members Priyanka Pravincumar and Angelo Karunaratne have retired from the committee. Both of them have contributed to maintain the ESB Facebook account and organize events at the ESB conferences. We would like to thank Angelo and Priyanka for their efforts and great collaboration. Now the committee is looking for new motivated PhD students to get involved and take over some tasks. It is a great chance to be actively involved in the society and since we split the work it is a good balance. If you are interested, please contact us. For any further information and contact details please check the student section of the ESB webpage:

WCB conference 2014

In just a few months the city of Boston will welcome us for the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Every four years this international meeting brings together engineers and scientists from various disciplines including biology, physics and mathematics from all over the world. It will be a unique meeting of great biomechanical minds, with fascinating key-note lectures, and many interesting presentations and poster sessions. Due to the large organization of the World Congress, there will not be any specific ESB student activities arranged. But of course all ESB students are invited to join the regular WCB social program.

ESB conference 2015

The WCB has not yet passed, but we are already planning for ESB 2015 which will be held in Prague. If you have any ideas, remarks or wishes for particular student events, please contact us!


By Silke and Aurélie, on behalf of the whole student committee


Membership news

Looking forward to the 1000th ESB member!

The ESB currently counts more than 940 members; therefore we are very close to being a 1000-member strong society. We will celebrate our 1000th member by giving away a prize of 5 years of free membership to the member that, once approved, becomes the 1000th individual member of the ESB (this does not include corporate membership). So encourage your colleagues and students to apply for ESB membership, they may be the lucky one to win the prize.

Welcome to the new members of the ESB

A very warm welcome to the 104 new members who have joined the ESB since Autumn 2013:

Thanks to the decision of the ESB Council to arrange dedicated student benefits (including the newly introduced Mobility Grant), the fraction of Student members is steadily increasing (now approaching 30% of total membership).

How to pay the ESB yearly membership fee?

In order to avoid any confusion regarding the payment of the ESB membership fee, we remind you of the following:

For more details about membership payment rules, please visit the dedicated page.

To update/check your membership profile and fee payments, you just need to login in the ESB website and follow the account overview link on the right. The ESB website has been redesigned recently, but you can still login with your email address (the one you used to register for the ESB) and old password.

Society news

The latest news from the ESB Italian Chapters is summarized in this section.

The recent activities of the Italian Chapter have focused on the organization of upcoming annual national meeting, which will be held in Pavia on June 27. The event is an official part of the conference of the National Bioengineering Group (GNB), which is the reference event for bioengineers in Italy ( The meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB will be in fact the closing session of the GNB conference, collecting thus the interest in biomechanics also from members of the other association. Almost 30 abstracts have been submitted from several research groups, confirming the interest for the biomechanics and for the national ESB Chapter. The meeting plans to host up to 10 oral presentations, including the winner of the award sponsored by Simulia Italia, which is kindly supporting the event. The institution of such an award proves the potential extra-academic attractiveness of the event.

The Italian Chapter is also endorsing other national events such as the annual conference of the Italian Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, AIAS (, which will incorporate a session dedicated to biomechanics.


Corporate members’ news

The latest news from several of our Corporate members are summarized in this section:





Materialise Launches New Release of the Mimics Innovation Suite

Leuven, Belgium – Global 3D Printing pioneer Materialise is proud to announce the launch of the latest Mimics Innovation Suite, including the Mimics17.0 and 3-matic9.0 software solutions. As the industry standard for processing and editing anatomical data from medical images, the software is now further strengthened with numerous time-saving new tools, the ability to import 3D Ultrasound data* and two new modules: X-ray* and Pulmonary.

For nearly 25 years, Materialise has been leading the way in solutions for evidence-based R&D starting with medical image data. Now, with the addition of the X-ray Module*, it’s possible to analyze the 3D position of bones and implants at each critical moment of a patient’s treatment, without the expense of multiple MRI scans and unnecessary exposure to high doses of radiation with additional CT scans. By combining 3D imaging modalities with X-ray images engineers can work in the 3D environment they prefer, while collaborating with clinicians in the modality they’re most accustomed to using. This powerful combination opens up numerous possibilities such as comparing 3D pre-operative plans with post-operative results to analyze and improve surgical procedures.

The new Pulmonary Module enables clinicians to derive more anatomical information from your lung CT scans. This flexible, fast and user-friendly solution facilitaties the accurate segmentation of the lower respiratory system for advanced research and analyses. Though segmenting the pulmonary system has always been possible in Mimics, the new module offers improved outcome parameters that enable the early detection of diseases and the innovation of options for localized therapies.

By adding new import modalities to the Mimics Innovation Suite like 3D Ultrasound*, Engineering on AnatomyTM acquires a much broader scope, allowing for fully dynamic cardiovascular analyses. As Ultrasound is readily available, safe for patients, administered in comfortable positions, less expensive compared to MRI or CT and now able to be imported into the Mimics Innovation Suite; its utility for R&D is higher than ever.

For more information on the other new features in the latest release of the Mimics Innovation Suite, please visit our website or contact the Mimics Team.

*Available in the Research Edition of the Mimics Innovation Suite only

B_X-ray imageGeneral_Vesalius image








For more information, please contact:

Jamie Milas

Global Marketing Manager, Materialise

Tel: 734-259-6672 • Cell: 614-917-3312


Twitter: @MaterialiseNV



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Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are hot topics within the biomedical engineering sector. Loughborough University in the United Kingdom, where they lead remedi Grand Challenge program funded bythe Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), has a Bose® BioDynamic® 5910 test instrument in their facility that has been used to for 3D tissue stimulation. This research collaboration between Dr Liu and Bose to design an innovative and unique testing machine is detailed in this video.

The Bose Planar Biaxial 4 Motor TestBench is a versatile instrument that has the ability to characterize biomaterials and tissues. For instance, fresh porcine pericardium was characterized by holding biaxial displacement control to measure unique axial load. See how this instrument is used for this purpose, and can also be expanded and customized to support characterization of other biomaterials and tissues.

Our instruments are used for a variety of different tests and applications, including medical device testing. For instance, the Bose 3510 test system is used in industrial settings for breast implant testing, including ISO 14607 fatigue and rupture testing. You can find out more about the results in our application video.

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Knee injury, meniscus injury, is the second most common injury to the knee, with an incidence of 12% to 14%. Prevalence has been reported to be 66 per 100.000 inhabitants, 61 of which result in meniscectomy. Surgery is usually indicated in <50 years old, or in good health and physically active patients. The objective of meniscal surgery is to reduce pain, restore functional meniscus and prevent development of degenerative osteoarthritis in the involved knee.

Biomechanical assessment of the musculoskeletal system provides us objective medical information related with functional capacity.

Integrating the clinical history with several biomechanical tests allows us to estimate rehabilitation treatment efficiency.

Integration testing strength and muscle tone provide us much knowledge about the injure evolution.

In BAASYS, knee protocol is developed using sEMG (surface electromyography) and isokinetic. The aim is the evaluation of muscle function while movement is being performed, to determine the muscular activity and strength during extension-flexion exercises.

One of the most frequency complications after surgery is residual pain. Testing knee extensors or flexors peak torques, Hamstrings/ Quadriceps coefficient, should provide more precise information about stability of knee after surgery as well as the distribution of intra-articular loadings. This phenomenon is observed at 60 s−1 and 180 s−1 angular velocity.

Deficits of the thigh muscle force can be evoked by mechanical injuries of meniscus proprioceptors during surgery. This was confirmed using the sEMG. This method indirectly allows for assessment of the motor units recruitment, confirmed the muscle origin reason of the force deficits on operated knee.

The pain of knee after trauma leads to disturbance of its stability and disables the patient to load the extremity, and could cause the muscle atrophy as well as the decrease of force.

A global rehabilitation could restore complete knee function after surgery.

The rehabilitation treatment begins from the first postoperative day with the pharmacological pain control, the resolution of swelling and individual exercises programs, to restore, as soon as possible and carefully, knee joint mobility, muscular forces, and physiological gait.

Rehabilitation following injury or surgery to the menisci of the knee should, therefore, incorporate a proprioceptive retraining program. It means an ability to develop muscular force more rapidly and is an important factor in performing activities that require neuromuscular coordination and control.


Isokinetic and sEMG during rehabilitation program are valuable in order that we obtain a tone and strength feed-back, being suitable for control and progress rehabilitation program.

The patient’s condition can be dramatically improved and at the same time, we can control and reduce pain.

In our experience, over 70% of our patients improve. Average length of treatment is 7 weeks. Results indicate that treatment gains are maintained at 6 months follow up and beyond.

The rehabilitation program is designed individually for every patient.


Taylor & Francis


Publish your paper for free in International Biomechanics

Taylor & Francis is delighted to announce the launch of International Biomechanics, a brand new Open Access journal. As part of this launch, you are invited to submit your next paper to the journal with no Article Publishing Charge (APC) for those submitted before 1st July 2014.


International Biomechanics provides a high-quality platform for researchers working on biomechanics topics to publish their work globally under a fully Open Access model. The Journal ensures that every article undergoes a rigorous and rapid peer review process by a team of experts who share the cross-disciplinary scope of the publication. The intent is to foster innovation, debate and collaboration across the field whilst maintaining a defined and relevant audience for the topics and findings reported.

The Journal encourages the submission of original articles, reviews, short communications and case studies in all areas of biomechanics, including, but not limited to:

Please consult the instructions for authors for submission information, or Professor Anthony M J Bull, the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, if you have any questions about the journal.

We look forward to receiving your paper and working with you in the future.


Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo