Meeting News
25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 7 – 10 July 2019, Vienna, Austria – Call for Abstract Submission
We are pleased to announce the 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2019) to be organized in Vienna, Austria on July 7-10, 2019. ESB 2019 is jointly organized by Prof. Philipp THURNER (TU Wien), Prof. Dieter PAHR (TU Wien & Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences), and Prof. Christian HELLMICH (TU Wien). The congress itself will take place at the University of Vienna which is located in the centre of the city.
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit their latest research for capturing and discussing the science at the forefront of biomechanics in a mix of oral and poster presentations. Abstracts have to be submitted online through the congress website by January 31, 2019. Further information and templates are available here.
Further detailed information as well as information on sponsoring and exhibition can be found at this page.
We are looking forward to receiving your contributions and to welcoming you at ESB 2019 in Vienna.
Save the Date ESB 2020: Milan
In 2020 the 26th Congress of ESB will be held in Milan, Italy. The congress will take place hosted by the Politecnico Milano from 12 – 15 July 2020.
Save the Date ESB 2021: Maastricht
In 2021 the 27th Congress of ESB will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The congress will take place at the MECC Convention Center, situated just outside the city center. ESBiomech2021 will be jointly organized by three renowned universities in close proximity to each other: Eindhoven University of Technology, KU Leuven, and the University of Liege.
Endorsed meetings
14-16 August 2019
New York City, USA
The two events will run together as a single conference on computational biomechanics, imaging and visualization.
ESB members pay a substantially reduced registration fee.
1st Course on Translational Research and Commercialization of Medical Devices
24-26 April 2019
Leuven, Belgium
ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.
10-11 December 2018
London, United Kingdom
Engineering has a vital role in developing early interventions to improve the mechanical aspects of repaired tissues, non-surgical interventions, joint realignment and resulting kinematics/loads/strains within the joint, in addition to providing instruments for surgery and measuring functional outcomes. This conference will bring together engineers, clinicians, scientists and industry to address engineering knee replacement and rehabilitation issues which will serve as a platform for the future development of early and late-stage interventions in the knee.
ESB members can register at the same rate as IMechE members (Select ‘Member, Supporting organisation when booking online).