ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Membership news

Looking forward to the 1000th ESB member!

After the World Congress, the ESB counts 991 members. We will celebrate our 1000th member by giving away a prize of 5 years of free membership to the member that, once approved, becomes the 1000th individual member of the ESB (this does not include corporate membership).  So encourage your colleagues and students to apply for ESB membership, they may be the lucky one to win the prize.

Welcome to the new members of the ESB

A very warm welcome to the 43 new members who have joined the ESB since Spring 2014:

  • 54 new active members: Matthias Verstraete, Sarah Junaid, R Periyasamy, Arindam Bit, Barry Kaye, Alex Dickinson, Roger Kamm, Marco Gazzoni, Thomas Grupp, Rene Burchard, Hendrik Schmidt, Nikolaos Paschos, Ghias Kharmanda, Zimi Sawacha, Heide Boeth, Junfen Shi, Zohar Yosibash, Leo Pauzenberger, Manish Sreenivasa and Xinshan Li.
  • 23 new student members: Ho Quang Nguyen, Gaspare Pavei, Jan Lukas Bruse, Yuan Chen, Giorgia Maria Bosi, Francesc Levrero Florencio, Adrian Lai, Rami Fishler, Tommy Heck, Katie Weing, Ana Sofia Santos Leite Ferreira, Francesco de Gaetano, Ehsan Soodmand, Alan Ryan, Annika Krull, Edison Zapata, Giovanni Stefano Ugolini, Bart Smeets, Lorenza Angelini, Sanaz Berahmani, Yann Guyot, Caroline Wilcock and Emir Benca.

Thanks to the decision of the ESB Council to arrange dedicated student benefits (including the newly introduced Mobility Grant), the fraction of Student members is steadily increasing (now approaching 30% of total membership!).

How to pay the ESB yearly membership fee?

In order to avoid any confusion regarding the payment of the ESB membership fee, we remind you of the following:

  • If you attended the World Congress in Boston, membership fees for 2015 were already included within the price of congress registration (if you properly selected “ESB member” in the WCB registration form).
  • If you attend the ESB Congress in Prague in July, please remember to indicate you are affiliated with the ESB when you register.  This way, your registration for the yearly Congress will automatically cover ESB membership for year 2016.
  • If you do not attend the annual ESB congress, your membership will elapse at the end of the following year, and you will be required to pay your annual membership fee online.
  • Members who allow their membership to lapse by not paying their membership fee for 2 consecutive years (this can be done online, or by attending the annual ESB congress) will be maintained within the membership database for a period of 2 years, under the status of “resigned”.

For more details about membership payment rules, please visit the dedicated page.

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Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo