ESBiomech Newsletter Autumn 2013
We are pleased to present our Autumn Newsletter with the latest ESB news, including an update on the World Congress of Biomechanics, the next award announcements, and some special offers.
We continue increasing the Newsletter functionality and the ability to do more adventurous things so please contact us with ideas of items you would like to see on our website and newsletter and these will be considered as the society continues to expand. If you do not wish to receive mailings including the newsletter and other updates from the European Society of Biomechanics you can update your settings in the membership section of the website here:
I hope you find the newsletter useful and informative.
MªAngeles Pérez –
Message from the President
With this article I would like to report on the activities of the ESB Council members (achievements, decisions, ongoing discussions…) and “highlights” during this first year of my term, as well as some challenges that lie ahead of us. It has become a rather extensive report – blame it on the Council members for being too active!
There may be several reasons why I prefer to update you at this stage…
7th World Congress of Biomechanics from July 6-11, 2014, Boston (USA)
The World Congress of Biomechanics is an international meeting held once every four years, rotating among Europe, Asia and the Americas. This, the 7th WCB, will once again bring together engineers, scientists from various disciplines including biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and various clinical specialties. The ESB strongly supports the WCB, by its representation on the organising committee, and the ESB community is strongly integrated, with European scientists participating as keynote lecturers, track and session chairs for the conference. Here, we indicate the most important dates.
Prizes and Honors Awards for WCB-ESB-2014 in Boston
The next major conference event for the ESB is the joint 7th WCB-20th ESB congress on July 6 – 11, 2014 in Boston, USA. The awards and honors that can be contested in this event are: the ‘Stephan M Perren’ award, the ‘Clinical Biomechanics’ award, ‘Mobility’ award, ‘Student’ award, ‘Best PhD thesis’ award and ‘Travel’ awards (up to 20).
Other Meeting Announcements: Endorsed meetings
The IMechE conference is coming soon.
Call for Bids 2017
The European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) holds an Annual international scientific congress to provide the most up to date research in biomechanics and to provide a forum of discussion. (ESB congresses). If you would like to host and organize the 2017 main ESB congress the deadline for bid submission is 31st March 2014.
Report on the 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics 25-28th August, Patras Greece
The 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics was held in the Congress and Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece, from August 25th until August 28, 2013. It was organized by the team of the Laboratory of Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering of the University of Patras, headed by Professor Yannis Missirlis.
Prizes and Honors Awarded at the 19th Congress of the ESB
A summary of the Prizes and Honors Awarded in Patras can be found here done by Peter Zioupos, Vice-President of the ESB and Chair of the awards committee.
Student’s corner
A summary of the activities prepared by the ESB Student Committee in Patras and information about who was awarded with the ESB Mobility Award. You will also find the report of a research stay from Silke Wüst.
At the recent ESB congress, a lunchtime break-out meeting was held to discuss the potential for increased cooperation between the ESB and the EAMBES…
Membership news
With the “spring cleaning” a number of members in arrears have been moved to the “suspended” status. Despite this, the total number of members of the European Society of Biomechanics is steadily increasing Total membership is now nearly 900.
Society news
The latest news from the German Society of Biomechanics and ESB Italian and Spanish Chapters is summarized in this section. A special book offer is also presented for the ESB members.