Society news – Italian Chapter
News from the ESB Italian Chapter
1) The VI ESB-ITA annual meeting was organized in collaboration with the National Bioengineering Group (GNB), following our positive interaction in 2014, taking place in Naples on June 22nd. The meeting program comprised two oral and one poster sessions. All the abstract are available here.
Two prizes were awarded:
– Alberto Gonzalez Garcia received the prize for the best oral presentation with the work Experimental/computational approach of the nuclear pore complex mechanics
– Elena Cutrì received the prize for the best poster presentation with the work Biomechanical evaluation of skin lesions: a combined approach.
2) A session on biomechanics promoted under the auspices of the ESB-ITA was organized in the framework of the meeting of the Materials Group of the AIMETA (Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) within the GIMC-GMA 2016 conference (Lucca, 27-29 June). This event has been of high value within the Italian scientific community and allowed us to spread the news of the activities of the ESB-ITA among research groups that are not traditionally involved.
3) The first ESB-ITA thematic Symposium, Frontier Biomechanical Challenges in Cardiovascular Physiopathology, was organized in Palermo on 8-9 September, jointly with ISMETT (Dr. S. Pasta) and Università di Palermo (Prof. M. Zingales).
The symposium dealt with advances in cardiovascular biomechanics from both engineering and clinical points of view. Anne M. Robertson (University of Pittsburgh) gave an interesting plenary lecture, while the different thematics were introduced with keynote presentations given by expert clinicians (Diego Bellavia, Vinay Badhwar and Santi Trimarchi) followed by those of prominent scientists in the field of biomechanical engineering research (Alfio Quarteroni, Gabriele Dubini and Ferdinando Auricchio).
Regular oral and poster presentations followed the same scheme, contributing to a fruitful and stimulating multidisciplinary discussion. Among these, a prize for young researchers (<30 yrs.) was awarded to Rodrigo Romarowski with the work: A comprehensive framework for thoracic aortic endograft simulations: from virtual deployment to computational fluid-dynamics.
Moreover, the Italian community was very active during the ESB congress in Lyon with a significant number of participants (see the picture below of the ESB-ITA dinner held in France during the congress). In the coming year, we are planning both the ESB-ITA annual meeting and the second ESB-ITA thematic symposium. Information coming soon!
Finally, the twitter account @esb_ita is promoting the diffusion of the activities and of publications from the Italian biomechanical community. Of course, we are available to do the same for all ESB members. Just tweet us or send an e-mail to
Luca Cristofolini