ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Meeting News

Future Congresses – Save the dates


In 2022 the 27th Congress of ESB will be held in Porto, Portugal. The congress will take place at the Alfandega Porto Congress Center, situated in the heart of Porto’s historic city centre, from 26-29 June 2022.

The congress chairs are Joăo Manuel R.S. Tavares (University of Porto), Paulo R. Fernandes (University of Lisbon) and Renato Natal Jorge (University of Porto). The ESB 2022 will present an exciting scientific programme incorporating all the traditional ESB sessions but also bringing new activities.


In 2023 the 28th Congress of ESB will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The congress will take place at the MECC Convention Center, situated just outside the city center, from 9-12 July 2023. ESBiomech2023 will be jointly organized by three renowned universities in close proximity to each other: Eindhoven University of Technology, KU Leuven, and the University of Liege.


In 2024 the 29th Congress of the ESB will be held in Edinburgh, UK. More details will be provided in future communications.

Endorsed meetings by the ESB

5th Virtual Physiological Human Summer School
postponed to 7-11 June 2021
Barcelona, Spain

ESB members will pay the same reduced registration fees as VPHi members (150 euros instead of 250 euros for the whole week).

Biomechanics 2020

postponed to 9-10 September 2021

Warsaw, Poland

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

13th International Conference BIOMDLORE 202
21-23 October, 2021
ilnius/Trakai (exact venue and place TBA), Lithuania

ESB members will receive a 20% reduction on registration fees.

Other meetings

DeepImaging2021  – Deep learning for medical imaging school

19-24 April 2021
Online (Organised by Lyon), France

2021 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C 2021)
14-18 June 2021
Vail, Colorado, USA

25-29 July 2021
Stockholm, Sweden

6-7 September 2021
Sheffield, UK


29th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS)

15-17 September 2021

Rome, Italy

15-19 November 2021
Maastricht, The Netherlands

Enrico Dall’Ara, Chair of the Meetings and External Affairs Committee

Dieter Pahr, Chair of the Meetings WebPortal Committee

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo