Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Stephan M. Perren

S.M. Perren
Stephan M. Perren, the former Director of the AO Research Institute and a founding member of the ESB, is one of the world’s leading medical and scientific authorities on surgical fixation of bone fractures and their healing mechanisms.
He was part of the AO Group which pioneered internal fixation techniques and was largely responsible for demonstrating the importance of osseous vascular supply and perfusion in surgical treatment of fractures.
Throughout his career, Stephan Perren was not only committed to his own research but also to fostering of research in general by helping to build our society, mentoring and just being a good friend to many in our community. For this reason, the AO Foundation wanted to honor the achievements of Stephan Perren by sponsoring this award within the particular professional society Stephan had helped to found and promote.